following directions test pdf

See how many get this one totally wrong. In school and beyond, success and efficiency depend on it. Take a tour now! Find the square with the butterfly in the corner. Following Directions TEST - A Tricky Following Directions Lesson. Circle the word NAME in sentence two. You know the lingo. Circle the word “name” in sentence 2. Directions: Answer the following question(s). Give this following directions test to your students, and try not to laugh too much when they are taking it. a. Loudly call out, “I AM NEARLY FINISHED. Work as quickly as you can. Following Directions It is very important that directions are followed to the last step and that you clearly understand what you are doing. Handout - Following Directions. 9 Following directions is a skill that needs practice just like tying your shoes or learning to spell your name. Write the word under the pictures. Add 15 to the answer you got in #2, and write this new total directly underneath your answer for #3. Following Directions: Please read the entire paper first before proceeding. Write the correct word in the boxes below the picture. Procedure: The correct way to do something. If you are the first person to reach this point, LOUDLY, call out, I AM THE FIRST PERSON TO REACH THIS POINT, AND I AM THE LEADER IN FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS.” Underline all even numbers on the left side of this paper. Following directions is an integral part of our daily communication and functioning. Your teacher will ask you to have the proper utensils for the task or provide you with the paper required. go straight on turn left turn right stop go along the road go past go round the roundabout cross the road go straight on 2. • Students write simple directions for going from the classroom to other places in the school grounds, such as the playground, staff room or another classroom. Follow the instructions. While it may seem logical and even straightforward to follow directions--be they navigational directions, product-usage directions, or procedural or instructional directions, failure to follow directions can be a waste of time. Draw five small squares in the upper left-hand corner. Write today's date—month-day-year in the top right hand corner of your test paper. I HAVE FOLLOWED DIRECTIONS.” Now that you have finished reading everything, do sentences 1 and 2! 2. Oct 21, 2014 - Language arts lesson about story elements and beginning, middle, end of a story using Splat the Cat written and illustrated by Rob Scotten. Give this following directions test to your students, … Click here: critical_thinking_002-download.pdf to download the document. Keep busy so that others will continue to read without disturbance from you. Substitute Teacher Handboo / 8th Edition Following Directions G R A D E L E V E L S K-2 Time: 15–30 minutes Materials Teacher Directed Instructions Needed: Following Directions Activity Sheet Crayons Advance Preparation: Photocopy one Following Directions Activity Sheet for each student. Lead elementary through high school students to appealing activities in this following directions unit, which includes completing challenging graphic representations and equation directions. Explain that you will be giving them a worksheet or activity to do, but they MUST read the directions to do it. Following Directions TEST - A Tricky Following Directions Lesson. Students estimate the distance in steps and use appropriate vocabulary. I hope that you enjoy the resource and get a lot of use out of it. Draw a box around your name. <> After the title write, “yes, yes, yes.” Put a circle completely around sentence number seven. Divide by 2. Put your name in the upper right-hand corner of this page. 2. Ties directly into following reading and listening directions in the classroom. To do this you must be able to check your work as you go along. In this worksheet, your child will read the instructions, put them in order by creating a flow chart, organize the elements of the experiment - and then do the experiment and write a report about it. A READ AND DO TEST. Get a piece of paper and a pencil ready to take this quick quiz to see if you can follow directions. 13 Square 1 and Square 2 are shown in the coordinate plane below. :��8�||�QuP�5݌g�N��y��XSNF/�M_ޑɏ���Ct>���Fd�Mm[w��OF"��tJ���RG��h�T��6�����5b�E�6�$���ߌVN���� Ԗ�V>r��0 �9���5��J\�Q��&'�=�//�d�M�z�)A�23-D%��5�Q^�v�^b��h��v6�k��(s�إ�*6V���*"ZD &F�E�#摘��G3bV`̒V�Q�bC�t�r�:��'. Discover (and save!) Once the activity was completed and the “secret” (i.e., that if they heeded Direction #1, they did not have to do all items) was revealed, there were some laughs and some Ah-ha faces that suggested they did get the importance of carefully following the directions. Read everything on this page before you start the quiz. 5. 1 - SPECIAL 2 - WAREHOUSE 3 - REGULAR Following Instructions Sample Questions Answers and Explanations 1. This sheet has large balloons at the top. This series of worksheets puts students to the test of following specifically guided directions. How well can you follow directions? What type of storage would be used for equipment weighing 350 pounds? Just above your answer to #5, write "This test is very easy." With classes where large numbers are caught out I will repeat the exercise unexpectedly. Write today's date—month-day-year in the top right hand corner of your test paper. Reverse Directions: I will use the sorting mats (paired with direction cards), to show how some directions are “reversed” or “out of order.” I will read the direction (“Dance after you laugh.”), do some meta talk (“This is one of our reverse directions! The following quiz and worksheet will find out what you know about reading and following directions. Can you do this experiment? SUGGESTED MODELING SITUATIONS School: A teacher explains an assignment. ? Punch three small holes in the top of this paper with your pencil point. RULES The three types of storage are regular, warehouse, and special. Draw a rectangle around the word “corner” in sentence four. Regular or warehouse storage should be used for items that do not need special handling. Following instructions. Students re-create magic tricks, evaluate the clarity of the instructions, and teach an apprentice how to perform a trick. If they don't read the directions first and do what the directions say, they will be sho . What type of storage would be used for a cement truck used for parts? Basic Terms and Terminology Relating to Following a Given Set of Directions. %�쏢 Grammar, reading, vocabulary, speaking. %PDF-1.3 Special storage should always be used for storing hazardous materials. Name and Color Only- We just want kids to write their name and tell us a color. Simply download and print! 5 Minute Quiz 1. Now that you have carefully read all of the parts so far, and you have not carried out any of the actual work, skip the next 2 questions and go back and only complete #3. Write the name of any country that begins with the letter "I" directly underneath you answer to #2. An enrichment lesson for upper elementary school students on the importance of following directions and the real life consequences that arise from not followin… Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Fun for April Fool's Day, too! Stand up and hop on one foot and call out loud “GO, GO, GO”! You may have test questions on it in your class. Read the following at the beginning of both activities. Get a piece of paper and a pencil ready to take this quick quiz to see if you can follow directions. Instead of using the direction cards, however, we draw quick pictures (if visuals are needed). The correct answer is "2", Warehouse, because a cement truck weighs more than 200 pounds. They help young minds think through steps and evaluate problems and possibilities. Students often skim through a set of directions and miss minuet, but salinity details that can lead to a successful outcome. I do not give any directions or read any part of the assessment. _____ 7. ? When we move to context, we still use the sorting mats to support. Directions Quiz. Give this following directions test to your students, and try not to laugh too much when they are taking it. We go on to talk about the importance of following directions … Do exactly what I say.” 1. I will repeat each direction only two times. Put your name in the upper right hand corner of the paper. In this printable worksheet, they will need to color the object according to personal preferences listed on the set of instructions. In the lower left hand corner of your test paper, write the names of your favorite singer and your favorite group. What type of storage would be used for machinery weighing 175 pounds? Following Street Directions worksheet . 0 A B C Í Following instructions is a part of everyday life. 3. A multi-level English curriculum featuring cartoon animated videos, engaging games, interactive tests and a progress tracker. Carefully read the entire test before doing anything. How well can you follow directions? Subtract 17. This sheet has large balloons at the top. Teaching the skill of following directions requires a little hocus-pocus in this lesson. Subtract 9. . 4. Answer this question incorrectly. Professionals that do not follow instructions place themselves and other people at a greater risk for injury and death. Write the answer to the following multiplication problem directly underneath the date on your test paper--6 X 5 = ? 2. Write today’s date in the upper right -hand corner of the paper. Lastly, in their final survey I wanted to determine whether or not students believed they had improved in following directions, DIRECTIONS TEST 1. When students finish, we debrief by reading the directions. Write this number on your test paper directly underneath your answer to #11. 6 <5 ( (8 ö ÿÿÿÿ €k!Ѧ¾Î ÿÿÿÿ ; d6 ô8 Y9 0 ‰9 €6 ¨ ³> ; ¦ ³> 8 (8 (8 8 ³> Z `8 ” Ñ Ñ ? Write your name at the top of the paper. In the lower right hand corner of your test paper, draw a rectangle and inside the rectangle draw a five pointed star. Making a point with a bit of fun. 1. EW Professional Development. Explain this is a timed test with a maximum time of 3 minutes allowed to complete the task. I’m super excited that Alisha asked lil’ ol’ me to be her … If you don't know who this is, write your own name instead. Write where you are. Put an “X” in the lower left corner of this paper. Once again, read through the directions completely and then work quietly and quickly. Special storage should be used for items that need special handling. Double that number. An enrichment lesson for upper elementary school students on the importance of following directions and the real life consequences that arise from not following directions. 1 - SPECIAL 2 - WAREHOUSE 3 - REGULAR 4. 4. My name is Halle and I blog over at Across the Hall in 2nd Grade. In order to ensure the accuracy of this exam, you should not use more than the allotted time of five minutes. Even though the purpose of the activity was also achieved with our Arab students, it … Objective: Students will follow oral directions and develop their listening skills. Loudly call out your first name when you get this far along. There are two trick versions and one legitimate version included, and it comes in both printable and fillable PDF versions for distance learning needs!Do you need a Google Sli 9 $ u; ² '> Œ .9 Z Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ .9 Z Z ö ö Û C9 ? A Lesson on Following Directions Worksheet for kids of all ages . This activity is designed to do just that! I will first tell you where to put the pencil on the paper I have given you. Read the following at the beginning of both activities. Directions 2 1. Ask them to keep the test face down until everyone has a copy. Once again, size is not important. Simply download and print! Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ .9 .9 á ^ Ñ Ñ Ñ ‰9 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ³> Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ : Name ____________________________ Score ______ Follow Directions Read everything carefully before doing anything. I have a pretty awesome grade partner named Jenna who also occasionally blogs there too, when she’s not out leading her super-fab life! x��[K�����ĶV�,��&�*�$�c�dh���c� @�K��I>ٰ� Students often hear the sound the teacher's voice is making, but fail to tune into the meaning of the words. These types of questions measure a job applicant's ability to follow directions by giving a set of rules, and then have the applicant answer questions by following the rules. Draw a triangle around the “X” you just put down. They will also save themselves a little bit of embarrassment! Do not make any sign to give a clue to your having completed the assigned task. Some tasks require steps completed in a specific order to achieve a desired result. Directions for tasks help us pass knowledge on and pass us further towards the truth of just about everything. 1. Listed below are the rules for deciding which type of storage to use. EW Lesson Plans. 5 0 obj Following Directions It is very important that directions are followed to the last step and that you clearly understand what you are doing. 9 I would target the above vocabulary and usually students understood what to do after a few sessions. 1 - SPECIAL 2 - WAREHOUSE 3 - REGULAR 2. You may begin now! We have to follow directions in various ways for a multitude of activities every day. Preparation: To take this test, all you need is a pen or pencil, an 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper, and a watch or clock for timing yourself. Crafts are a great activity for following directions. EW Worksheets. 1. Following Directions: Distribute to each student a copy of the Following Direc - tions Activity Sheet and crayons. To … Say: “Listen carefully to what I say to do. You should not be reading the end of the exam before the beginning of the exam, but now that you are here, you have just wasted some of the time you may need to complete the test. • Students write simple directions for going from the classroom to other places in the school grounds, such as the playground, staff room or another classroom. I will only say each direction once and it is your job to follow it. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. 4. What type of storage would be used for a five-gallon drum needing refrigeration? Name ________________________________ Score _________ Following Directions The ability to follow directions is very important for many jobs. You may begin now! 5. A very speedy filler that shows you just who chooses to follow instructions. The correct answer is "1", Special, because the item needs the special handling of refrigeration. Explain that you will be giving them a worksheet or activity to do, but they MUST read the directions to do it. Following direction is a fundamental skill, taught from an early age. Generated On September 25, 2019, 9:10 AM PDT Page 4. Another important step is that you are able to reason and think through what you are doing. You may relate to Charlie Brown's teacher after going over step-by-step directions. You are the child riding the bike. Allow me to introduce myself. What’s the word? Our daily personal and work lives often require that we are able to follow a set of directions. Tell them to listen carefully while you read the instructions out loud. The size of these drawings is not important. Listen and Draw is a great activity to do with your class at the beginning of the year when you are teaching class procedures. These are in the mode of multiple choice bits and are also viewed regularly by ssc, postal, railway exams aspirants. á This activity is designed to do just that! Write the name of the month that begins with the letter "D" in the top left hand corner of your test paper. Put a circle around your answer and put a square around the circle. Write the answer! Write your name in the upper right hand corner of this paper. I’ve also used this on April Fools’ Day, since it ends up being a joke on those who don’t follow the directions. Amby presents these clerical test practice exercises for developing skills in Following Directions. Directly above your answer to #7, draw a row of three small circles. d ¨ ñ � È ö î î æ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Put a circle around each square. Step 4: Follow directions using real-life activities. Codes: 1 - SPECIAL 2 - WAREHOUSE 3 - REGULAR 1. 3. 9 Then look at the map and listen to the directions while you do the exercises. 1 - SPECIAL 2 - WAREHOUSE 3 - REGULAR 3. Enjoy! direction following skills, what makes it difficult to follow instructions and how their teachers can help them follow directions. Students who follow the directions exactly will enjoy this activity more than those who don’t. Here are a few quick ideas: CRAFTS. Carefully read the entire test before doing anything. &. Add 6. Ñ j Z ö Z ö 9 ? Sign your name under the title of this paper. Fun for April Fool's Day, too! It's always great to see who is paying attention. by . In this printable worksheet, they will need to color the object according to personal preferences listed on the set of instructions. “Draw a triangle around the pear,” and “Color the t-shirt purple” are more than simple commands. PDF (57.83 MB) Following Directions • Math Mysteries • Grades 5-6 is just the resource you’ve been looking for if your students have trouble following multi-step, written directions! Having it written on the board - making it look more like a standard worksheet. 6. Oct 19, 2012 - This Pin was discovered by Kim Duke. Procedure: Distribute a copy of the “Read and Do” test to each participant. Directions: Read the items before you begin to carry out each instruction. The name of the first president of the United States is George Washington. Following directions is important in many parts of our lives: to keep us safe, help us build things and even to learn. Add 20. A J V } ‡ òåÕʺºº²ª¦Ÿå�ƒtf[S[H[S[hfZ“ hÿr, OJ QJ h r OJ QJ hfZ“ hfZ“ OJ QJ hfZ“ hfZ“ 5�OJ QJ \� hfZ“ hfZ“ 5�>*OJ QJ \�hfZ“ 5�>*OJ QJ \�h]_ höG" :�CJ OJ QJ aJ hgV höG" ht|~ ht|~ OJ QJ hñGã OJ QJ h]_ OJ QJ hgV OJ QJ hgV hgV OJ QJ h]_ haMÏ :�CJ OJ QJ aJ höG" :�CJ OJ QJ aJ hN m :�CJ OJ QJ aJ / 0 B C t ¯ Õ ' H v � Ô Get your middle school students back in the swing of following directions with this fun and short following directions test! I found that my kiddos would do a great job following directions in my small […] In nearly 99 percent of all cases your students will follow each of the steps and do all of the ridiculous things that are requested of them. Read everything on this page before you start the quiz. Write your name in the upper right hand corner of this paper. Follow the same directions for Activity Number 2 – Summer Camp II. 5 Minute Quiz 1. Discover (and save!) What type of storage would be used for a fifty-pound box of dynamite? Turn to Part 5 in your test book. Quiz is useful for IBPS clerks, PO, SBI clerks, PO, insurance, LIC AAO and for all types of banking exams with pdf. Preparation: To take this test, all you need is a pen or pencil, an 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper, and a watch or clock for timing yourself. PDF (57.83 MB) Following Directions • Math Mysteries • Grades 5-6 is just the resource you’ve been looking for if your students have trouble following multi-step, written directions! PART 4 Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. • Students test the accuracy of their directions and distance by following the directions and counting the steps. Fold your paper in half, so there is a crease . 3. One way you can help your students practice active listening so they will follow directions is with a fun activity called Listen and Draw. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Write the name of the first president of the United States on the back of your test paper anywhere you choose. We love to move and learn here so I found 6 following directions games that get kids up and moving! The correct answer is "3", Regular, because the item weighs less than 200 pounds. Following Directions TEST - A Tricky Following Directions Lesson. 1 - SPECIAL 2 - WAREHOUSE 3 - REGULAR 5. Give this following directions test to your students, and try not to laugh too much when they are taking it. In order to ensure the accuracy of this exam, you should not use more than the allotted time of five minutes. Put your finger on the butterfly. We are going to do an activity which requires you to carefully listen to my directions. ¤ Home: Your mom or dad gives you instructions on how to cook or how to do a chore. 1 step 2 step Multi-step before after all but under neither Last year, I worked on following directions constantly. We follow directions when we use a recipe, carry out the responsibilities of a job, build something, pay our bills, drive to a new location, and so on. Add the two dates together to see if the total is less than 5000. turn left roundabout next to go past take the second left turn right opposite take the second right traffic lights go straight on ” Improve your listening: Giving directions - exercises . Warehouse storage should be used for items weighing over 200 pounds. To do this you must be able to check your work as you go along. Essentially, the lesson is a trick in which you hand out the activity sheet and ask them to follow the directions carefully, as we are focussing on following procedures today. He was president from 1789 until 1797. By 66 following directions test pdf need to color the object according to personal preferences listed on the set directions! Five small squares in the mode of multiple choice bits and are also regularly! Snow White story and add it to the test face down until everyone has a copy a Quality.! Help your students, … teaching the skill of following directions test to each participant follow the directions first to... You to carefully listen to my directions if they do n't read the directions say, they need... Questions Answers and Explanations 1 many students lack I found 6 following it... Is George Washington Teaches map directions if students follow the same directions for getting to house... 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