how your university can be vulnerable to security threats

In some cases, ransomware locks you out of your device, and requires you pay a charge to access an encryption key. For example, you’re probably using add-ons in your browser and think they’re harmless. Cyber criminals are after those exact glitches, the little security holes in the vulnerable software you use that can be exploited for malicious purposes. Graduates of the University of North Dakota’s online Master of Science in Cyber Security program can expect to gain a deep and nuanced understanding of cyber attack methods. Hacktivists They’re not getting it. From billing invoices to customers' credit card information, so much of your business focuses on private data. Non-profit organisations, including those in arts and culture, education and health providers and charities, are often highly networked in their communities and hold large amounts of sensitive personal and often commercially valuable data. With the advent of cloud computing, where data is stored on remote servers rather than on personal devices, it’s increasingly less about protecting your device than it is about protecting whole networks. Head of, manager, director)Senior Leadership (e.g. #infographic We talk a lot about protecting your IT systems and all the many unguarded ports of entry hackers can exploit. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Universities are uniquely vulnerable to cyber attack during Covid-19, Seven things the HE sector learned in 2020 – and what universities should prepare for in 2021, Covid disrupts our academic identities, and that’s something we should embrace, Our days are numbered – how metrics are changing academic development, The Great Big Wonkhe Uni Christmas Cards Quiz. The cyberattacks on four Singapore universities highlights the need for Southeast Asian tertiary institutions to ramp up preventative measures to prevent more such incidences. Protect your OS,” you’ll learn how to configure Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection to prevent, detect, investigate, and respond to advanced threats. UKRI’s Healthy Ageing Challenge has a radical new way of getting funding to innovative researchers, The Free Speech University Rankings stage a dramatic Christmas comeback, Rent reform would benefit students, universities and communities too, The UCAS 2020 cycle – more normal than predicted. They are usually after the information and not the money, at least in most cases. Cybercriminals are carefully discovering new ways to tap the most sensitive networks in the world. Modern technology and society’s constant connection to the Internet allows more creativity in business than ever before – including the black market. New research from Michigan State University is the first to apply criminal justice theory to smart vehicles, revealing … Sadly, education providers are especially vulnerable because of the number and variety of individuals accessing their systems. The discovery led to an off-campus search of his Iowa city apartment where authorities seized keyloggers, cellphones and thumb drives that allegedly contained some copies of intercepted exams. The availability and scope of data, and its interconnectedness, also made it extremely vulnerable to many threats. Once inside your computer, a Trojan horse can record your passwords by logging keystrokes, hijacking your webcam, and stealing any sensitive data you may have on your computer. There are many different threats to your computer’s safety, as well as many different ways a hacker could try to steal your data or infect your computer. Read on learn about network security threats and how to mitigate them. Source: Pexels. Cyber is on the mind of every senior HE team that I know, but the last thing that any would want is to run screaming around the internet shouting about being an easy target! Older hardware poses much greater security risks due to older software. Ohio University Systems Left Vulnerable in Software Breach. EARLIER this week, four major Singapore universities said they were victims of cyber attacks, highlighting the need for Southeast Asian tertiary institutions to ramp up preventative measures. Covid-19 has added another layer to all these existing vulnerabilities. Gaining certifications such as Cyber Essentials, Cyber Essentials+ and ISO27001 can help to provide assurance that universities have adequate and effective policies, processes and security controls in place. #4 Separation Among Multiple Tenants Fails. 1. I’m disappointed in WonkHE for this article as raising the profile in this way looks to be more about revenue from KPMG and having an article rather than supporting universities. The emergence of smart cars has opened the door to limitless possibilities for technology and innovation – but also to threats beyond the car itself. Even with firewalls, antivirus solutions, and cyber security awareness training for your employees, cybercriminals still manage to exploit any vulnerabilities they can find. Recent research by ForeScout, a security company, says that some IoT devices are so vulnerable that they can be hacked in minutes. This growth in attacks is set to continue as education accelerates its digital offerings and transforms its remote learning and working offerings as a result of the pandemic. Earlier in the summer, and amid the Covid-19 lockdown and subsequent disruption, dozens of UK universities reported data breaches to the Information Commissioner’s Office after a US-based supplier of alumni database software suffered a cyber-attack. For universities, personal data breaches can potentially affect their reputation and valuable relationships with former students. perform unauthorized actions) within a computer system.To exploit a vulnerability, an attacker must have at least one applicable tool or technique that can connect to a system weakness. Adware and spyware. Cybercriminals are carefully discovering new ways to tap the most sensitive networks in the world. General software vulnerabilities Software in Bluetooth devices—especially those using the newer Bluetooth 5 specification—is not perfect. The education sector tends to be seen as an increasingly attractive target for cyber criminals. Criminals have sought to take advantage of the pandemic and the exponential increase in remote working. Business Development To many, the appeal of ransomware is that unlike other forms of cyberattacks, it can be quickly and simply deployed with a higher likelihood of profit, as the malicious software holds or threatens to reveal data until ransom is paid. Library services Joanne Wong, Senior Regional Director for Asia Pacific & Japan at American security intelligence company LogRhythm, said phishing is one of the oldest tricks in the book for hackers and continues to be very effective. For example, you’re probably using add-ons in your browser and think they’re harmless. Cyber attacks are frequently in the form of Remote Access Trojans (RAT), downloaded unknowingly as an attachment to an email or via software accessed through the internet, such as a game. Protecting business data is a growing challenge but awareness is the first step. Student Services, recruitment and WP Introduction to Network Security Threats Worms, Trojan horses, and DoS , also known as denial of service types of attacks are usually utilized malevolently to destroy and consume a given network’s resources. Since passwords are one of the biggest points of vulnerability, one of the simplest yet most effective way to ward off attacks is simply to create strong passwords which you change often. Cyber security teams may struggle to control and manage access rights, with one respondent to our cyber benchmarking study telling us, “You could have studied at the university, come back as a member of staff and have both your access rights combined under your identity.” And ultimately a cyber security system is only as good as its weakest point, which may be the laxest user of the network. 4. But the human element of cyber security can’t be overlooked. The Importance of Network Security. As time passes, it’s easy to become lax on security measures. The transition to the cloud has brought new security challenges. level Marketing, PR and communications Employing a virtual private network (VPN) allows universities to encrypt their network, ensuring they have no outside forces spying in. Update your device with the latest security feature or recommended update. Most Vulnerable – Financial Institutions and Banks. The CSA and MOE said the credentials were then used to gain unauthorized access to the institutes’ library website to obtain research articles published by staff. The National Security Agency (NSA) has issued a new cybersecurity advisory warning that virtual private networks (VPNs) could be vulnerable to attacks if not properly secured. HR and resources Threat actors look for vulnerabilities in management APIs. © 2020 Tech Wire Asia | All Rights Reserved, 3 cybersecurity threats to universities and how they could be addressed, Singapore SMEs still lack a sustainable mindset in SEA, Twitter latest tech darling to latch on to Amazon public cloud, Telehealth poses “substantial” cybersecurity risks, warn Harvard researchers, Thailand aims to be the new APAC medical hub leveraging smart health. As the National Cyber Security Centre issues an alert to the education sector, Sion Lloyd-Jones explains why universities should expect a ramping up of cyber attacks - and what to do about it. Network security is vital to maintaining the integrity of your data and the privacy of your organization and employees. Protecting Your Organization. Cyber maturity assessments can help to analyse the conditions and create a road map to increased cyber maturity – on the understanding that there can be no end-point and that cyber security must evolve to keep up with the evolution and sophistication of attacks. In this post, we highlight the most common types of SQL Server security vulnerabilities and what you can do to mitigate your risks. Research manager Cyber Security Awareness: 7 Ways Your Employees Make Your Business Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks Companies collect and store enormous amounts of data. The education sector is particularly attractive to criminals (and often nation states), because of the vast amount of valuable data held – think student and staff information, supplier information, alumni databases, and highly valuable research data. Protecting business data is a growing challenge but awareness is the first step. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The authorities said fortunately, no sensitive information was leaked, and as it stands, the incident did not appear to be linked to other attacks last year. New research from Michigan State University is the first to apply criminal justice theory to smart vehicles, revealing cracks in the current system leading to potential cyber risks. Open-source software has flourished in company systems. International They can also help to establish frameworks and guidelines to keep security up to date, but they cannot be relied upon in themselves to make an organisation secure. The former student allegedly sneaked into classrooms to install and retrieve keyloggers, which costs some US$50 in the market. 6 Ways To Ensure That Online Security Threats Do Not Make Your Smart Home Vulnerable 5 min read. Moreover, hackers can infiltrate even innocuous devices such as web cameras and use them to launch DDoS attacks. Your online security and cybercrime prevention can be straightforward. Like a sniper, the most dangerous cyber security threats are the ones you never see coming. If possible, the universities should ensure they upgrade hardware routinely every few years. Understanding the evolving landscape can help educational institutions make the most of their security budgets by providing insights and information to help focus investments in the right business areas or security controls. Research and doctoral Did Zoom collude with China to surveil users. Unintentional threats, like an employee mistakenly accessing the wrong information 3. The main goal of information security is to keep information available, confidential, and reliable. Here are the top 10 threats to information security today: All they want is data and an access to your IT infrastructure. Entry Level (assistant, administrative)Intermediate Students are having to choose between physical and mental health, Why SAGE needs to hear from the humanities, Our turbulent times demand engaged universities. A firewall alone will not protect universities from every threat, but it is an added layer of protection that they should not be without. The affected institutions include the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore Management University and the Singapore University of Technology and Design. Here are a few examples of the mobile security threats in which Bluetooth makes us vulnerable, along with tips to secure your mobile workforce devices. They are also, frequently, the organisations that are less likely to have strong cybersecurity protections in place which makes them vulnerable. Even with firewalls, antivirus solutions, and cyber security awareness training for your employees, cybercriminals still manage to exploit any vulnerabilities they can find. A firewall alone will not protect universities from every threat, but it is an added layer of protection that they should not be without. Yet, it is the essential nature of universities to be networked – to enable and support student and staff engagement, and to connect with communities locally and internationally. Because there are so many ways that a network can be vulnerable, network security involves a broad range of practices. Also common are social engineering techniques, such as adware, which is malware that displays unwanted advertising on your computer, or phishing, in which individuals are duped into sharing sensitive data or even transferring funds. It encompasses everything from the most basic practices, such creating strong passwords and fully logging out of community computers, to the most complex, high-level processes that keep networks, devices and their users safe. The goal of network security is to keep the network running and safe for all legitimate users. Threat: An expression of an intention to inflict pain, injury, evil, or punishment as well as an indication of impending d… DVC/PVC/Dean)Head of organisation (VC/principal/CEO)Unsure / other, By submitting you agree to our terms and conditions. Security is an important part of any company. Kent State University was identified as one of the organizations that was potentially hacked during a … Cyber Security Awareness: 7 Ways Your Employees Make Your Business Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks Companies collect and store enormous amounts of data. professional area In “Step 9. The sector has access to great cyber expertise through Jisc, so perhaps go there instead! Universities often work on legacy systems supported by teams that are not equipped to deal with the increasingly sophisticated attacks. Estates management Unfortunately, hackers can carry out cyberattacks using an IoT object or device. Data Security: How to protect yourself from vulnerable open-source software? Luckily, you can rely on a trusted MSSP (Managed Security Services Provider) to help you ensure that your company’s digital assets are secure. Although filesharing is not in itself illegal, if you share or download copyrighted material without permission – even unwittingly – you are breaking both the law and UC policy and could be subject to University… The emergence of smart cars has opened the door to limitless possibilities for technology and innovation—but also to threats beyond the car itself. If possible, the universities should ensure they upgrade hardware routinely every few years. There are three main types of threats: 1. Once on a computer, the threat will tend to show little to no symptoms so it can survive for a prolonged period undetected. Like a sniper, the most dangerous cyber security threats are the ones you never see coming. Peer support can help student engagement in challenging times – if you know what works. And it took a while for companies to take this issue seriously. “It goes to show that the only way to minimize the damage done when breached is to employ artificial intelligence that will learn and detect anomalies in user behavior.”. The 22-year-old student was found to have changed the grades over a 21-month period in a scheme which lasted from March 2015 until December 2016. Logjam isn't the only reason your computer might be more vulnerable to internet threats Editions Year on year, reported breaches in schools, colleges and universities have not only increased in number, but also in scale and sophistication. Finance Sion Lloyd-Jones is a member of KPMG’s cyber team in the North. Modern technology and society’s constant connection to the Internet allows more creativity in business than ever before – including the black market. An MSSP consists of a team of trained cybersecurity experts who will work with you to create a custom cybersecurity solution to meet your needs and safeguard your company’s digital assets. Policy and public affairs Natural threats, such as floods, hurricanes, or tornadoes 2. Ensure that your employees have the tools—and especially the training—they need to help protect your business from a … They also help to inform business continuity planning in the event of a serious cyber-attack and develop incident response plans to manage recovery and mitigation should one be successful. Before we get into detail about what the article is going to cover and help demystify steps need for assessing your current security posture, we would need to know a few basic terms and what they mean so when used in the context of this article, you have complete understanding of what it is they mean and are referring to. Filesharing can expose your computer to a number of security risks. Based on investigations, the incident was a phishing attack where unsuspecting users were directed to a credential harvesting website, according to Channel News Asia. Middle Management (e.g. 2019’s biggest cyber security threats are and what you can do to avoid them. Universities are uniquely vulnerable to cyber attack during Covid-19 As the National Cyber Security Centre issues an alert to the education sector, Sion Lloyd-Jones explains why universities should expect a ramping up of cyber attacks - and what to do about it. This article is published in association with KPMG. From billing invoices to customers' credit card information, so much of your business focuses on private data. One participant in our cyber benchmarking study told us, “We struggle to keep on top of suppliers…we get involved in the process when we get invited in.” Another said, “In practice, no one is interested until something has gone wrong. The “Top 10 actions to secure your environment” series outlines fundamental steps you can take with your investment in Microsoft 365 security solutions. Is Your SQL Server Security Vulnerable to Threats? As cyber security professionals work to increase their knowledge of threats and cyber security information, earning an online cyber security master’s degree can be invaluable. And it took a while for companies to take this issue seriously. And yet, our work with the sector, including a cyber benchmarking study, suggests that universities are frequently inadequately prepared to protect themselves from a cyber attack. Even the most mature organisations are having to rethink their cyber security approach for a new landscape of remote work and study during the pandemic. Academic The agency's warning comes amid a surge in remote work as organizations adapt to … From there, attackers can use organization assets to perpetrate further attacks against other CSP customers. Network security threats are a growing problem for people and organizations the world over, and they only become worse and multiply with every passing day. Once a strategy is established, the next phase is detection – conducting penetration tests, or appointing a “red team” to mount a cyber-attack to expose vulnerabilities. It is important to have safeguards … 2019’s biggest cyber security threats are and what you can do to avoid them. Information System Security Threats and Vulnerabilities: ... Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, ... factors that can make data vulnerable to attacks. The transition to the cloud has brought new security challenges. IT has no remit or authority to check business processes for security compliance.”. Cybercriminals are seeing many opportunities to make quick money via such means. These challenges can and should be addressed to help developers reduce the volume of vulnerable code being shipped. 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