kinetics of step growth polymerization
Step-growth mechanism 4 5. Kinetics of step-growth polymerization 3. 0000015240 00000 n 1937, 59, 466-470). Now let's take these new relationships and look at them in the context of our second-order kinetics. This time, we get a linear relationship. 0000008935 00000 n Just looking at the simple scheme of polymer growth above, we see the average degree of polymerization increasing (written as DP or sometimes as Xn; a bar over the symbol signals that we are looking at an average). Kinetics of Polymerization and Molecular Weight of Polymers 9 ... 6.3 Processes for Step-Growth Polymerization 146 Condensation Polymerization in Solution/Phenolic Resins ... polymerization in a slurry or gas phase (high density polyethylene for pipes and containers). Flory also established a statistical basis for predicting molecular weights and molecular weight distributions in polymers. Nobody is really interested in how quickly the monomers turn into dimers. 0000002644 00000 n The degree of polymerization is starting to shoot upward dramatically. dM da db Rp k a b dt dt dt. Because we are dealing with fractions, the fraction converted is just one minus the fraction remaining. It won't go as perfectly as we see in this picture; there will inevitably be some stragglers that throw the averages off. 3.2: Kinetics of Step-Growth Polymerization, information contact us at, status page at Homogeneous Solution and Bulk Polymerization : 5: Interfacial Polymerizations. (This approach neglects any small molecules such as water that are lost during the condensation reaction.). As it happens, the integrated form of a third order rate law isn't all that much more complicated, and we can do some similar algebra with it to see how the degree of polymerization would vary with time given this new information. The reason for doing that is to get a term that resembles our relationships that describe degree of polymerization. 0000000933 00000 n Cyclization is controlled by Kinetics in Step-Growth Polymerization of AB 2 Macromonomer. 0000001747 00000 n If you look carefully, you will see that the degree of polymerization is always the original monomer concentration divided by the remaining monomer concentration. b a r= ⎡⎣ab⎤⎡⎤⎦⎣⎦= Terminology pnvaries with t →o n. a p a. So far, we have taken the ratio we obtained in the first line and worked out its relationship to fraction converted, which we substituted in the last line. (It could actually be the second step, but we'll get to that later.) Because now we have arrived back at the expression for degree of polymerization. Before the alcohol and carboxylic acid can come together, two carboxylic acids need to have collided already. Secondly, the functional group reactivities are independent of chain length. If you know some basic kinetics, you know that we can express the rate of a reaction as the rate of change of product concentration per change in time. In contrat to chain-growth, all monomers are reactive. 0000022109 00000 n The kinetics and rates of step-growth polymerization can be described using a polyesterification mechanism. <]>> The nice thing about elementary reactions is that we always know the rate law of each one: it's a rate constant times the concentrations of all of the species leading into that step. Of course, some chains may be much shorter (Flory actually shows, based on probability, that there will be a number of monomers left over) and as such they contribute less to the overall sample. The negative sign in the rate suggests we are looking at the rate of disappearance of monomer; as polymer appears, monomer disappears. So, now we have an equivalent way of expressing degree of polymerization in terms of the fraction converted. Closed vs. Open Systems : 4: Common Processing Approaches. Other articles where Step-growth polymerization is discussed: chemistry of industrial polymers: Polymerization reactions: The other process, called step-growth polymerization, involves the build-up of molecular weight not in a chainlike fashion but in a stepwise fashion, by the random combination of monomer molecules containing reactive functional groups. C) Evolution of the degree of polymerization of the films with respect to the conversion showing the typical step‐growth kinetics curve. H�T��n�0��S���"!���U�njh��)R1�!��}�&��o��. The kinetics of step polymerization involving a monomer with unequal reactivities has been obtained. 0000010667 00000 n B) Evolution of the degree of polymerization of the films with respect to the central wavelength of the reflection band. Predict the degree of polymerization if 75% of monomer end groups have been converted to polymer. Step-growth polymerization Last updated February 03, 2020 A generic representation of a step-growth polymerization. Flory assumed that all steps, that is, the formation of dimers, trimers and so forth, have equal rate constants. Polymerization processes are categorized into two broad classes, according to their reaction mechanisms: (1) chain-growth polymerization (CGP) and (2) step-growth polymerization (SGP). Although Mn and Mw presented here are essentially theoretical predictions of molecular weight, these quantities can also be measured experimentally using different methods. The simulation result proves that this step-growth polymerization obeys the second-order reaction kinetics. In this case, this first step is also the rate-determining step, so the entire reaction is governed by the rate law of that first step. (Single white dots represent monomers and black chains represent oligomers and polymers) Comparison of molecular weight vs conversion plot between step-growth and living chain-growth polymerization Step-growth polymerization refers to a type of polymerization mechanism in … Finally, it is assumed that each step only involves one alcohol and one acid. Kinetics of Chain Polymerization The polymerization of alkenes occurs in a very different way than monomers that undergo condensation reactions. The Kinetics of Step - Growth Polymerization Flory investigated polyesterifications of the type If youve already forgot that we use As and Bs to represent the monomers reactive functional groups, refresh your memory with the following example So here A-A is a diacid and B-B is a dialcohol The probability of having a chain of length x is: That provides a straightforward prediction of the weight-average molecular weight based on the fraction converted in condensation polymerization. In this very specific case, kinetics showed that there was an extra (pre-rate determining) step in the reaction. In two cases, when the mobility of the polymer becomes extremely low—as occurs, for example, in a built polymer- If that isn't exactly what you are interested in, and you just want to see what happens to concentrations over time, you may want to integrate this expression to obtain the integrated from of the rate law. This is called the number average molecular weight. Chem. Unlike in chain growth polymerization, the polymer chains here are not formed at the beginning. 0000021644 00000 n He could measure that data easily, and knew how it was related to degree of polymerization. The simple esterification is an acid-catalyzed process in which protonation of the acid is followed by interaction with the alcohol to produce an ester and water. For example, once we have the degree of polymerization, it is a simple step to calculate the approximate molecular weight. 0000003723 00000 n It isn't that slow, thoough, because it is self-catalyzed. That's fair game in algebra, remember. That reaction should be really slow. This is exponential growth. Growth throughout matrix. Because p is always a fraction, the result is that the dispersity of a condensation polymerization is statistically expected to be less than 2.0. The past decade has witnessed great progress in nanoparticle self-assembly, yet the quantitative prediction of the architecture of nanoparticle ensembles and of the kinetics of their formation remains a challenge. Note that, based on the stoichiometry (the ratio of monomers in the equation of reaction), we would probably run this polymerization with equal amounts of diol and dicarboxylic acid. The self-assembly of micelles reveals some similarities to molecular step-growth polymerization. 0000009780 00000 n 0 ��s;��``�~� �@,����H�00�z�}(���r�f"� �:B_ 0000021950 00000 n 3.2 Laboratory experiments kinetics 3.3 "Simple" derivation of DPn 3.4 Derivation of full MMD 3.5 Derivation of DPn from MMD 3.6 Derivation of DPw from MMD 3.7 Molecular mass control in stepwise polymerisation 3.8 Stabaliser addition 3.9 Time evolution of MMD 3.10Summary This is an important bulk commodity polymerisation route and it If we do a little algebra, we get a variation on that piece of information. 0000008050 00000 n 435 0 obj<>stream Rapid loss of monomer early in the reaction Comparing to cyclization of small molecular monomers controlled by both thermodynamics and kinetics, the distance of coupling groups in an individual macromonomer is always more than 20 chemical bonds. 0000011505 00000 n −− −⎡⎤ ⎡⎤ ⎡⎤⎣⎦ ⎣⎦ ⎣⎦ == = =⎡⎣ ⎤⎡ ⎤⎦⎣ ⎦ Assume r =1, where r is the stoichiometric ratio. 0000000016 00000 n This set of Polymer Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focusses on “Kinetics of Step-Growth Polymerization”. 0000012570 00000 n That means we have a third order reaction. We know the probability of a chain end being converted to a polymer linkage is p, and in a chain x units long that will have to happen x-1 times, for a probability px-1. The kinetics and rates of step-growth polymerization can be described using a polyesterification mechanism. Watch the recordings here on Youtube! Santosh K. Gupta, Anil Kumar, Santosh K. Gupta, Anil Kumar, Mass Transfer in Step Growth Polymerization, Reaction Engineering of Step Growth Polymerization, 10.1007/978-1-4613-1801-9_5, (129-165), (1987). A step-growth polymerization is a stepwise reaction between bi-functional or mult-ifunctional monomers in which high-molecular-weight polymers are formed after a large number of steps. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. One carboxylic acid monomer can activate another, making it a better electrophile. What is the order of a self-catalyzed polyesterification reaction? 0000003854 00000 n In these rate expressions, sometimes people will explicitly use [OH] and [CO2H] in the rate expression, underscoring that they are really following the disappearance of those functional groups. Oxalic acid is not typically used in making polyesters, but it is drawn here as a very simple example structure. It refers to the concentration of the reactive functional groups in those monomers. The first assumption is water (or any other condensation product) is efficiently removed. This relationship indicates the degree of polymerization should increase linearly over time. Photographs of the films (taken at a 90° angle) are shown in the squares. That's fraction converted on the x axis and the expression for degree of polymerization on the y axis. So, in the above expression, [M] doesn't refer to the concentrations of those two monomers at all. Have questions or comments? 0000021415 00000 n We already knew that from our introduction to step growth, but what stands out from the data is how a higher degree of polymerization, and high molecular weight, doesn't really occur until very late in the reaction. endstream endobj 434 0 obj<>/Size 405/Type/XRef>>stream This information can tell us how long it will take for a polymer to reach an optimum length. Instead of worrying about M1 and M2 separately, we can call them both [M]. All of the other steps you would draw in a mechanism are also elementary reactions. trailer Condensation polymers grow through a a step-growth process. It has been shown that the usually assumed maximum value of 2 for PDI can lead to erroneous molecular weight. However, there are a few assumptions needed with this kinetic model. Take a look at this drawing of this step-growth process and we will talk about why that is. A theoretical model of the supramolecular step-growth polymerization is proposed to complement the experimental results of defect-driven self-assembly kinetics, and reveals the essential distinction between the molecular and supramolecular polymerization kinetics. In this case, we have a co-polymer, made of two different monomers, so that's why we could express the reaction rate as the rate of change of either monomer concentration. For more information contact us at or check out our status page at Here's some data from Paul Flory, another DuPont chemist and Nobel laureate, obtained during the period between the World Wars when this kind of chemistry was just getting started (Flory, P. J. J. The approach starts with considering the probability that a chain will be x units long. In step-growth Polymerization, the molecules build up slowly; Polymerization takes place between two monomer molecules, a monomer and polymer segment, or two polymer segments [76]. A comprehensive review is presented on the kinetics of polymerizations, as a summary of the studies on the polymerization kinetics performed in the authors' laboratory. That describes the functional groups already converted into esters. Types of Monomers. That first step in the mechanism is an elementary reaction. That turns out to be a very important relationship. The polymer is growing at a certain rate, but how long is it getting? The polydisperity index (PDI) has also been calculated both as a function of conversion and the initial stoichiometric ratio. SO the rate of consumption of reactant functional groups equals the rate of appearance of product functional groups. a) 2 b) 3 c) 1 d) 4 View Answer 0000004333 00000 n Chain growth polymerization (American spelling) or chain-growth polymerisation (English spelling) is a polymerization technique where unsaturated monomer molecules add onto the active site on a growing polymer chain one at a time. This form of the rate law is called the differential rate law, because it is expressed in terms of the rate of change of one thing with the rate of change of the other. Why did we do that last part? The drawing below illustrates that action using ethylene glycol and oxalic acid, to use common names prevalent in industry. KP2. Step growth polymerization is the formation of a polymer from bi-functional or multi-functional monomers. 0000003427 00000 n [OH] and [CO2H] drop by 8 (or in half) in the first step; [CO2R] increases by 8, and so on. At this point, we need to pause and talk about what we actually mean by monomer concentration. Kinetics of Step-Growth Polymerization It is important to understand how reactions proceed over time. It's based on taking one average value for the chain length and converting that into the chain molecular weight. The reaction generally involves substitution at a carboxyloid. polymerization x,andN L is the total number of linear chains in the system at time t. The value of n x/N L for linear step-growth polymerization was theoretically determined as in (33) n x=N L ¼ð1−pÞpx−1 ð2Þ where p is the fraction of arrowheads of the NR forming a single bond. This experimental station demonstrates that variables other than concentration can be used to measure kinetic parameters and examines how variables including initiator concentration and solvent can impact polymer molecular weight. Purpose: Reaction kinetics are measured for solution polymerization of methyl methacrylate in a batch reactor. Now we bring in the Carothers equation to recall that this is really telling us how degree of polymerization changes over time. The ratio between these two quantities has always been used as an expression of the breadth of the molecular weight distribution, called the polydispersity index or simply the dispersity: In the case of condensation polymerization. They want to know how the gowth of the polymer chain is progressing. The simple esterification is an acid-catalyzed process in which protonation of the acid is followed by interaction with the alcohol to produce an ester and water. In addition, we found that it is the square of the degree of polymerization that is increasing linearly with time. The reaction mechanisms, kinetics of polyesters and polyamides have been thoroughly studied. The slope of the line would be the rate constant, and the intercept would reflect the inverse of the monomer concentration with which we had started the reaction. For example, polyester formation often involves the substitution of an alcohol functional group at a carboxylic acid, making an ester. Once again, we're going to use Flory's data to illustrate the relationship, using the fraction conversion data. Step-growth polymerization follows a step-by-step formation of elementary reactions between reactive sites, which are generally functional groups, such as alcohol, acid, and isocyanate. What is the fraction of chains of length x? Their concentration is smoothly dropping over time. We're starting with that same integrated rate law, but we have mulitplied everything on both sides of the equation by the starting monomer concentration. Herein, we report a step-growth annulative π-extension polymerization that allows for the rapid and modular synthesis of cove-type GNRs with pyrene and/or coronene diimide repeating units. It is important to understand how reactions proceed over time. If you know something about organic reaction mechanisms, you may know that the very first step in an esterification is the donation of a lone pair from an alcohol oxygen on the diol to a carbonyl carbon on the dicarboxylic acid. 1. If we need high molecular weight condensation polymers, the chemistry better be pretty reliable; otherwise, if things go wrong, we'll be left with some short-chain goo instead of long-chain materials. As noted above, a chain x units long has x-1 ester linkages and 2 unreacted chain ends. Am. That correction illustrates one of the fundamental uses of kinetics, which is a tool that lets us probe how reactions happen. 0000003067 00000 n Given an initial alcohol group concentration [M]0 = 17 M, determine the rate constant from Flory's data in L2mol-2s-1. 405 31 Kinetics of Step-Growth Polymerization. 0000001464 00000 n 0000007182 00000 n Note that this relationship is just the inverse of the fraction of monomer remaining (or, really, the fraction of those monomer functional groups left over). We also know that the probability of a functional group being left unreacted is 1-p, and that has to happen twice here, for a probability (1-p)2. 0000002117 00000 n But notice what this means: the monomers disappear right away. And notice what's happening to those functional groups. Step Growth Polymerization. Step growth polymerization is also known as condensation polymerization. So, what does that relationship look like? Rp=rate of polymerization. Legal. Kinetics of chain-growth polymerization 2 3. Two monomers link together to form dimers, two dimers form tetramers, two tetramers form octamers, and so on. 0000004114 00000 n Growth by addition of monomer only at one end of chain. xref 0000004783 00000 n This information can tell us how long it will take for a polymer to reach an optimum length. The opposite quantity is the fraction of monomer converted. Missed the LibreFest? That's just the degree of polymerization times the molecular weight of the monomer; in other words, the number of monomers in the chain times the weight of each one. The other thing we are interested in here is the degree of polymerization: the number of monomers incorporated into the chain. x�bba`b``Ń3� ���ţ�A ` ��U Each independent step forms the disappearance of two coreacting sites and creates a new linking unit … 0000005261 00000 n Soc. In this case, the product is the polymer, abbreviated P. Alternatively, we could express the rate of the reaction as the rate of change of monomer concentration per change in time. Kinetic step-growth polymerization is studied by dissipative particle dynamics coupled with our previously developed reaction algorithm on a coarse-grained level. The average chain molecular weight would then be given by: in which πx is the fraction of chains of length x. You might know, too, if you remember a few things about substitution at carboxloids. That means the coupling of the alcohol with the carboxylic acid isn't the first elementary step of the reaction, but the second. The growth of NP chains was described by the kinetics and statistics of step-growth polymerization (24–26), which, for a particular time, allowed … endstream endobj 406 0 obj<>/Outlines 13 0 R/Metadata 27 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/Pages 26 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/StructTreeRoot 29 0 R/Type/Catalog/Lang(EN)/LastModified(D:20070607142447)/PageLabels 24 0 R>> endobj 407 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 408 0 obj<> endobj 409 0 obj<> endobj 410 0 obj<> endobj 411 0 obj<> endobj 412 0 obj<> endobj 413 0 obj[/ICCBased 428 0 R] endobj 414 0 obj<> endobj 415 0 obj<> endobj 416 0 obj<> endobj 417 0 obj<> endobj 418 0 obj<>stream The structures and photophysical properties of the separated GNRs were confirmed by … A second way to approach the average chain molecular weight is to assess the fraction of the total weight contributed by each chain length. (JN) It requires both monomers, so we get a simple rate law. It can also provide insight into how the polymerization occurs, just as … Whether it occurs through an anionic, cationic, or radical mechanism, polymerization of alkenes involves a chain reaction. x�b```b``�d`����ce`a�8�L���y}s��VUV$E����D�r�]��YF�Q,���v����B�SYޯ�~�0�fӭ�@BI�8- �TRr1@"@�II�ap20l9���X,����UPu�Mġ����a�C��"R;Hu�r[f�ĴR��A���2�������a�? (X. There are a limited number of these active sites at any moment during the polymerization which gives this method its key characteristics. Polymeri zations were in the first place classified into several classes according to the relative magni tude of the rates of the elementary steps. Polymer synthesis 3 • Polymers may be formed by two major kinetic schemes. So, what we have here is a simple second-order rate law. After all, once the monomers are gone, the same esterification reaction keeps happening, and it's really the concentration of alcohol and carboxylic acid groups that matters, whether they are found on monomers, dimers, tertramers, or whatever. Chain-growth polymerization. We report on the marked similarity between the self-assembly of metal nanoparticles and reaction-controlled step-growth polymerization. 0000001279 00000 n Given 99% conversion of monomers with average molecular weight 120 g/mol, calculate Mw, Mn and D. The LibreTexts libraries are Powered by MindTouch® and are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. This relationship is called the Carothers equation, in honor of Wallace Carothers, the DuPont chemist who invented nylon. Remember that, in step-growth polymerization, the majority of molecules are probably reacting at roughly similar rates. Unless otherwise noted, LibreTexts content is licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. 0000005184 00000 n Chain-growth mechanism 4. This relationship indicates the degree of polymerization should increase linearly over time. %PDF-1.4 %���� 1.Step polymerization 2.Chain polymerization (Faster) • Free radical polymerization Initiation Propagation Termination • Anionic polymerization • Cationic polymerization 4. Kinetics of Step Growth Polymerization (Chapter 2) A + B → polymer + byproduct. Thus, we are discussing the degree of polymerization \( \overline{DP} \) and the polymerization rate of step polymerization using these two polymers as examples. Because of a very specific feature of condensation polymerizations, it isn't really the concentration of ethylene glycol or oxalic acid. This assumption greatly simplifies the otherwise very complicated kinetics of a … First, dimers, trimmers, and tetramers are formed. startxref 0000004565 00000 n 0000006341 00000 n Addition Polymerization (Chain Growth) Step Growth Polymerization (Condensation) Differences between step-growth polymerization and chain-growth polymerization Step-growth polymerization. Just by looking at the equation of reaction, we expect that every time a polymer molecule is made, a monomer molecule is used up. It can also provide insight into how the polymerization occurs, just as kinetics can provide insight into other reaction mechanisms. %%EOF Near-equilibrium vs. Far from Equilibrium. The trouble is, we are dealing with a neutral nucleophile and a fairly unreactive electrophile. 0000003890 00000 n 405 0 obj <> endobj Following a comparison of chain-growth and step-growth polymerization, focuses on the latter process by describing requirements for high molecular weight, step-growth polymerization kinetics, synthesis and molecular weight distribution of some linear step-growth polymers, and three-dimensional network step-growth polymers. But don't worry; Flory knew what went wrong. Step-Growth Polymerization Kinetics (3) The assumption that the reactivity of a functional group on the growing end of the polymer chain is the same as that on a small molecule generally has been observed experimen-tally. If we were to measure monomer concentration periodically during the polymerization and plot its inverse over time, we would obtain a straight line. Kinetics and Equilibrium Considerations. We can take Flory's data again and give it this new treatment. The polymerization reaction kinetics of benzoxazine resins is described in this chapter. Furthermore, ester concentration, representing the new functional group in the polymer, is growing in at the same rate. It was supposed to be linear. The kinetics of the step-growth polymerization can be described with Flory's equal reactivity principle.
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