what makes an effective primary school teacher essay

Students seldom mentioned where teachers attended school, what degrees they held, or whether they had been named a “Teacher of the Year.” The teacher should also ensure that he/she involves the students in the communication. A positive learning environment results in positive classroom behaviour. Her name is Mrs. Sanjana kausik. The decisions are taken on the caliber level of the students. Open: Why? Report on early years learning. Studies 46, pp.362-385. Is the National Numeracy strategy research-based? Characteristics of Good Teachers Essay Sample. In terms of how the assessment is actually made (i.e., the actual process of assessment), evidence is collected through an ongoing process, via the teachers knowledge of the child, information from other contributors who are in regular contact with the child, anecdotes about significant moments in the child’s development, and focused assessments, based on observation where observation is understood to mean “the practice of watching and listening to a child as they engage in an activity and demonstrate specific knowledge, skills and understanding” (NAA, 2007). As discussed by AAIA (2007), however, Key Stage 1 attainments cannot be directly related to National Curriculum levels and any such attempts would result in spurious information (NAA, 2006). Problem based learning is displayed when students are given time to discuss the questions as a collaborative, and demonstrate this groups kowledge to the class. - An Overall of an Effective Teacher What is a teacher. These are detailed further in the essay. Department for Education and Skills: five year strategy for children and learners. A positive or negative influence from a teacher early on in life can have a great effect on the life of a child. An effective schools has many characteristics such as; effective leaders, effective teachers and an effective environment. Characteriistics of an Effective Teacher Essay Sample. All work is written to order. A good teacher has many qualities and fully able to make his/her students successful in life. Often, a teacher is viewed as a role model towards their students. I, personally, agree with Cohen et al. FORUM 48(2), pp.145-158. Before giving such task, he/she will give you necessary explanations on how to prepare a good primary school essay. The primary level introduces young kids to the basics of math, social studies, and science with specialization taking place later in the higher levels of learning. To be an effective teacher there are more than just teaching the syllabus to the students. You are working so well as a group.". Effective teaching requires flexibility and continual re-evaluation of lesson delivery methods. As Morrison (2000; p.122) states, “the intention (of learning) is to extend play, to empower students and to enable them to take responsibility for their own, active and autonomous, learning and to develop in all aspects of their learning”. Can you describe what you saw when you looked in the Kaleidoscope? Teachers enter the teaching profession to impart their knowledge and make a difference in a young persons’ life. Tymms, P. (2004). The effectiveness of any school is built on many factors. Company Registration No: 4964706. Consistency and Fairness. Morrison, G.S. The Success of New Labour’s Policy Towards Primary Education. Teacher plays a great role in the education of every student. The importance of providing a positive learning environment, creation of dynamic and effective lessons, flexible delivery through the use of a number of strategies, greatly increases the potential for students to achieve their maximum learning. Reference this, Being an effective primary school teacher. My aim as a primary teacher is to foster a sense of enjoyment in the learning process and, through this, to foster a love of learning that will continue well beyond the primary level, encouraging success at the secondary level and forging a lifelong love of learning in each individual pupil, based on a sense of wonder at the world, its contents and its processes. A teacher must display proactive classroom management. It’s important for a good primary teacher to encourage pupils and help them improve in all areas. Who wrote this essay Place an Order To provide this consistency, the teacher must establish classroom routines, rules and effective communication, addressing behaviour expectations for a positive classroom environment and completion of classroom activities. in the essays and class discussions of what makes a good teacher: stu-dents emphasized the personal (qualitative) traits of memorable teach-ers rather than academic (quantitative) qualifications. Allen and Ainley argue that as institutionalized learning has become more common-place in the Uk, through schools and work-based training programmes, possibilities have been foreclosed for emancipating minds, something that is increasingly being applied to primary level education, through the introduction of the Primary Strategy, for example, and the assessment-based curriculum this embodies, which, argue Allen and Ainley (2007) forces teachers to concentrate more on training children in the Curriculum for the purpose of attaining high scores on the assessments than on actually instilling a sense of wonder in learning. A classroom routine is evident in Appendix One activity closure section, where students are expected to place completed journal entries on the teachers desk. What are the qualities that make an effective teacher?. London: QCA. No plagiarism, guaranteed! If used effectively, rubrics can help improve students' writing. After identifying the qualities of a good teacher we can work to improve the teaching scenario. Teachers thus need to be competent in many areas in order to ensure that the assessment process goes smoothly for all concerned and that the assessment process is something that can be useful for teachers, in terms of improving teaching practices. Essential teaching skills. A good teacher is not that hard to find, but you must know where to look. (Marsh, 2010, p. 198) Flexibility in the expectations for students to reach their full potential through positive encouragement and modified teaching strategies, understanding that what is expected for one child will be different to that of another. Curriculum guidance for K1 stage. To gain this respect however, the teacher must first show respect, students must feel accepted and their contributions valued. Wilce, H (2007). The policy document Excellence and Enjoyment – A Strategy for Primary Schools (DfES, 2003) was intended as an enabler, with leadership in schools being strengthened in terms of professional development of teachers towards the whole curriculum, and in terms of helping schools themselves design broad curriculum that links different areas of the curriculum and which thus provides children with as wide as possible a range of learning experiences (DfCSF, 2008). One of the main steps to becoming an effective teacher is to gain intimate knowledge toward the subject matter that will be taught in the classroom (Cooper, 149). Why Not? The primary level, therefore, lays the foundations for future success, and this makes finding the right primary school teacher … So, we advise you to pay special attention to what your teacher says. RoutledgeFalmer. Ofsted (2003). Probing higher level questions are open ended and require discussion and the exchange of ideas, rather than simple lower level closed questioning. 161-163). The use of both higher and lower level questioning should be included in lesson planning. Address: Cyprus Headquarters Cohen et al. As explained by the DfCSF (2008), the key to making this vision a reality lies in the need to empower primary school children to take control of their own learning, to be innovative and to develop their own character. In response to student’s answers, the teacher gave positive remarks in return showing she valued their input – ie: "That’s a really good explanation." www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/schemes2/ ks1-2citizenship/cit1/2 [Accessed on 29th February 2008]. By following such suggestions for enabling learning at the primary level, continuity and progression are ensured. Nicosia 1065 NAA (National Assessment Agency) (2007). A good teacher can be defined as someone who always pushes students to want to do their best while at the same time trying to make learning interesting as well as creative. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a university student. Pollard, A (2002). Other examples of effective questioning displayed were: Closed: Can you see behind the mirrors? In the Science – Modelling Light video, the teacher displayed effective questioning throughout the video. Appropriate questioning is included throughout the attachment, appendix one, with both open and closed questioning. The essay then moved on to looking at the qualities of effective teachers, and effective teaching in a primary setting, and concluded that some of the facets of Government policies and initiatives – such as continual assessments – run counter to my ethos of effective teaching and actually serve as little other than distractions from pure teaching time, through all the administration such assessments bring and the amount of time this takes away from lesson planning, for example. Cohen et al. During discussion, effective questioning must be purposeful and encourage the students to achieve a higher level of understanding. To be an effective teacher, a teacher must establish strategies for students to feel the sense of belonging within the classroom. Collaborative learning enables the student to work independently or within the group when necessary and therefore has less group contact than cooperative learning. I like her strategies of teaching in the class. (ACARA, 2013). The overall ethos of the new Primary Strategy framework is that excellent education is an education that is tailored to children’s specific needs, allowing them to engage with the educational process and giving them the start they need to be able to succeed in the context of secondary education (DfCSF, 2008). In the recap of the previous lesson, the teacher, when questioning, gave students some key words but not the answer enabling the students to reflect with their own understanding. Excellence and enjoyment: a strategy for primary schools. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. You can view samples of our professional work here. An effective teacher is one who runs an effective classroom, and touches the lives of children. A routine may be formulated for group work to show respect to fellow students eg: listening quietly to student comments; hands-up for questions; (March, 2010, p. 225) or for the completion of work eg: completed workbooks to be placed on teachers desk. A teacher is someone who students rely on for further knowledge and comprehension. Kyriacou, C. (1997). I converge with Allen and Ainley (2007) that the current trend towards assessments, more assessments and yet more assessments is not healthy for children, because it causes stress and can initiate a sense of failure in children who do not achieve high scores on these assessments and also because managing these assessments takes time away from teaching, through all the administration that the tests generate. Cambridge J. of Education 34(1), pp.7-33. That the overall stated ethos of the new Primary Strategy framework is that an excellent education is an education that is tailored to children’s specific needs, allowing them to engage with the educational process and giving them the start they need to be able to succeed in the context of secondary education (DfCSF, 2008) is thus a good basis to begin, as an effective teacher, but, in order to avoid boredom in the education process, and psychological problems, due to the huge amount of testing and assessment primary children are subject to, effective teaching not only needs to teach the Curriculum and prepare children for the battery of tests and assessments they will be subjected to, but also needs to foster the empowerment of children, through developing a sense of the wonder of learning and empowering the children to direct their own learning, within the context of the Curriculum, so that children feel they are capable of learning and are capable of achieving the standards they set themselves. Comp Educ 40(1), pp.83-107. She lives near to the school campus. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. These decisions can fetch good results to the students in future. Because it's the teacher's job to help students learn, they must … (Murphy, et al, 1986) The teacher must ensure the lesson covers the level of all student skills and knowledge. Progression is defined, and understood, generally, as the process through which the schools planned activities gradually extend pupils’ thinking, their exploration of values and attitudes, enrich language, knowledge and strategies through increasingly demanding inputs and challenging explorations, matched to pupils chronological age, readiness and circumstance (Fabian and Dunlop, 2002). (Killen, R., 2005, p. 34) All students achieve at different rates and a teacher must be patient and persistent for these students to succeed. Teachers proficient in these characteristics will be effective educators and will have increased success in the delivery of effective student learning. The assessment framework is discussed, and how this impacts on teacher effectiveness is also noted. The RoutledgeFalmer Guide to Key Debates in Education. In order to create a positive learning environment, your students should … (2004). (Bennett & Smilanich, 1994) A positive relationship must be formed between teacher and student, and to establish this relationship respect from the student must be gained. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! These qualities not only make for an effective teacher but also an inspiring teacher, who will inspire their pupils to want to learn. Taylor and Hayes (2001) provide a discussion as to how education should be delivered, leading me to arrive at several conclusions as to how I should organize my time as a teacher in order to provide the most effective teaching possible to my pupils. Effective Teachers Essay 1755 Words8 Pages Teaching is a profession that is considered to be a rewarding challenging and complex role. Most efficiently used for basic skills such as reading and mathematics, it helps students learn in a step by step process. Brit. An effective lesson plan may reflect a number of teaching characteristics – delivery of teaching and learning strategies, behaviour management and the classroom environment. Teachers need to be confident in their own knowledge and enthusiastic when presenting their lesson. How a student behaves and acts, is determined by the influences on his/her life, namely: family (care, stresses, parental attitudes to education), peer (social prejudices and authority), personal (personality, learning styles, social) and school (communications, leadership), all of which have a dramatic effect on a student’s behaviour. In terms of Government policy towards primary education, in 2003, the Government launched the policy document Excellence and Enjoyment – A Strategy for Primary Schools (DfES, 2003) which set out a vision for the future of primary education built, formally, on the striving for higher standards through the formulation of a rich and varied curriculum which is aimed at developing children in a number of ways. Curriculum guidance for the foundation stage. Children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. (Marsh, 2010, p. 221) Teachers must be considerate of those influences and the effects they have within the classroom, and minimise factors which may increase the angst that a student may feeling. . Principle, pragmatism and compliance in primary education. Nelson Thornes Ltd. Kyriacou, C. (1999). There are a number of characteristics that makeup an effective primary school teacher. 1st Jan 1970 Nelson Thornes Ltd. Kyriacou, C. (2005). A recent Oftsted report (Ofsted, 2003) also shows that some of the aims of the National Numeracy and Literacy Strategy were not achieved (with weak subject knowledge being a common failure of schools), suggesting the Government’s approach to primary education needs to be looked at further. Passionate. The need for teachers to be competent in the assessment of children is reflected in the fact that the DfEE (2000) list of standards for teachers lists the ability to assess and record each pupils progress systematically as a competency (Kyriacou, 1999; p.106). A good teacher possesses qualities which a bad teacher does not. This section takes one or two of my principles to explain how I intend to be an effective primary teacher, using examples from your my school experiences. AAIA (2007). The way this knowledge is imparted to a student will be dramatically different from one teacher to another. (2002). In addition, it is fundamental that assessment judgements are agreed amongst all concerned, so that all those involved can make the best, fullest, use of the information. Looking for a flexible role? The national literacy and numeracy strategies and the primary curriculum. Allen, M & Ainley P (2007). We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on reviews.co.uk. Readings for Reflective Teaching Continuum. 188-189) Discussion is both teacher and student directed and knowing when to use the most effective style of questioning is important. Constructivism is the focus on maximising the understanding of the student and progression through scaffolding and assistance. Teaching is one of the most difficult jobs today. The impact of New Labour’s education policy on teadhers and teaching at Key Stage 2. Tymms (2004) look at how successful the changes to primary education have been, following the introduction of the Numeracy and Literacy Strategies and finds that, whilst the introduction of these Strategies contributed to a rise in standards, independent tests of children’s attainment have shown that this rise in standards is not as widespread nor as high as claimed and that, as such, an independent body should be set up to monitor standards over time, with the purpose of testing how Government planning for education is actually being received on the ground, as it were.

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