The border-style property is used in CSS and certain HTML elements. The right border, combined with bottom, left, and top border, can also be specified with the border shorthand property. border-right 简写属性把右边框的所有属性设置到一个声明中。 可以按顺序设置如下属性: border-right-width; border-right-style; border-right-color; 如果不设置其中的某个值,也不会出问题,比如 border-right:solid #ff0000; 也是允许的。 or an image. The right border, combined with bottom, left, and top border, can also be specified with the border shorthand property. eg: border: (1px solid #ff0) (2px dashed #f0F) (3px dotted #F00) (5px solid #09f); Stack Overflow. Possible Values. CSS div { border-style:dotted solid; } Using the CSS short-handway to write code you can save time and your code will lighter and easier to read and maintain. The border-width specifies the width of a border. Values CSS border-right-width Property Previous Complete CSS Reference Next Example. You can set the thickness or width, color and style of each border.

CSS Property: border-right. There are many ways to customize CSS border styles. The border-right-style property in CSS is used to change the appearance of the right line segment of the border of an element.. Syntax: border-right-style: none|hidden|dotted|dashed|solid|double|groove| ridge|inset|outset|inherit; Property Values: none: It is the default value and it makes the width of right border to zero. none: aucune bordure droite, valeur par défaut. You can easily change this rule by adding text-align:center to make sure that all links appear at the center of the navbar.. The most important being the thickness, its color and the style: solid, dotted, dashed, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset. Note: set text-align property to left or right to move the text to those directions. Spécifier les bordures individuellement. There are three properties of a border you can change − The border-color specifies the color of a border.. The border-style property sets the style of a box's border such as: solid, dotted, etc. The border-bottom-style property in CSS is used to set the style of the bottom border of an element.. Syntax: border-bottom-style:none|hidden|dotted|dashed|solid|double|groove| ridge|inset|outset|initial|inherit; Property Values: Values. The following section describes how to set the style, color, and width of the border. I think that might be very useful. The border can either be a predefined style like, solid line, dotted line, double line, etc. It is a shorthand property to set individual border property values in a single place. The border-right-width property sets the width of an element's right border. Syntax /* the corner is a circle */ /* border-top-right-radius: radius */ border-top-right-radius: 3px; /* the corner is an ellipse */ /* border-top-right-radius: horizontal vertical */ border-top-right-radius: 0.5em 1em; border-top-right-radius: inherit; With one value: the value is a or a denoting the radius of the circle to use for the border in that corner.
For example a box with 350px that only shows a border-bottom in its firsts 60px.

The border-right-style CSS property sets the style of an element's right border individually. The border-style specifies whether a border should be solid, dashed line, double line, or one of the other possible values.. Hence, it is not visible. Cela permet d'obtenir des effets de dessin complexes sans avoir à complexifier l'utilisation des boîtes CSS. Is there a way of combining border-top,border-right,border-left,border-bottom in CSS like a super shorthand style. border: || || border-width: Specifies the thickness of the border. This style rule assigns a solid border to the top, a dashed border to the bottom, and a dotted border to the left- and right-hand sides of paragraphs within the element with ID A shorthand property that combines border-right-width, border-right-style, and border-right-color. Updated on March 22, 2018. by Neeraj Agarwal. Examples: La propriété de style de bordure border-right-style CSS peut prendre la valeur de style :. Possible Values A space-separated list , containing up to three values representing border-right-width , border-right-style , and border-right-color .