expression A variable that represents an Application object.. Re: vba to automatically resize user form depending on screen resolution.

VBA only solution. I would like it to fit comfortably within the screen size rather than application as I intend to reduce excel when the user form is initialised. Mr Excel, I have created a userform in Visual Basic which automatically pops up when a workbook is opened. Here is the VBA Combo Box default values in Excel. Returns or sets a Double value that represents the distance, in points, from the left edge of the application window to its right edge.. Syntax. The form is being called from this same Active Sheet. Hi Grimes0332, Thanks. VBA Width Property of ListBox ActiveX Control in Excel to sets or gets the distance between the Width the ListBox control and the Width of the userform or worksheet in points. Where ‘-1’ is the index number.

The VBA solution makes use of mouse events to trigger when to change the height and width of the UserForm. After adding items to Combo Box by using any of the below code you can define the default value. Personally, I think it’s not as smooth as the Window API solution, but it is much easier to understand and can be used on a Mac too. Private Sub UserForm_Activate() ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMinimized With Application Me.Top = .Top Me.Left = .Left Me.Height = .Height Me.Width = .Width End With End Sub Just Learning as I go), I have a UserForm with a ComboBox populated by a named Range ----- Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() MatchComboBox1.RowSource = ThisWorkbook.heatpumpChoice MatchComboBox1.Text = MatchComboBox1.List(0) End Sub ----- It will fit the size of userform to your excel window. Paste the below code in UserForm_Activate procedure and run. Application.Width property (Excel) 04/05/2019; 2 minutes to read +1; In this article. Hi, during Initialization of my userform, I need to: Size it and Position it, so that it effectively covers an entire Named Range on the Active Sheet. Is there a way to do this...if not I will have to design the form a little smaller to suit all needs (not the best solution but). Hello (first post, and I am not a VBA programmer.

VBA ComboBox Default Values in Excel. Remarks. I tried the code above but it creates s small box in the middle of the screen. expression.Width. Code 1: The below code is useful to select blank option in Combo Box . In other words we use ‘Width’ property of list box to set the list box Width position.

I would like it to appear in full screen mode ie self adjust to the users PC display settings / acceleration.