Hi, I am using Solaris 5.8 I searched online, the find command has an option called maxdepth which can be used to limit the number of directories find will look into. This includes all files in all subdirectories of the current directory. Linux find命令 Linux 命令大全 Linux find 命令用来在指定目录下查找文件。任何位于参数之前的字符串都将被视为欲查找的目录名。如果使用该命令时,不设置任何参数,则 find 命令将在当前目录下查找子目录与文件。并且将查找到的子目录和文件全部进行显示。 In a recent Opensource.com article, Lewis Cowles introduced the find command.. find is one of the more powerful and flexible command-line programs in the daily toolbox, so it's worth spending a little more time on it.. At a minimum, find takes a path to find things. -maxdepth 1 -newermt "12/06/16" Find Todays Modified Files in Linux You can get more usage information for ls and find commands in our following series of articles on same.

findコマンドは、ファイルを検索するコマンドです。 findコマンド 書式 find 検索条件は、オプション・判別式・アクションからなります。 オプション -maxdepth レベル 指定したパスから数えて、最大何段階下まで検索するかを指定します。 -mindepth If you want to search a file on your system through the command line, and speed is the topmost priority, then there's another command that you can use: Locate . The Linux find command is a very useful and handy command to search for files from the command line. While find is no doubt one of the most popular as well as powerful command-line utilities for file searching in Linux, it not fast enough for situations where-in you need instantaneous results. There are lots of fancy programs for Linux to find out where your gigabytes are sitting and filling your hard drive, the simplest of them is du (from disk usage).The trick is to use the --max-depth=1 option so that you get a view of which folder weighs how much. Please specify options before other arguments. The find command, with its myriad options and switches, offers the most powerful and precise features to surface what you're looking for. To check whether a directory exists or not . explicitly tells find that you want the search to begin in the current directory. Find command is used to search and locate the list of files and directories based on conditions you specify for files that match the arguments. Try this: It can be used to find files based on various search criterias like permissions, user ownership, modification date/time, size etc. In this post we shall learn to use the find command along with various options that it supports. そこで GNU find では -perm + に変わり -perm / という書き方を導入した。Linux など GNU find が使える環境では -perm / を使い、それ以外では -perm + を使うとよい。書式は下記のように -perm + を -perm / に変えるだけである。 Specify a number after -maxdepth to instruct find on how many subdirectories it should recursively search. linux find -maxdepth 和xargs 用法 ... Linuxfind命令用来在指定目录下查找文件。任何位于参数之前的字符串都将被视为欲查找的目录名。如果使用该命令时,不设置任何参数,则find命令将在当前目录下查找子目 … For example: find / will find (and print) every file on the system. Here's the output of the command: Like maxdepth, there is another option called mindepth (usage: '-mindepth [N]'). find: paths must precede expression Usage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [path...] [expression] -maxdepth 3 -name "*.txt" Here '-maxdepth 3' forces 'find' to go inside and search only three levels, with the first level being your top level (or the current working) directory. Despite the popularity of window managers that offer graphical user interfaces, the best way to search for files in Linux requires a shell. You can search the current directory with grep as follows: . You can circumvent this behavior with the -maxdepth option. find / -mindepth 3 -maxdepth 5 -name passwd There are two other ways to limit search a directory in linux : grep Grep searches the named input FILEs (or standard input if no files are named, or the file name – is given) for lines containing a match to the given PATTERN.By default, grep prints the matching lines.