For that we need to configure our linux nic interface with the vlan id info. .

… This can be done in two ways. We can use ifconfig command when we need to make any changes on NIC. This type of interface is usually a NIC connected to the network by a category 5 cable. So our topic of interest is, how to tell our linux machine to insert that 802.1q vlan info in the ethernet frame that goes out. 1.

I know this is not quite what you asked (read on for other ways). 1. Linux ifconfig command help, examples, and information. 1. Linux ifconfig command help, examples, and information.

A complete list is provided below. These commands may be used to configure, to troubleshoot your network or to obtain some more information all via the terminal in Linux.

These are the most commonly-used configuration options for ifconfig.

Nic bonding is defined as bonding of two or more network cards on a server/pc to form a parallel single connection. I prefer using the OS provided tools and not some other third party tools because just to get the NIC driver and firmware version I don't want to go through all browsing, download, getting over my firewall, copying to my blade (as in office environment generally we don't have internet access to our Linux blades) when we already have bunch of OS provided tools which can be used for this purpose. Its having many names like.
NIC Bonding 4.

Common Syntax for ifconfig: # ifconfig [NIC_NAME] Down/Up Run the following command to bring down the enp0s3 interface in Linux. It is very useful in terms of network troubleshooting and performance measurement. Channel Bonding 3.

There are some great answers here, I just wanted to add a few more options. But if you want to know the real world performance of your NIC, rather than what your computer says it should be, you can use iperf.I usually do this - … 10 Essential Linux Network Commands 1.

9 Linux ethtool Examples to Manipulate Ethernet Card (NIC Card) by Balakrishnan Mariyappan on October 28, 2010. Hello folks, today let’s take a look at some 10 essential Linux network commands. This is a great way of achieving redundancy to a server if it's having more number of network cards. Vconfig command. Link aggregation 2. Tweet. It is used at boot time to set up interfaces as necessary. netstat (network statistics) is a command line tool for monitoring network connections both incoming and outgoing as well as viewing routing tables, interface statistics etc. ... Change NIC Parameter Using ethtool Option -s autoneg. It provides so many information about NIC.

create a vlan interface on your linux machine with vconfig command as shown below. List Ethernet Device Properties. So let’s go! netstat is available on all Unix-like Operating Systems and also available on Windows OS as well. One of the most useful pieces of information you can get from a network interface is the list of IP addresses that are assigned to it.
You can obtain this information from a NetworkInterface instance by using one of two methods. Ethtool utility is used to view and change the ethernet device parameters.