width: 50%; border: 1px solid black; } Try it Yourself » More "Try it Yourself" examples below.

Problem is, that it is hard to style QHeaderView. The width of an element does not include padding, borders, or margins! The border-width property is used to set the width of the border. I want to draw all grid lines with same color and same width.

All the time, I get 2px grid width or no grid at all. border-width. You can also set the custom width of borders but in pixels. border-bottom: 1px; border-bottom: 2px dotted; border-bottom: medium dashed blue; The three values of the shorthand property can be specified in any order, and one or two of them may be omitted.

Note that the computed style of an element may not be the same as the value specified for that element in a style sheet. I Have folowing window with one QTableWIdget. border-width. border-style The CSS border properties allow you to specify the style and color of an element’s border. These can be denoted in pixels, like border-width: 3px, or you can use one of the three standard values thin, medium and thick. It comes up with a predefined values thin, medium and thick. CSS is one of the core languages of the open Web and is standardized across Web browsers according to the W3C … and asociated styleSheet

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML).CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media. Not much to say here that you don't already know.

Values This means mixed case has a special meaning, .css( "WiDtH" ) won't do the same as .css( "width" ), for example.

Border-width:-The border-width property helps you to set the width of the border. Note: The min-width and max-width properties override the width property. As a result you’ll see the box that’ll be of 200px width.

border-width: thin; border-width: medium; border-width: thick; border-color. Definition and Usage.

You can colour your borders using HEX colour codes or named colours. Border property. I would like to display table in Qt with specific style.

Default value: auto: Inherited: no: Animatable: yes. The width property sets the width of an element.