I also like to add a width of 100% so that the text area fills up the full width of the content area. The CSS. I tried to delete all bootstrap classes in the HTML … "rows" along does not work.

A max-height of 50vh ensures the text area will never grow bigger than the viewport. A min-height ensures that at least a few lines of text show up to start. It will be disabled so that the user cannot interact with it. Examples of Bootstrap textarea use: Comment section; Form; Forums Textarea Bootstrap textarea. How can a force the textarea to vertically fill the table-cell div? How can I make a textarea automatically expand using jQuery? If no value is provided to rows, then it will default to 2 (the browser default and minimum acceptable value). It seems like bootstrap changes the way margins and paddings and heights work? IE: if there is only one line of text, the textarea height is only 1 row or if there is 3 lines of text, the textarea height is 3 rows? I have applied height: 100% to all the parent elements, but the textarea still maintains its default height.. Screenshot: Example of my problem: JSFiddle Example code: When hitting enter, the text is jumping up and down, which is irritating to the eye. With Bootstrap 4 you will need to have the property rows and add "height: 100%;" so that the height would stretch to the number of rows specified.

I have a textarea that will hold data from a database. Textareas don't have to be boring.

Used a method of setting overflow-y: hidden; on the textarea then use eventHandler watching on the input event, Height style is then updated with the scrollHeight value. I give my textarea’s just a little bit of styling. Is there a way to set the height via css so that it fits the area. A Bootstrap textarea is an input dedicated for a large volume of text. Setting it to null or a value below 2 will result in the default of 2 being used. It may be used in a variety of components like forms, comment sections, and forums. They can be enhanced with colors, shadows or rounded corners.
To set the height of , set the rows prop to the desired number of rows. The textarea is only 4px high instead of 16. NOTE: This is only an issue in IE. Don’t forget to set the height on page load/dom insert too.