Prolific usb to rs232) 2) Right click on the setup and choose troubleshoot compatibility or run it as a program that is compatible … The PL-2303HX provides a convenient solution for connecting an RS-232 full-duplex asynchronous serial device to any Universal Serial Bus (USB) capable host. Don't let windows update automatically - you need to pick from a list. 1. If the driver was not installed, remove the Serial adapter then run “PL2303_Driver_Installer.exe" again.

Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port version [version] > Next . In summary, this article is for: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. Prolific offers complete USB to Serial/UART/RS232 and USB to Printer interface bridge solution for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android platform. Right click the device (in the device manager) and choose update driver navigating to the list of hardware. 2019/08/15 1.23.0 10791.00KB After clicking update driver choose: Not this time. These have support for the Prolific 2303 chipset, and recognize the plug and play IDs of the Plugable adapter. Click download to view the document. The PL-2303HX is a low cost and high performance USB-to-Serial Bridge Controller. Purpose of this article is to guide you on how to FIX the "Prolific USB-to-Serial" driver issue with common cheap units. 1) Download a driver (Ex. Works on 32/64-bit. Other Platforms: The adapter uses the standard USB Prolific VID and PID of 0×2303, which is recognized by all of Prolific’s standard drivers. This resource is for PL2303TA USB to Serial/UART Bridge Controller.

2. Install from a specific location. Windows XP. Windows Driver Installer Setup Program Download. Follow directions in Device Manager to download the correct driver The three solutions listed in this article have proven to be quite helpful in fixing a Prolific USB to Serial driver not working on Windows 10. Prolific provides perfect solution to connect your legacy peripherals and application to any USB host platform.

And it addresses issue of: Prolific PL-2303 Driver Fix (VID_067B&PID_2303)