accuri c6 manual

y\L }����~*L�l�n}��� 7�x�m����X��gȱ0Z1J50 m��@� �D�1Hğ����H31�m� �� ���' L��� Laboratory Equipment BD CSampler Installation Manual 2 pages. Accuri™ C6 Plus BD Biosciences. The BD Accuri C6 flow cytometer system includes BD Accuri C6 Software for controlling the instrument, generating statistics, and analyzing results. BD Accuri C6 Plus fluorochrome support All fluorochromes in the table can be detected by the BD Accuri C6 Plus equipped with standard filters. h޴S�j�0����2�X���d��BۇM�J��p�l�d�~5����adA�Ci���@�� y`�B}�@h�K�v�f�)�*Z�6D�&d'��f�z-C�Zn����R73�nǦ3�-m\�v��tN��ƫ�Zij7��um�zc�&��݌�d7�.� ��L�q����5�H=�Y�pQAں΃��^̑�]#�26m�H-���2'd��5g�Z1GZ;��i�� 9kK:::�;+:8��;:��+::X�;*�,v ����ţ����A(� ?���[��? Peristaltic Pumps and Luer Locks, Figure 4-5. BD Accuri C6: BMSB J538. Only operate the Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer with an original copyrighted version of software authorized by Accuri. Came with note that it needs repair. Removing Peristaltic Pump Retainer Clip, Figure 4-6. The unique fluidics system of the BD Accuri C6 Plus, driven by peristaltic pumps, allows it to determine sample volume and count cells rapidly, directly, and automatically from the software, eliminating laborious plate counts. x���M��� `(-X�:��&�̑� r�p�N��S�F?�R4�S�^L=�� I��t�_�n@Q4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_4%_`���=��@J�'� �������(�⍴?�aV(�S��'3*{�����f����߫�!cE��+MH4~������U1Qy+��R�L�Vj��\i@���|����f�M�ZY?�`��bJ�ܠD��Ke��@��T`�e���8�HQ�W�8�7�y����R�T���p�]����ޣ�y.� nW�$�����[�}�k�[j�-J�����[�C�+�gA-�G鳅������g��6v���, ����R�s%�Yu���f�y'��8l���N%. h�bbd```b`` � ��9������"ɸD�NB��!�6�[��f����3>��������L�\�`��X��?�� �YF The software for Accuri C6 (CFlow Plus) is very user-friendly and efficient. We have 1 BD Accuri C6 manual available for free PDF download: Instrument Manual . endstream endobj startxref For a more complete set of directions refer to the BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer Instrument Manual . Accuri C6 is an analyzer equipped with two lasers and 4 color detectors and it has capabilities similar to FACSCalibur. ��qq��p�{|�wtxs 2774 0 obj <> endobj Press the Power button on the BD Accuri C6 instrument face panel. Accuri C6 consumables, manuals, etc. Accuri C6 is a 4 color (2 lasers) instrument, Facs Verse may be up to 8 (3 lasers) color. Accuri C6 is an "easy to use" flow cytometer which can be connected to an autosampler (48 and 96 well, and 24 tube rack, we do not have one). Flow cytometry within reach The analytical power and versatility of today’s laser-based flow cytometry systems have unlocked the mysteries of cell biology and empowered entirely new fields of research. endstream endobj 2775 0 obj <>/Metadata 476 0 R/Pages 2772 0 R/StructTreeRoot 613 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2776 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 2772 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 2777 0 obj <>stream With minor signs of normal wear and tear. ۟��@��7����O����vƁ`���OW�p�>����8\:�7k������������>q=���!�\�$/-dzCL��)��"�nÒ��2fVo.C��I�aj���~��`��-`v�T�͖(V�` �㆔����rHf ��d)R�7��V�� ר�Gˌ%b��j�Z��.�f>�Z�i-h�`*G-�mA�S,�1&;e,��R�h�Q�4 Lh&4��{�,a��T���.hݓ�t�D�4,�L��J�'�uI�(Y�22��(�t�O�+L�op���z�¢exy����w�c#s����{�u^�(�����H� Sliding Luer Lock Fittings Off of Pump Head, Figure 5-2. BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer Instrument Manual Bd Accuri C6 Pdf User Manuals. x������ PP9R�P������t�Y�a9D��� ` +9|%��; ��0^��O���-�&+�M�n����I��]�: ���bh��*��f��M�=�>�����}'$�� Optional filters can be used to increase resolution or to separate fluorochromes with overlapping signals, like GFP and YFP. Update Driver Software - Cytometer, Second Dialog Box, Figure 5-4. %%EOF A broad dynamic range of detection makes it easy to analyze cells as varied in size as platelets and eosinophils in the same data file. 2804 0 obj <>stream The Accuri C6 cytometer in my lab has some problems, and we need some help. BD Accuri C6 flow cytometer for the analysis of plant genome sizes. Accuri C6 is a digital PC based bench top analyser, 2 laser system. Item is sold AS IS. This manual provides information on cytometer requirements and specifications, setup, and maintenance. The BD Accuri™ C6 Plus personal flow cytometer is the newest generation of the BD Accuri™ platform. endstream endobj 2780 0 obj <>stream BD Accuri C6 Software (CFlow Plus) controls the BD Accuri C6 flow cytometer system in order to acquire data, generate statistics, and analyze results. The BD Accuri C6 flow cytometer system includes BD Accuri C6 Software for controlling the instrument, generating statistics, and analyzing results. Update Driver Software - Cytometer, Successfully Updated Your Driver Software, Figure 5-5.The C6 Software Status Message Box - C6 Is Connected and Ready. endstream endobj 2779 0 obj <>stream Accuri C6 consumables, manuals, etc. For Research Use Only. View online or download Bd Accuri C6 Instrument Manual Bd Accuri C6 Manuals | ManualsLib BD Accuri™ C6 Flow Cytometer Optical Filter Guide . BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer Optics and Fluidics (Top View, Lid Open), Changing the Workstation Computer Settings for Windows ® 7, Figure 3-5. 0 NOTE: The BD Accuri CFlow Importer reads the FCS data directly from the BD Accuri CFlow file, so you do not have to export individual files. Along with traditional forward and side scatter, the C6 is an ideal instrument for basic analytical cytometry. endstream endobj 2778 0 obj <>stream BD Accuri C6 Plus flow cytometer With its compact 11 x 14.75 x 16.5-in footprint, light weight of 30 lb and operational simplicity, the BD Accuri C6 Plus flow cytometer supports a wide array of applications including immunology, cell and cancer biology, plant and microbiology, and industrial applications. `� T���4 d*u�y�Dn�cK�u��A�aZC���_��q�� �#��� The BD Accuri™ C6 is a personal flow cytometer that brings cell analysis within reach by being easy to use, simple to maintain, and affordable. BD Accuri™ C6 Flow Cytometer Instruction Manual, serial number 2400 and higher; BD Accuri™ C6 Software User Guide; BD CSampler™ Accessory Installation Guide; BD CSampler™ Software User Guide 2798 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3B235E56AD4D884590D8BFA25210CF82><756487A21B96FC4983BB2B9C4996548C>]/Index[2774 31]/Info 2773 0 R/Length 99/Prev 1549724/Root 2775 0 R/Size 2805/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream A unique, non-pressurized, peristaltic pump system drives the fluidics. Narrated by Dr. Donald Breakwell Filmed and edited by Gabriel Goulding Such counts are essential in many research and clinical applications, including enumerating leucocytes, B cells, T cells, and platelets in human blood, measuring of … Instructional video on the basics of using BYU's Accuri C6 cytometer. 21. ���r��n�Ypm8I_�À�W�"v����,,{�m��c__$�`�r݀��\NiC�{i\ �p=�ƫ�k.x���8�ႃ3��{a�> �6111111111111111��Ǧ�� �! x���MkA�����dI#��b�!�@K =�BH}JK���z,�;��i��w����+���n����s�ج�b;���H %PDF-1.6 %���� Figure 1-1. Core Size/Flow Rate Combinations.....79 Figure C-1. In addition, C6 has a flow metering system for automatic calculation of absolute cell counts. 661085). Services available on the BD Accuri: Single or multi-color cellular analysis (phenotyping, intracellular staining, etc.) It also includes … If you are interested in using a fluorochrome that is not listed here with the Accuri C6, please contact the operator.. Click here to view the instrument manual. BD Accuri C6 Software User Guide - Manual vi 7820095-01 Rev-0 Table B-1. Since the C6 fluidics system is non-pressurized, any brand of sample tube that is 12 x 75 mm or smaller can be used. User Tracking Installer Icon .....80 Figure C-2. This item has been powered on, but no further testing. Automated Preventive Maintenance Notification Window, Figure 4-4. The BD Accuri C6 Plus is an ideal benchtop platform for core immunophenotyping studies and is configured for rapid and accurate analysis of up to six parameters at the single-cell level. Enhanced sensitivity, reliability, and capabilities bring flow cytometry even more within reach for new and experienced flow cytometry researchers. The BD Accuri® C6 is a digital basic flow cytometer, which is equipped with a Blue (488nm) and a Red (640nm) lasers, two light scatter detectors (FSC and SSC), and four fluorescence detectors. 1 The standard configuration of the BD Accuri C6 Plus (as shipped) is “3-blue 1-red” with the 533/30 (formerly 530/30) filter in FL1, 585/40 in FL2, 670 LP in FL3, and 675/25 in FL4. endstream endobj 2781 0 obj <>stream In this episode, I present to you, maybe the best entry level flow cytometer in the market, BD Accuri C6. Please note: It is possible to measure some other fluorochromes using this setup. Install, update, and run anti-virus protection software on a regular basis. Operate the instrument as described in this Instruction Manual. Available to trained users with online booking. The BD Accuri™ C6 is a dual laser flow cytometer capable of detecting four distinct fluorochromes simultaneously. Such wear includes scratches, scrapes, and general dirtiness. The instrument will begin a 5 minute auto start cycle. Overall very good cosmetic condition. DNA/Cell cycle analysis BD Accuri C6 Plus software files can be exported in FCS 3.1 format for seamless data import into flow cytometry analysis programs such as FCS Express ™ software and FlowJo ™ software. So the choice should be addressed by the kind of flow experiments you plan to do. !� �XB4��u*��yo7�5�(8.����.�����jo���U߅Ţ?=_��Jk X�3^��=8l�S����6ؽ�6]�w����Wߵ %��S&!bM\w��d�T�����&�B��~��s˟1U�R�l1V&�f�PL�L��K6�c 6�9� Many thanks, Matt . BD Accuri C6 Instrument Manual (31 pages), Figure 1-1. the BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer System, BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer Specifications, Figure 3-1. The BD Accuri® C6 personal flow cytometer can simplify cell analysis by counting absolute cell numbers directly (per unit sample volume). Accuri C6 flow cytometer fits in any lab and is readily accessible to all researchers—experts and novices alike. �R'�B$K1�#��L�f����2Φ� 5gM�(�,��ycT�}�b��yL]��:y�y�:��~�Kw�s������b\Pע��._H�vtt哂n�mO*���n�s����;;�5����~��;;a��t��~�HX�ÛK h�b```d``ja`c``�� Ā B,@Q�G����^�M�*O�:.:�c�a��"~��!������Q���ȵ�۵8�1}p�l�����C�+x��L��a:_"�����.��r+��枘�! The DNA histograms produced by the BD Accuri C6 display excellent peak CVs, and this instrument, uniquely, can provide simultaneous linear estimates of nuclear DNA content spanning at least two orders of … Click here to view the BD Fluorescence Spectraviewer.. Click here to view the C6 software user guide. The BD Accuri C6 flow cytometer (Figure 2) offers performance, simplicity, and affordability. Standard fluorochrome in use are identical to FACS Calibur. �e�I�c~w1���0 ��� Additional laser configurations (2-blue 2-red, 4-blue) are available with the Selectable Lasers Module (Cat. User's Guides and Manuals. ... Deionised water is recommended in the C6 manual - try this and it may stop blockages. You are viewing an Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer. BD Accuri™ C6 Compensation Calculator (Microsoft® Excel®) BD Accuri™ C6 Flow Cytometer Optical Filter Guide . It also includes common troubleshooting help and service information. BD Accuri C6 Software provides the following features: a. Tabbed views for collection, analysis, and statistics b. Proper Attachment of Fluidics Lines, Figure 4-1. BD Accuri C6 Instrument Manual (31 pages) Flow Cytometer. BD Accuri C6 with plate handler April 2016 This protocol contains instructions for setting up an Accuri C6 with plate handler. If you will be using a different system, consult the appropriate protocol in our flow cytometry protocols for Multiplex assays page, or contact our Technical Support team at 1.1 About This Manual This manual provides information on cytometer requirements and specifications, setup, and maintenance. Even more colors to choose from with selectable lasers and filter replacement. Manuals and User Guides for BD Accuri C6. (In this example, the file is FCS Express Import Demo.c6.) BD Accuri C6 Plus flow cytometer With its compact 11 x 14.75 x 16.5-in footprint, light weight of 30 lb and operational simplicity, the BD Accuri C6 Plus flow cytometer supports a wide array of applications including immunology, cell and cancer biology, plant and microbiology, and industrial applications. Select the BD Accuri CFlow file (.c6) that contains the data you want to view with FCS Express. The BD Accrui C6 Cytometer -The cytometer has 2 lasers: -Blue 488nm laser (3 colors) -Red 640 (1 color) -Unlike most cytometers you will encounter, the Accuri does not all you to manually adjust your voltage settings -Instead, the software uses a larger logarithmic … Includes all accessories shown in pictures. This includes microfuge tubes and tubes made of polystyrene and polypropylene. 3. If the BD Accuri software displays the message Extra Start-up time needed due to cleaning or improper shut down it will take the instrument several more minutes for the instrument to get to the green-light ready state. Works with current protocols and reagents: Accuri developed the C6 to use the same reagents you currently use on the market-leading cytometers. Direct counts on the BD Accuri C6 Plus correlate highly with counting beads and are more precise than manual counts. Related Manuals for BD Accuri C6 . Compare the new data to that provided with the C6 and email the file created in step 20 to *Steps may be skipped if you purchased your computer from Accuri with your C6. Light, rugged, and small enough to fit on a benchtop, it connects to standard electrical circuitry and can easily be transported to a water treatment facility or into the field. Installation Dialog Box .....80 Figure C-3. No. Run anti-virus protection Software on a regular basis direct counts on the market-leading cytometers C6 to the. Plus personal flow cytometer is the newest generation of the BD Accuri Plus. Manual - try this and it has capabilities similar to FACSCalibur in the market, BD Accuri C6 flow with! Use are identical to FACS Calibur you plan to do Figure 5-2 FCS! Can simplify cell analysis by counting absolute cell numbers directly ( per unit sample volume ) lasers. Used to increase resolution or to separate fluorochromes with overlapping signals, like GFP YFP! 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