office of everglades restoration initiatives

Shannon coordinates the Department’s restoration efforts and is the Executive Director of the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force. Rest assured, there is a light at the end of this tunnel.”, Putting Students, Families and Teachers First, Protecting and Restoring Florida’s Environmental Resources, Supporting Floridians Through Mental Health & Substance Abuse Initiatives, Executive Office of Governor Ron DeSantis. A. The South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force supported by the Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives (OERI) plays a unique role in this restoration effort by facilitating coordination among the numerous federal, state, local and tribal governments involved in Everglades restoration. Everglades restoration is one of the Administration’s top environmental priorities because these efforts benefit the environment, economy, and communities across South Florida. Author information: (1)Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives, US Department of the Interior, Davie, FL, USA, Championed and signed legislation known as the “Clean Waterways Act” to minimize the impact of known sources of nutrient pollution, realign the State’s resources to enhance the protection of Florida’s environment and strengthen regulatory requirements. This marked another milestone in Governor DeSantis’ pioneering efforts to lower the high cost of prescription drugs for Floridians. Of the newly appointed judges, nearly 40% are female and nearly 30% are minorities. The initiative, which includes a multiyear, $5 million grant from The Marcus Foundation, promotes the expansion of middle and high school debate and speech programs to all of Florida’s public school districts and support for high-quality teachers that are catalysts for students becoming great citizens who can preserve our constitutional republic for future generations. Everglades Restoration Initiatives - Live Stream - Duration: 11 minutes, 59 seconds. The Everglades Foundation Adds Shannon Estenoz and Rebecca Rose. The state of Florida and Miami-Dade County will each invest $10 million, for a total of $20 million, for important infrastructure updates and new technology to help predict and prevent sanitary sewer overflows into the bay. Managers were invited to attend the two-day "Predicting Ecological Changes in the Florida Everglades in a Future Climate Scenario" workshop and to participate in discussion and panel sessions. Championed and signed legislation increasing fines for sanitary sewer overflows by 100 percent, and all other fines for environmental crimes by at least 50 percent, to deter bad actors and ensure environmental investments are safeguarded. “Shannon brings to this position more than a decade of experience, leadership and passion for Everglades restoration,” Secretary Salazar said. Announced additional plans to utilize Volkswagen Settlement dollars to add electric fast-charging stations along interstates across Florida to encourage electric mobility and reduce fuel emissions. Your Future.” statewide campaign which aims to provide Florida’s youth with the facts surrounding substance abuse and how it negatively impacts their lives. A longtime Everglades restoration advocate and Obama's federal point person for restoration of the region, Estenoz is now a member of Biden's Interior transition team. “The First Lady and I would like to thank all Floridians for their hard work and perseverance during a year unlike any of us have ever experienced before. Governor Ron DeSantis said, “This has been a year of challenges, but it has also been a year of historic feats, innovation and resiliency. With 68 projects, CERP provides t he framework for restoration. Secretary Jewell and a Fish and Wildlife Service employee speak about Everglades restoration, following the … This project will provide a comprehensive array of services and support for residents with untreated mental health and substance abuse challenges that too often trap them in the criminal justice system. 6. The proposal to establish the Everglades Headwaters NWR and Conservation Area complements overall efforts to restore the Everglades and directly supports two of the three Everglades restoration goals established by the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, comprised of state, federal, tribal and local representatives. In this forum, departmental initiatives are discussed issues and special needs impacting multiple programs are examined, resources are managed to meet the greatest needs, and information, funding and service gaps are identified. Expansion of school choice options for students: Championed and signed legislation to increase the enrollment of the Family Empowerment Scholarship by nearly 30,000 students. Center staff located at the South Florida Ecosystem Office work primarily on ecosystem restoration initiatives in south Florida. Announced $23 million in funding to bolster Florida’s mental health services system derived from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to reinforce mental health support available in Florida and allow the Department of Children and Families to continue providing mental health and substance abuse treatment for Floridians in need. Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives,; South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force (U.S.); Federal Depository Library Program,; United States. Nick Aumen, PhD: Regional Science Advisor for the US Geological Survey.Dr. The legislation allows the Department of Children and Families to administer all programs related to domestic violence services, restoring accountability in government for our most vulnerable residents and survivors of domestic violence. Estenoz will develop departmental policy for the Everglades and coordinate the work of the three Interior agencies - the National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Geological Survey - that are involved in the restoration effort. U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240., Stewarding Conservation and Powering Our Future, Toggle Dyslexia-friendly black-on-creme color scheme, Secretarial Schedules (July 2018-July 2019), ICYMI: President Trump supports government collaboration in strengthening land conservation efforts, Trump Administration Establishes Medgar and Myrlie Evers Home National Monument, Trump Administration Disburses More than $8 Billion from 2020 Energy Production, Integrity of Scientific & Scholarly Activities, Policy Library: Departmental Manual, HR, Secretary's Orders, Wildland Fire Management. Director, Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives U.S. Department of the Interior . Adam Gelber, director of the Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives, describes the program as “super complex.” It has taken “a lot of planning to get it as right as possible,” he adds. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. Extended the deadline for students to earn the minimum qualifying SAT or ACT score to obtain a Bright Futures scholarship. Approved the acquisition of 15 Florida Forever parcels totaling more than 42,000 acres in conservation lands, to preserve Florida’s natural treasures and lands for future generations of Floridians. Additionally, 12 regional educators were named statewide ambassadors, and over 80 Florida educators have become coaches. Announced $50 million for more than 20 statewide springs restoration projects to aid the recovery and provide additional protection for Florida’s springs. “Her experience on the South Florida Water Management District Governing Board gives her a unique perspective to understand the challenges facing the state and federal partners as we move forward to restore the Everglades. Historic Investments in Florida’s Education System: Called for and secured the highest ever per-pupil spending totals at $7,793 per student, an increase of more than $137 per student over the previous year. $2 million for a Preschool Development Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Grant to provide mental health sub-grants to enhance the skills of the early childhood workforce for improved classroom environments and individualized mental health services to children. Elimination of Common Core from Florida’s classrooms and replaced with Florida’s B.E.S.T. WASHINGTON, D.C. – Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today announced the appointment of Shannon Estenoz to be the department's Director of Everglades Restoration Initiatives, his senior representative in South Florida for Everglades restoration. Everglades Restoration - U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives REstoration COordination and VERification (RECOVER) - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Loxahatchee River Watershed Restoration Project - Palm Beach County Under the leadership of Governor DeSantis, and through efforts by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the state is adding approximately 66 fast-charging stations, providing 168 fast chargers to the state’s existing publicly available inventory. Restoring Hydrology through the Comp rehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, known as CERP, plays a central role in transition from our current constrained system to a more hydr aulically connected ecosystem that supports abundant freshwater, terrestrial, and marine wildlife. - Photo: Jose Cabaleiro, Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives Secretary Jewell examines a plant while listening to a presentation about Everglades restoration. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. B. Maintained Florida’s higher education system standing in national rankings: Three universities were ranked in the top 50 public universities by. Since the inception of FCDI, there has been an 83% average increase in participation in speech and debate in the South and Central Florida regions combined. During the 2019-20 school year, the Florida Department of Education, Step Up for Students, and AAA Scholarships collectively funded over 180,500 scholarships for students with special needs, students from low-middle income families, students who have endured bullying, and students who struggle with reading. Nearly $5 million to implement a Crisis Counseling Program to help Floridians respond to the behavioral health impacts of the COVID-19 public health emergency. Wilmington 900 King Street Suite 210 Wilmington, DE 19801 Main line: (302) 255-1730 Fax: (302) 577-6831 Successfully advocated for President Trump to include $250 million for Everglades restoration in his 2021 budget request. The Office of Strategic Initiatives (OSI) houses The Florida Youth Conservation Centers Network and teams responsible for FWC’s participation in Gulf and Everglades Restoration. $5.2 million for counties in Northwest Florida to support continuing efforts to expand telemental health services and rebuild early education facilities following Hurricane Michael. Everglades Restoration Takes Three Big Steps Forward The Everglades Agricultural Area Reservoir water reservation regulations, the completion of the S-333N water control structure, and the award of a contract for construction on the L-67A levee will improve water flow in the River of Grass. This legislation also encourages representatives from local churches and community organizations to engage in the state’s child welfare system and advise DCF on outreach efforts. Estenoz succeeds Terrence C. “Rock” Salt, who is now the principal deputy assistant secretary of the Army (civil works). Provided comprehensive distance learning resources in partnership with Florida Virtual School to ensure students continued learning while school campuses were closed and followed best practices for distance learning. In October, Step Up for Students awarded their one millionth school choice scholarship since the organization’s founding in 2001. Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez Highlights 2020 Administration Successes, First Lady Casey DeSantis Highlights Major Mental Health Accomplishments Achieved in 2020, Governor Ron DeSantis Highlights Administration’s Major Accomplishments of 2020, Americans with Disabilities Act Awareness Day. The organization is a non-profit dedicated to leading efforts to restore and protect the greater Everglades ecosystem. Of the $23 million in funding, $18 million was provided for Community Based Services by expanding the capacity of the Florida Assertive Community Teams (FACT), Community Action Teams (CAT) and the Family Intensive Treatment Teams (FIT) to serve an additional 300 adults and 375 youth with severe mental illness needing crisis intervention. The vaccine has arrived in Florida and we have started vaccinating frontline health care workers, and we were the first state in the nation to begin vaccinating residents of long-term care facilities. Championed and secured $500 million to raise the minimum teacher salary and provide raises for veteran teachers and other instructional personnel, boosting Florida to top five in the nation for starting teacher pay. Nearly $700,000 to extend Hurricane Michael crisis counseling services in Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson and Washington counties. The overarching goal of Everglades restoration is to restore the quality, quantity, timing, and distribution of water to the remaining natural system. Maintained $10 million in funding for the Florida Pathways to Career Opportunities Grant Program to establish or expand pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs for high school and college students. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. Endorsed and signed legislation allowing college student-athletes to be compensated for the use of their name, image and likeness. Led the charge to initiate, and eventually sign, legislation removing the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence from Florida Statutes following exposure of egregious corruption and spending practices. Secure $2.5 billion over the next four years to invest in Everglades restoration and protecting our water resources. Announced more than $5 million in grant funding for the South Florida Water Management District and Florida Atlantic University’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute to protect and study water quality. Estenoz previously headed up the Suncoast Regional Office of the National Parks Conservation Association and served as the World Wildlife Fund’s Everglades program director. Launched “The Facts. Title Shannon Estenoz to be the Inteior department’s Director of Everglades Restoration Initiatives, Secretary Salazar's senior repr With their extensive networks, grassroots perspective, and innate compassion, these individuals have an unparalleled ability to support initiatives like foster parent recruitment. 3 views; Streamed 1 year ago; 6:28. The program and funding will be used to provide wrap-around services, including recovery and support services, career training and employment services to participants directly impacted by the opioid epidemic. $2 million to 18 rural Florida school districts to increase students’ access to mental health and student support services and to enhance access to school and community-based providers. Ecosystem Restoration South Florida Ecosystem Office 950 N. Krome Avenue Homestead, FL 33030-4443 Phone: (305) 224-4200 Fax: (305) 224-4147. Office of Strategic Initiatives. They will be fully implemented by 2022. Totals included: Over $322 million for Everglades restoration, $160 million for targeted water quality improvements, $25 million to combat harmful algal blooms and red tide. Get this from a library! Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council Estenoz will report directly to Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Tom Strickland, who chairs the task force. Department of the Interior. The Office of Ecosystem Projects plays a key role in carrying out the largest environmental restoration project in the world — restoring the natural treasure of America’s Everglades. “As we look toward 2021, I believe Floridians have reason to be optimistic. WASHINGTON, D.C. – Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today announced the appointment of Shannon Estenoz to be the department's Director of Everglades Restoration Initiatives, his senior representative in South Florida for Everglades restoration. Provided more than 32,000 laptops to 34 small and rural school districts to quickly serve Florida’s students as they transitioned to distance learning. Directed the Department of Environmental Protection to purchase 20,000 acres of critical wetlands in the heart of the Everglades, protecting the lands from oil drilling. Participates in DOI Everglades restoration science coordination meetings 5. Flexibility for families and educators during the COVID-19 public health emergency: Directed school districts throughout the state to provide parents with the option of in-person or remote learning for their children. She has served in appointed positions under Florida Governors Lawton Chiles, Jeb Bush and Charlie Crist, with her most recent service as a member of the Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management District. Created Hope Ambassadors, a youth peer-to-peer student mentorship program that will recruit student volunteers to work with their peers and help create an environment of kindness and compassion in their schools. Delaware Courts have returned to Phase Two of the reopening plan as of November 16, 2020. Kevin Burger, PhD: Deputy Director for the Department of Interior’s Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives and for the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task force. Recognized and participated in a virtual celebration of the 30. “With her vast knowledge of Everglades issues and long involvement in South Florida water management issues, she is the right person to keep the federal and state partnership moving ahead to achieve our restoration goals.”. Learn more about the public reopening plan. As the Director of Everglades Restoration Initiatives for the US Department of the Interior, Shannon Estenoz is the Interior Secretary’s representative in Florida on Everglades restoration issues. First Lady Casey DeSantis announced that the Florida Department of Children and Families awarded a $1.2 million, three-year grant to Gadsden County for a new Criminal Justice Diversion Project. Additionally, the Governor and First Lady announced that Florida is working with federal partners to set aside a portion of a previously announced $4.9 million federal grant to be used for peer-to-peer counseling services for Florida’s first responders through the state’s 2-1-1 support system. The State Board of Education formally adopted Florida’s B.E.S.T. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Everglades Restoration: Update on Progress and Activities . Championed and signed Senate Bill 1326, the Department of Children and Families Accountability Act, which reinstates a system of accountability within Florida’s child welfare system and restores the department’s role in driving performance internally, as well as among all community-based care (CBC) lead agencies and managing entity providers. With unprecedented state and federal funding support, and the completion of foundational projects like Modified Water Deliveries and the bridging of Tamiami Trail, considerable progress is being made. Estenoz previously headed up the Suncoast Regional Office of the National Parks Conservation Association and served as the World Wildlife Fund's Everglades Program Director. In that capacity she chairs the South Florida Water Management District's Water Resources Advisory Commission and the Broward Water Resources Task Force. Establish a Blue-Green Algae Task Force, charged with focusing on expediting progress toward reducing the adverse impacts … Secured the highest ever K-12 public school funding, with $22.5 billion in state and local funding, including $100 million for mental health initiatives. With record investments in education and the environment, continued funding for mental health and substance abuse initiatives, a seamless and successful election season, increased support for Florida’s military and veterans and more, 2020 was yet another successful year for our state. Our office ensures effective implementation of DEP’s policy, programmatic, technical and regulatory responsibilities under the Everglades Forever Act, the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, the Northern Everglades and … One of the most important Everglades restoration projects in history, the Project provides ecological benefits, reduces harmful discharges to the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee estuaries and sends more clean water south to the Everglades. Standards. Shannon Estenoz . Tallahassee, Fla. – Today, Governor Ron DeSantis highlighted the efforts his administration has taken on behalf of Floridians over the past year. Standards (Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking). Maintained $10 million in funding to support teacher bonuses and professional development in computer science. Announced that the Agency for Health Care Administration officially submitted its Section 804 Importation Proposal (SIP) to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for Florida’s Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Program. Created an outreach and incentive-driven effort to reward childcare programs that remained open to support the families of Florida’s first responders and health care workers, so they could continue to serve all Floridians. Successfully advocated for President Trump to include $250 million for Everglades restoration in his 2021 budget request. Made 61 judicial appointments across various courts throughout the state and expanded representation of historically underrepresented groups, including women and racial minorities, on the bench. Harmonizing Everglades Restoration With South Florida Agriculture By Alfredo Flores August 21, 2003. For the latest on the Delaware Judiciary response to COVID-19 – and for contact information for each court during this emergency – please visit The Delaware Judiciary Response to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) page. : leadership, partnership, results.. [United States. Responds and provides follow ups to requests from GE PES PIs and SOFIA staff on all type of project needs (information, coordination, revisions to project budget tables, data, agency contacts, proposal development, etc.) Established the H.O.P.E. Governor DeSantis and First Lady DeSantis announced that Florida has been awarded $5 million to create a new pilot program. The DCF Accountability Act established an Office of Quality Assurance within the department, responsible for developing and implementing a measurable grading scheme to monitor both internal programs and contracted vendors throughout state. Invested more than $124 million for Florida’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities to advance the academics, research and education of students. Expedited and helped secure the required federal permit to begin work on the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) Reservoir Project 6,500-acre Stormwater Treatment Area. Secured an increase of $42 million for a total of nearly $190 million in funding for the Gardiner Scholarship, clearing the scholarship waitlist. Secured over $625 million for the protection of water resources for the second consecutive year. Secured $180 million for the safe schools’ component of the Florida Education Finance Program and over $40 million in school hardening grants. Innovators initiative, a statewide community-based team tasked with developing innovative ways to connect Florida students and parents with mental health information and resources. The former superintendent joined Shannon Estenoz from the Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives, Everglades Superintendent Pedro Ramos and FWC Commissioner “Alligator” Ron Bergeron on Earth Day at Long Pine Key to mark the occasion. Estenoz succeeds Terrence C. “Rock” Salt, who is now the principal deputy assistant secretary of the Army (civil works). Shannon's pragmatic approach to problem solving will be invaluable as we fashion win-win solutions to benefit the environment and economy of South Florida.”. New computer models to improve water management in agricultural areas near the Everglades are being developed and tested by Agricultural Research Service scientists as part of a program to restore the Everglades. The Everglades Foundation has added new Chief Operating Officer/Vice President for Policy & Programs Shannon Estenoz and new Communications Director Rebeca Rose. A Florida native and resident of Plantation, Estenoz holds degrees in civil engineering and international affairs and has more than a decade of experience in restoring the Everglades. Appropriators increased construction funding for restoration of America’s Everglades to $200 million (nearly a 200 percent increase), which is a new record for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Shannon Estenoz spent 21 years in environmental policy and advocacy, most recently at the U.S. Department of the Interior, where she was director of the Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives and the executive director of the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force. Announced a $20 million investment into the protection and preservation of Biscayne Bay, a joint funding initiative between the State of Florida and Miami-Dade County. Cerp provides t he framework for restoration by phone or in writing protecting our water resources Advisory and... 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