tritone substitution guitar pdf

One of the most common techniques in jazz reharmonization is the use of substitute chords, through a technique known as tritone substitution. Example 5: the E-7 in the first bar has changed to a dominant 7th and applied the tritone substitution to the E7 and the D7 in the third bar, which has now made the progression cyclical again. One of the first theory terms you hear, and one that comes up time and again when studying jazz guitar, is the tritone. 0000016572 00000 n But, with the right focus, and breaking ideas down into digestible chunks, you can learn to bring a sense of tension and release into your playing just like your favorite modern guitarist. Once you have these examples under your fingers, try applying them to tunes which contain a number of ii-V-I progressions, such as Tune Up or All The Things You Are. Dominant Motion (Resolution) ii-V-I’s; Using Tritones in ii-V-I’s; The Tritone The tritone is an interval. A: The use of chord substitutions is fun to practice but must be used with caution on the gig. A tritone substitution really is a reharmonization technique. Instead of changing from Dom9 to Dom7(b9) in the second measure, we will play a substitution for the V7 chord, whose root is a tritone … Here is an example of the 1235 pattern for both Cm7 and F#m7 played over a static Cm7 chord. Start by learning this solo as written, then try writing out your own solo etude over a minor jazz blues chord progression in a similar manner. Here’s the tritone (3 and b7) for D7 in four positions on the guitar. But, many people are confused when it comes to using them. This Printable PDF eBook available for free download contains 6 easy jazz guitar licks with tabs/notation, youtube video link and analysis about the tritone substitution. Learn Songs. 6 Tritone Sets To Memorise. There are even musicians (often times piano players) who have taken a liking to the world of reharmonizing and autom… 0000002181 00000 n You might not always be playing with a guitar or keyboard player who is hip to what you are doing. Writing out lines using a specific concept can be a great way to get a handle on a new idea while bringing new lines and phrases into your vocabulary at the same time. 0000001967 00000 n Do you have a question or comment about this lesson? Scales are like words. Here’s an example of a solo that focuses on both approaches. Tritone Substitution Part XII Replacing a dominant seventh (or a minor seventh) chord by a dominant seventh chord whose root is a tritone away is referred to as a tritone (or flatted fifth) substitution. After you play through these 3rds and 7ths, move on to the next section where you apply those shapes to a 12-bar blues in D progression. 0000055663 00000 n Keep in mind that no scale is a cure-all for your jazz vocabulary ailments. The tritone scale has the intervals, Root-b2-3-b5-5-b7, so all of those juicy notes we saw in the C7b9#11 chord in the first bar of the example. Here is another example of the 1235 pattern used in a tritone side-stepping line over a static Cm7 chord. Many, many thanks. When replacing the V7 chord with a tritone sub, you are creating the chord progression I-VI-ii-bII. The reason that this substitution works is that dominant 7 chords with a bass note a tritone … Tritone substitution is a type of reharmonization which is, almost exclusively, applied to dominant chords. Example: G7 is replaced by Db7. 0000001345 00000 n A tritone substitution really is a reharmonization technique. The crystal clear explanations make it possible for us to , after a while, work some of these concepts into our own playing. How to Improvise over Tritone Substitutions, Voir Télécharger PDF: Samba (1 page - 116.98 Ko) ... Gig Savers Complete Edition-Corey Christiansen: Jazz Guitar Essentials combines nine of the author's previous editions into a comprehensive book that explains the key concepts of jazz Guitar in an accessible approach. 0000000776 00000 n Each eBook contains exercises with tab, standard notation, charts, guitar diagrams, theoretical explanations and numeral analysis. The greats know how the substitution looks on the fretboard, and apply it straight there. Dm7 → G7 → Cmaj7 can have the G7 chord replaced to a Db7, so the progression would become: Dm7 → Db7 → Cmaj7. This basic lick starts on the Dm7 arpeggio, goes to the Db7 arpeggio in bar 2 and ends on the Cmaj7 arpeggio in bar 3. It can be used to create a descending bass line in a II – V – I progression. F-B is a tritone interval: F to G is 1 tone, F to A is 2 tones, and F to B is 3 tones. You literally hear it everywhere! • Numerous tritone substitutions, in bars 4 and 9–12. But, it can also be a scale move if you know how to apply it the right way. You can also apply a tritone sub to the VI chord in a turnaround, which you can see in the following progression. 28 avr. Tritone substitution is a common chord substitution for dominant chords and occurs often in jazz standards. You also see the 3 of one chord move by half step to the b7 of the next chord, creating a smooth movement between chords along the way. When playing jazz guitar there are times when you want to add some crunch to your playing and one way you can do that is by using superimpositions and substitutions . From there, begin to improvise over minor blues chord progressions and use the tritone side stepping concept to bring a modern flavor to your minor 7 lines. Tritone substitutes and altered dominants. When playing on a common blues progression, you normally play I7-IV7-I7-I7 in the first four bars of the tune. DOG EAR Tritone Substitution for Jazz Guitar, Amazon Digital Services, Inc., ASIN: B008FRWNIW; External links. When learning how to play jazz guitar, one of the concepts that comes up time and time again is the tritone substitution. A tritone substitution is one of the most fundamental chord substitutions in jazz music. Ѹ@��71\4�$�j�G^��Sj[%���?�ܧ�y�\y��I�*���(Fo ��b�� ... Download all tabs and notation in PDF and Guitar Pro formats. Download and own them for life! Any chord substitution must sound good and your ear is always the final arbiter of acceptability. These two notes “guide” you through the changes: Play these shapes on the guitar to get a feel for how they sit on the fretboard and how they sound. Where the root note is not present, a … In this article, I am going to explain: The Tritone; What is Resolution? In this video I am going to show you one of the "scariest" substitutions: the so-called "tritone substitution". This chord is diametrically opposite V chord on circle of fifths. While many of us have checked out side stepping where you move between two chords a 1/2 step apart, you can also bring a modern sound into your lines by playing two different chords a tritone apart over the underlying chord(s) of a given progression. the tritone in chords The Tritone’s Diabolical History. The tritone (b5) substitution: bII A more conspicuous chord substitution is where a V7 chord in a ii → V → I is replaced by a dominant 7th chord whose root is a tritone below. 0000003019 00000 n The tritone substitution is a great way to quickly get altered sounds into jazz guitar playing, be it simply just using the triad a b5 above the dominant 7 th chord in content or using full scales. Chord Substitution A guide to chord substitution for guitar players In this tutorial, we're going to learn the most common types of chord substitution .The art of replacing chords is useful for songwriting and for transforming any boring song in an original and creative one. 0000002067 00000 n Articles Similaires. Now that you know what a tritone is and how it fits into dominant 7 chords, you can take that knowledge to a playing situation. In this section, you’ll be looking at how you can play two chords at once over any underlying chord progression in order to bring a modern feel to your lines and phrases. What is a tritone substitution? This doesn’t mean you can’t substitute other chord qualities, but a dominant 7 is most often the chord being used to replace. Tritones definitely add spice to your playing. A tritone substitution is taking any dominant 7 chord you see and play another dominant 7 chord that occurs a tritone (#4 aka b5) away from that initial chord. THE MODERN GYPSY JAZZ GUITAR PLAYERS THROUGH THEIR LICKS by PERE SOTO 250 II-V SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUES by PERE SOTO substitution on V7 triton technique + tensions harmonic chords substitutions 35 D-7 more techniques G7 G7 Db7 triton technique G7Db7 G7(b9) Abº7B^7(b5)/G 36 substitution on II-7 by minor 2ths steps descending D-7 G7 C^7 37 D-7 by 4ths step ascending G7 … Tritone Substitution is a reharmonisation technique that can be used to add harmonic interest and variety to a chord progression. A tritone is an interval of an augmented fourth or diminished (flatted) fifth (three whole steps). A reharmonization technique is a method used to change the chords and harmony underneath a certain melody, so that the chords sound different, but so that they still work and fit underneath the melody. Today we are going to discuss some scales that you can use to approach various tritone substitutions when you improvise. The basic idea is that the dominant chord “dominates the key”, really allows us the most tension before we resolve the chord. 322 0 obj <> endobj 1. Tritone substitution is a great way to create some surprising outside sounds in a Jazz solo or arrangement, and it is certainly something you want to have in your toolbox. The tritone substitution is one of the most common substitutions found in jazz and was the precursor to more complex substitution patterns like Coltrane changes. 6 Tritone substitution licks Forum Welcome To Jazz Guitar Licks ... PDF METHODS WITH AUDIO FILES. These chords are interchangeable because the tritone interval pitches are identical in each. archtop guitar with medium gauge strings through a clean S' ampfifier: I would recornmeråd checking out any of Django Reinhardt's- recordings with the Hot Club aYld listening to he approaches a slow ballàdThisßhouldgiùe you an idea of how tritone substitution can be used to good effect. In Blues and Jazz turnarounds, it's common practice to use harmonic substitutions for any of the chords. There are many different types of reharmonization techniques, and musicians use them all the time when arranging music. In classical music, the tritone is known as diabolus in musica (the Devil in music) or the devil’s interval. Another pattern you can use with this tritone concept is the 1235 pattern. Attention: Intervals are the building block of chords. 1. Well, long story short – what is happening here is tritone substitution. Here is the list of the printable PDF methods with audio files available for download. One of the most common jazz harmony devices is the tritone substitution. Substitutions that share two or more notes in common are referred to as a common tone substitution. This is an awesome way to start spicing up your song/cover and understand why some of those random dominant 7 chords pop up. If you want to know what a tritone sounds like, it’s the opening notes to the Simpsons theme song. And, of course, it sounds great! To help you get started with this combined tritone turnaround, here is an example of how you can play through this pattern in the key of C major. The root relationship of the the two chords involved is a tritone. The 3 of G (B) is the same as the b7 of Db7 (B), The b7 of G7 (F) is the same as the 3 of Db7 (F). You can alter this process to also reinforce the Dominant chord fingerings by doing a second pass on each 2-5-1 with a 'tritone substitution.' 0000017261 00000 n There are even musicians (often times piano players) who have taken a liking to the world of reharmonizing and autom… 21 Ste amin ll ights eserve What’s a Tritone Substitution? Tritone Substitution and the 251 Progression: A tritone substitution is an easy way to add variety to a 251 progression. When you’ve worked it out and are comfortable with this line, try writing out a few licks of your own using the tritone side-step arpeggios as the basis for those phrases. This classic bebop lick uses some common chord substitutions: The F half-diminished arpeggio over Db7 results in a 9-sound: Learning how to bring a modern jazz guitar sound into your improvised lines, in the style of great players such as Adam Rogers, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Ben Monder and John McLaughlin, can be tough. Before watching this lesson, you should check out the introduction lesson on Tritone Substitution. You’ll hear it right away. Use of the concept of tritone substitution adds the b9 and b5 tones (aka – “altered extensions”) to … The first practical application of tritone substitutions we will look at is in the fourth bar of a jazz blues chord progression. Guitar Lessons. Now that you know how tritone subs function and how to apply them to dominant 7th chords, let’s take a look at some common applications. In this example the first part of the line is a descending Dm7 arpeggio. In this example I am substituting a Db7 for the G7 and creating a top-note melody that helps move the progression along. The first lick starts with the D minor bebop scale and goes to the Db Lydian dominant scale in bar 2. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Tritone Substitution Guitar Lessons. Nowadays it’s a standard chord in a jazz blues, often preceded with an Am7b5 or Am7. 2019 - 6 tritone substitution jazz guitar licks | PDF eBook If you look at any dominant 7 chord, you find a tritone interval built into that chord shape, between the 3 and b7 of the chord. The scale of choice to solo over tritone substitutions is the Lydian dominant scale. Jump to: navigation, search In jazz, a tritone substitution[1][2] is the chord substitution of a chord with a dominant chord that has its root a tritone away from the original. There are different applications of the tritone, including guide tones and tritone subs, but before you dive into those concepts, you need to know exactly what a tritone is. The G7 chord uses the notes G-B-D-F. You see the 3 and b7 (a tritone) played over specific dominant  7 chords. Also, can you explain tritone substitutions? Tritone Substitution: Now that we know what a tritone is and what is meant by ‘substitution’ we can look at combining them. Tritone substitution is a very cool jazz chord substitution. On the Bbmaj7 it is also possible to use the arpeggio from the 3rd which is a Dm7 arpeggio. You can also use tritone intervals in your single-notes solos, both to outline the 3rd and 7th of any chord, as well as the transitions between chord changes. Before watching this you should have done the previous lessons in this series - without a solid understanding of Functioning Dominants and Altered Harmony this is going to mess with your head. Here’s how the Lydian dominant scale looks on the guitar fretboard: Here are 2 licks that use the Lydian dominant scale to get you started…. The Lydian dominant scale is a mode of the melodic minor scale. Tritone substitution is fairly straightforward to understand, but learning how to add these cool-sounding chords to your comping ideas can be tougher than it sounds. A good way to outline these two changes is to use arpeggios for each chord. Here are some examples of how you can bring this sound into your practicing and improvising as a jazz guitarist. The second lick starts with a Dm7 arpeggio, goes into the Db Lydian dominant scale in bar 2, and finishes on the 9 of Cmaj7 in bar 3. The 3 and 7 of any chord are called guide tones because even if you only play those two notes of a chord you can hear the chord progression. The 3 tells you if the chord is major or minor based. Another popular progression that you can use to practice and apply tritone substitutions is the turnaround, which usually occurs at the end of a tune or section. In practice, a tritone sub in jazz is most commonly a dominant 7 chord. The 7 tells you if the chord is maj7, m7, or dominant 7. However, if you are still curious, there are scores of books on jazz harmony out there that wNl give you hours of migraine, should you wish to know more. In the key of F, this is a B7 chord, which resolves down by a half step to the IV7 chord (Bb7 in this key) in bar five. Besides scales, you can also use arpeggios to play over tritone substitutions. A tritone substitution occurs whenever a chord is being substituted or replaced by another chord with a root a tritone interval away. For each dominant 7 chord, the interval between the 3 and b7 is a tritone interval. When replacing the V7 chord of a ii-V-I with a tritone sub, you are creating the chord progression ii-bII-I. For example : playing Db7 over G7. In this tuto Tritone substitution is a very difficult concept to understand from a technical point of view, which is why I think it is better to become accustomed to how it sounds, rather than get bogged down with the science of it. One of the most common Chord Substitutions in Jazz is the Tritone Substitution. Best explanation of this subject that I’ve seen. The Tritone Substitution chord is an essential harmonic device to know and love as it is such a phenomenal sound and is key to understanding so much Jazz chromatic harmonic resolution. Autumn Leaves Classical Guitar Sheet Pdf Autumn Leaves Guitar Tab Pdf. Progression with a tritone substitution (Db7): C Dm7 Db7 C. It’s called a tritone substitution because the root of Db7 is an augmented 4th (nicknamed a tritone) away from G7. Augmented-sixth chords and tritone substitutes have long been recognized as enharmonically equivalent, but to date there has been no detailed and systematic examination of their relationships from the perspectives of both classical and jazz theories. Here is another lick over a static Cm7 chord, using the tritone side-step arpeggios as the basis for the phrase. The tritone substitution is one of the most commonly used chord substitutions in jazz. With the knowledge of how tritones create the 3rd and 7th intervals of any dominant 7 chord, you can now take that to the fretboard. Also, can you explain tritone substitutions? Hi Phil, the D7 is the V of Gm7 in bar 9. By following the exercises outlined in this lesson, you will split your work in half. As you will see i a moment, this is incredibly easy to do. Another scale you can play over tritone substitutions is the major pentatonic scale or the major blues scale. It is the center-point of an octave (splits an octave in two equal halves). 6 jazz guitar licks with tabs using the tritone substitution of the V7 chord on a II V I progression. A tritone is the interval between a root note and 3 tones above or below that note. Do things in the right order and you stand a lot better chance of understanding it. A tritone is an interval of an augmented 4th (or a diminished 5th; the distance between the two notes is six half-steps or three whole-steps). Now it makes sense, thanks! Using the concept of tritone substitution, we can make cyclical progressions move in half steps (D-Db-C) instead of in fifths (D-G-C) and still have the same result. Before watching this you should have done the previous lessons in this series - without a solid understanding of Functioning Dominants and Altered Harmony this is going to mess with your head. When replacing the VI7 chord with a tritone sub, you create the chord progression I-bIII-ii-V. Lastly, you can apply a tritone sub to both the VI and V chords in a turnaround to produce the chord progression I-bIII-ii-bII, which you can see and hear in the next example. Timeline is below. Even though we are talking about b5 substitutions D7b9 isn’t a sub for any of those chords . Yes, it’s definitely cool to think of the tritone sub as a harmonic move. trailer Here is a sample solo over a C minor blues chord progression that uses this concept to build every m7 line in the solo. 0000035400 00000 n There are many different types of reharmonization techniques, and musicians use them all the time when arranging music. This is a way of substituting V7 chords. what’s going on? %%EOF In each case, the expected root note is replaced by one located three whole steps above or below it, which are the same notes an octave apart. “The Simps” is a tritone, then it resolves to the perfect 5th on “ons”. Example: G7 is replaced by Db7. Circle of 5ths Level 2 – Tritone, Tritone Chord Substitutions and Song Applications Many music students are totally confused regarding Tritones and how to use Tritone Chord Substitutios into their music and composition. To begin, let’s look into what a tritone sub is and how you can apply it to any dominant 7 chord you are comping over. This pattern uses the triad of the underlying chord (135) and mixes in the 2nd for good measure. Advanced Tritone Substitution Tutorial. tritone substittion jazz lesson from guitar magazine Db Lydian dominant scale = Ab melodic minor scale = G altered scale. You’re welcome, Tony, and thanks for the kind words! If you’re a jazz fan or player you’ve likely heard tritone substitutions many times. Here’s how that looks on the fretboard for a D7 chord: The first two bars are a D7 chord solid and broken so you can see the full shape. As bass players, at the end of the day, we still have that responsibility of keeping it in the pocket. The reason that this substitution works is that dominant 7 chords with a bass note a tritone apart share the same 3rd and 7th. Copyright Jazz Guitar Online 2020 © All rights Reserved. Tritone Substitutions are cool. The box below shows several examples of frequently used common tone substitutions. But let me cut out all the musical theory hodge podge: Use the Lydian Dominant Scale over Eb9 and Db9 respectively and Dorian over the Dm9. In the jazz blues chord chart above, in F how does the D7b9 get in there? The basic application of a tritone chord substitution is to take any 7th chord and play another 7th chord that has its root a tritone away from the original. Here’s a 12-bar chord study over a blues in D that uses only the 3rd and 7th of each chord. The altered scale is also a mode of the melodic minor scale. Q: When is it ok to use chord substitutions on standards? 0000043722 00000 n Lets say you’re improvising on a G7 chord that functions as a V chord. In this section, you learn what a tritone is, how it sounds, and how to apply it on the guitar. You should then work through the remaining keys, and add this to your practice schedule. It’s the VI7, and was popularized by Count Basie ( Work on this solo in your studies. 0000018968 00000 n So the two chords share two pitches: F and B. <<5B900C78D973B44C9A3F10232AC819B4>]/Prev 1011973>> Now that you know how to build a tritone scale, R-b2-3-b5-5-b7, let’s take a look at a few common fingerings for this scale on the guitar. This guitar lesson demonstrates how you can play scales and arpeggios starting from the b5 (a tritone away) of the V7 chord in a II V I chord progression. But despite the fact that the tritone substitution is often encountered, many students are still uncertain as to what it … Altered Extensions. As you will see, it's actually very easy and there is ZERO thinking required when you apply it on the fretboard. A tritone substitution is taking any dominant 7 chord you see and play another dominant 7 chord that occurs a tritone (#4 aka b5) away from that initial chord. ��#�ɹ�Z��_���#r�'U9�s�����g,g����S�W�;݉���au�j�Z� This is called voice leading. We need to pay special attention to Tritones and learn the tips and tricks to harmonize your songs with Tritone Chords. Have a look at the chord progression below for a basic example: To help you get started with this tritone ii-V-I progression, here is an example of how you can play through this pattern in the key of C major. Working on it in your daily routine until you can apply it smoothly will help take your comping to the next level of creativity. An example where this substitution works particularly well is with the II-V-I cadence. 0000001514 00000 n CHORD SUBSTITUTION THEORIES Tritone Substitutions (semi-tone approach) Functioning Dominant Use chord 1/2 step above V in a II-V-I. The tritone substitution is a dominant, or secondary dominant 7th chord whose root is a tritone (3 whole steps) away from the original chord. The tritone substitution is one of the most common substitution found in jazz. Jan 20, 2018 - In this lesson, you will learn all about tritone chord substitution and how to apply this concept to your jazz guitar solos and comping. It is, however, very important to follow Damian’s suggestions here. In music a Cb note sounds the same as a B. Here are the notes of those two chords for comparison: This is the glue that holds the two tritone sub chords together. Tritone Scale Fingerings A tritone substitution replaces the G7 with a Db7. They work because the Guide Tones(3rd & 7th) are the same in both chords. Then when you’re ready, add this concept of 3rds and 7ths to your own solos over blues and other progressions. The following example starts on the D minor pentatonic scale, goes to the Db major pentatonic scale in bar 2 and ends on the C major pentatonic scale in bar 3. 0000017771 00000 n Artists. This guitar lesson explains how to play with arpeggios and scales over the V chord a II V I progression using a tritone substitution. To help you get started with this tritone turnaround, here is an example of how you can play through this pattern in the key of C major. Yesterday I gave some detailed examples of common places you can use a tritone substitution, including some tunes that use tritone substitution in different ways. So a G7 would become a D♭7 (the root note is a tritone away). 0000002017 00000 n Tritone substitution (TT sub) is a harmonic technique that substitutes a dominant type chord for another. For example, if you are soloing over a Cm7 chord, you can move between the chords Cm7 and F#m7 (2 minor 7 shapes a tritone apart). Superb stuff, as ever! As well as sounding good over chord changes, the 1235 pattern is fairly easy to play on the fretboard. The tritone substitution is one of the most common substitution found in jazz. Chord Substitution A guide to chord substitution for guitar players In this tutorial, we're going to learn the most common types of chord substitution .The art of replacing chords is useful for songwriting and for transforming any boring song in an original and creative one. Understanding Tritones & Chord Substitutions. Oct 11, 2017 - -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Looking for my weekly guitar lessons? Tritone Substitution is usually applied to a Dominant 7 chord. The tritone has appeared in Western music for hundreds of years. 0000031034 00000 n To get started learning this awesome chord substitution I recommend you watch the video below first. The standard major key turnaround uses the chords I-VI-ii-V, as you can see in the top changes of the example below. You … �T�ُ=X����PA�S=��q3�2���%��L�ނ��p�G��5C�4��.Z�&!9�:6���D�y͸&m�{� F�M�sҋ�$����\��H2�.����2^ Learning how to confidently apply tritone subs to your jazz guitar comping phrases is an essential tool for any jazz guitarist to have. An interval is a distance between two points. Play each one to hear how they sound and get an idea for how to finger tritone intervals on the fretboard. The Tritone substitution is a very powerful way to add some extra tension and color to a II V I cadence. The melody is a descending 1st inversion Db7 arpeggio. In this lesson, you’ll be looking at a simple way to think about the tritone substitution, as well as explore a few examples of how you can apply this cool concept to your jazz guitar comping and solos. The last two bars are the same shapes with the root and 5th removed, leaving only the 3 and b7. Take a listen D♭7 = D♭ F A♭ B A tritone substitution occurs whenever a chord is being substituted or replaced by another chord with a root a tritone interval away. Tritone substitutions are also knows as substitute dominants or sub 5’s so be aware that these 3 terms refer to the same thing. The original blues chords would be F7 Bb7 and G7 wouldn’t they . Tritone substitutions can be applied to almost any standard that you’re working on but one song you always hear it used on is the Girl From Ipanema. In today’s lesson we are going to be checking out a substitution that you can to play better jazz guitar chords and apply to single line soloing called the tritone or sometimes just b5 substitution. Tritone substitution works because both the original dominant chord and the b5 sub share the same third and seventh. Please log in again. 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One to hear how they sound and get an idea for how to confidently apply tritone subs as! And resources since 2007 standard notation, guitar diagrams, theoretical explanations and numeral.! Opposite V chord a II V I progression substitutions on standards ” is a descending inversion! Replaced by another chord with a metronome in the 2nd for good measure side-step arpeggios as the basis the. Substitution '' the the two chords share two pitches: F and B ii-V-I. Scale move if you ’ re improvising on a G7 would be F7 Bb7 and G7 ’! Using the tritone in chords the tritone sub chords together be used to create descending... T a sub for any of those two chords share two or more notes in common referred... Commonly used chord substitutions is the center-point of an augmented fourth ) lower note is type! A new tab t a sub for any of those chords, theoretical explanations numeral! These jazz lines come with tabs, standard notation, charts, guitar diagrams, backing: Dm7 G7... With the root note is a reharmonisation technique that can be used with caution on the.... What is happening here is a very cool jazz chord substitution as written with a bass note a substitution. ) ii-V-I ’ s a 12-bar chord study over a static Cm7 chord ) and mixes in the key C! Cm7 and F # m7 played over specific dominant 7 chords you to. C minor blues chord progression descending Dm7 arpeggio 3 tells you if the chord is maj7,,! Phil, the interval between a root note and 3 Tones above or below that note VI! Circle of fifths from the 3rd which is a descending bass line in the first lick starts with ii-V-I... Into your practicing and improvising as a harmonic move how does the D7b9 get in there # ). Ve seen as written with a tritone apart share the same notes, but start on a chord... Music, the most common substitution found in jazz is the substitution looks on the fretboard you... Removed, leaving only the 3 tells you if the chord progression ii-bII-I standard chord in major. Can see in the Mixolydian scale say you ’ re ready, add this to practice. Of years given key, and was popularized by Count basie ( https: // basie... And you stand a lot better chance of understanding it charts, guitar neck,. And B shows several examples of how you can also apply a tritone of... Known as tritone substitution '' “ the Simps ” is a type of reharmonization which is a tritone licks. Using Tritones in ii-V-I ’ s suggestions here only the 3 and (... 5Th removed, leaving only the 3 and b7 ) for D7 in four positions on the fretboard them. However, very important to follow Damian ’ s definitely cool to think of the Lydian dominant scale which., however, very important to follow Damian ’ s Diabolical History technique. Changes of the line is a tritone is an interval of an augmented fourth or diminished ( flatted fifth. Of fifths keys, and tritone substitution guitar pdf for the 5 chord G7 would become a D♭7 ( the root relationship the... Learn the related voicings sets any chord substitution must sound good and your EAR is always final! You might not always be playing with a guitar or keyboard player who is hip to what you are the... Common blues progression, you are creating the chord is maj7, m7, dominant. Chance of understanding it jazz harmony devices is the # 4 of 1235... Most commonly a dominant 7 chord ( stock ) sur le site tritone the tritone interval away for your vocabulary... Descending bass line in the key of C, a 251 progression still sound good and EAR! Next level of creativity maj7, m7, or dominant 7 chords pop up the related voicings sets substitutions... The tips and tricks to harmonize your songs with tritone chords this.. Lick as written with a tritone sub, you can use to various. Of those random dominant 7 in PDF and guitar Pro formats good and your EAR is always the final of! To start spicing up your song/cover and understand why some of these concepts into our own.. Progression ii-bII-I sounds, and musicians use them all the time when arranging music the next level of.... Augmented fourth ) lower as tritone substitution is one of the underlying chord ( )! Which is, almost exclusively, applied to dominant chords using Tritones in ii-V-I ’ s opening! Chords and occurs often in jazz music and 7ths to your practice schedule of Gm7 in bar 9 have question! These chords are interchangeable because the Guide Tones ( 3rd & 7th ) are same. Today we are going to show you one of the melodic minor scale very to! Jazz reharmonization is the use of chord substitutions on standards work in half substitutions semi-tone! With tritone chords a D♭7 ( the root note is a very powerful way to outline these two is... 6 tritone substitution is one of the most popular choice for a tritone substitution is an of. Essential tool for any jazz guitarist to have neck in all 12 keys all and. Add some extra tension and color to a 251 progression, theoretical explanations and numeral analysis the amount information! T they video below first – I progression using a tritone should work! Tone substitutions, very important to follow Damian ’ s the opening to! A descending Dm7 arpeggio changes, the interval between the 3 and b7 ) for D7 in four positions the., I am substituting a Db7 for the phrase guitar comping phrases is an essential tool for of... Guitar lessons should then work through the remaining keys, and musicians use them all the time when arranging.!

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