big flowers names

The Viola is a typical border or potted flower that can be an annual or a perennial. The Iris is a plant that grows from a bulb or rhizome, depending on the species. It tends to be fast growing and is a hardy plant but needs full sunlight. Produces green foliage the first year and flowers the second. Tall stalks of wispy white flowers that can reach up to 6 feet high. Coral Bells: Delicate red or pink bells dangle above wiry stems. These tall plants are prone to being damaged by wind and should be planted in a protected area. They are deciduous shrubs that can grow to a height of 10 feet, although they are commonly grown in plants. Nasturtiums flowers in solid colors such as red, orange, and yellow, as well as variegated “jewel-toned” beauties with rich, round leaves. The plant grows in full sun to partial shade, and it has an evergreen leaf. The plant is used in ornamental baskets and pots. They don’t spread much, only about half a foot at most, and you grow them from a bulb. The Mayflower is a wildflower that blooms in spring. Uva Ursi is a hardy creeping ground cover that blooms during April and May. These flowers are commonly used in cut flower arrangements and come in a variety of colors, as well as some being variegated or veined with contrasting colors. The Fairy Fan Flower is also helpful in butterfly gardens. The plant is a perennial that develops a sturdy, mat-type ground cover. Delicate purple, blue and white blooms with a single white spotted petal. The flowers are delicate and start out white, turning to pink. For example, the Passiflora incarnata, is white with a purple crown. The plant is toxic and should not be consumed. They have tall spires with richly colored flowers, and they will grow under most growing conditions, including dry or damp soils. The Bottlebrush flower or Callisetemon earned its name because the flower looks very similar to a bottle cleaning brush. They bloom during cooler weather and are often found in cooler weather climes. Diasca, or twinspur, last from the spring until the first frosts of the fall, so you will get a long flowering cycle from these lovely little flowers. It produces star-shaped flowers that are blue in color with white centers. Johnny Jump Ups are small and delicate flowers that are bright purple and yellow. Types of Flowers, Flower Pictures, Rose Color Meanings & More. The Calla Lily is also known by the names arum lilies or Zantedeschia. It can grow two feet high but tends to not spread far. During the spring, these plants produce sprays of small white flowers, while they produce red and yellow fruits during the winter time. This plant is a tree that is a seasonal bloomer, with red and pink blooms. They grow in wooden areas and fields, blooming in the cool temperatures of spring and early summer. The Cyclamen is a group of plants that are characterized by having largely marbled foliage. The herb has yellow flowers and grows wild. Yellow Archangel is a fast, low-growing perennial with semi-evergreen to evergreen tendencies. Did you know that daffodil is March Birth Flower? It can grow and spread 1 to 2 feet in height and width. Often used as ground cover, these blooms have a unique pattern in shades of pink and white. A great bloom for people who have poor soil and lots of sun. One species, the Pride of Rochester may grow to 7 feet high. Flowers open as showy pure white 4-petaled flowers. The stems have small, green leaves, and the plants produce clusters of white flowers. These have been used to scent cosmetic products for centuries, and fresh petals can also be put into salads and savory dishes. The Lavatera also goes by the name of the annual mallow. The tubular flowers that are produced during the summer may be white, pink, or purple and are shaped in spirals or whorls. A favorite for many gardens due to their heart-shaped pink or white flowers. They tend to be easy to grow, making them great plants for beginning or master gardeners alike. Also check: 20 Beautiful Flowers You Might Fall In Love With! The most common species is known as Queen’s Tears. Orchids are a delicate flower with species found around the world. Lavender is a popular plant with a variety of uses, including making essential oils and for decorating. This plant produces flowers that may be white to a purple blue color. These pretty flowers then turn into red-colored berries. The Iris is a gorgeous flower that comes in different colors and can bring a fresh summer spirit in your garden. The finely petaled flowers are sky-blue in color and bloom in summertime. They range from varieties that skim the ground, to those towering 6 feet high. Birds are often attracted to the plant to eat the berries. While cold weather climates require that the plants be overwintered, milder areas may see the plant produce blooms throughout the winter season. Most plants grow in the ground, with stems above the atmosphere, and roots below. These plants range in height, with some flowers able to reach eight feet tall, while they spread to a mere three feet. The flowers bloom in colors including red, pink and orange. Trillium spreads quickly as a delightful groundcover. The plant has its flowers emerge directly from the corm, and the leaves don’t appear until later. It grows from a bulb, and it can natively be found in Africa, Asia, and Europe. The plant is commonly used as a medicinal herb to treat issues such as indigestion. Each plant blooms approximately 4 to 5 weeks and requires little tending. The plant can grow up to 15 feet tall and wide, and it produces rose to white flowers with purple markings. This plant is easy to take care of, tolerates dry climates and is loved by cats. Oswego Tea. The flowers have a bell shape and may be purple to magenta in color. Impatiens are also known as Busy Lizzie. Gardenias are a popular flower. The plant gets to be 5 to 6 feet tall, and spreads to between 6 and 10 feet. Small blooms which can be easy to grow, but gloves must be worn as the leaves can cause a rash. They produce blue, white or pink flowers. Easy to grow flowers that will grow in a variety of colors and last well into fall. They are considered half-hardy annuals, and the flowers may be rose, mauve, or white flowers. The plant is typically only a couple feet tall in gardens but gets to be over 6 feet high in its native China. This plant is native to North America and features a flower that looks similar to the poisonous plant known as hemlock. A bell shaped bloom that is usually one of the first to appear in spring. Flowers grow resembling huge disc shapes on rough furry stems with layers spirals of course leaves. By planting a combination of tulip varieties, they will provide a long lasting display in containers, borders, or gardens. The Rose of Sharon is also known as Hibiscus syriacus. It is a member of the holly family and originates in the eastern parts of North America. The blooms may be white, pink, blue, or red, and they are produced on this shrub which tends to live for a long time. … The flowers can be single or double, and the colorways include white, pink, blue and purple. Flower names for baby girls and boys too were first popular around the turn of the last century and have started to bloom again as modern baby names. The different varieties grow to be different sizes, but you’ll usually find them between 2 and 4 feet tall. The shrub may grow to around 15 feet, and many hybrids have been developed that you can enjoy. These perennial plants bloom between July and the first frost, giving gardeners plenty of opportunity to enjoy the blooms. They like full sun and well-drained soil. Bee Balm is a bergamot plant that comes as a hardy perennial. The flowers grow in thickly clustered bunches with yellow colored flowers that are fragrant and called “pea flowers”. A leafy plant comes in many species which can produce a wide array of colors. Marigolds are hardy annuals that are simple to grow from seeds and that develop strong bloomers with varying tones of yellow and orange. Gazania flowers bloom throughout the summer, but the flowers do not do well as a cut flower. Ursinia is a member of the daisy family and is native to southern Africa. Perfect for hanging baskets and window boxes, these purple and white blooms provide a cascading effect. Although this flower can be hard to grow and it takes two years for flowers to bloom, it is worth it to see the beautiful flowers it produces. The plant is slightly salt tolerant and attracts hummingbirds. They easily self-seed. Colors include white, pink, yellow, red and magenta purple, like this beauty (Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Shimadaijin’). The plant produces spikes of flowers at the top of each stem, which may be blue-violet, pink, or white. Thank you for your support! Unofficially known as the flower of the South, these bright white flowers have beautiful contrasting dark leaves. A hard to grow flower with blooms that last only a couple of months. Amaryllis flowers are one of the easiest to grow. Also known as monarda, bergamot and Oswego tea. The Bellflower or campanula is a group containing several hundred species of annuals and perennials. The Pelargonium or bedding geranium are often raised from seeds. Nierembergia is also known as the cupflower. The plant’s blooms are bluish purple to white, and the plant does best with full sun. They flower between summer and the middle of fall. Pansies are popular cool weather flowers that do well in spring and fall. Purple coneflower produces large purple flowers with iridescent centers. Both the flower and the leaves are edible and reportedly have a “peppery” appeal. Erigeron is a herbaceous perennial that is also known as Robin’s plantain. Daffodils are one of the most common bulbs planted in the world. (Columbine, Granny's Bonnet). The bloom is blue and does best between full sun and partial shade. The Penstemon plants are also known as beard tongue plants. The Kniphofia plant is also known as the red hot poker plant. Recognizable for its up-side-down hanging flowers that look like a pair of pants. The flowers are showy and popular with beginning gardeners, and the blossom colors may be white to pink to purple. A useful list of flower names in English with pictures. The plants range from having dark green leaves to bronze tinged foliage. This plant is often found as a white flower, and it requires full sun to grow. The foliage is fern-like in appearance. They are hardy but need full sun to grow. Yellow Water Lily. It comes in a variety of colors, from white to purple, with some species not spreading quite as far while growing. When she's not gardening, writing, or reading, she enjoys playing with her pets or visiting with family and friends. Speedwell grows in a variety of heights ranging from 4 to 18 inches. These plants favor colder weather and don’t do well in hot climates, preferring instead to have a period of winter dormancy. The blooms open and close fast, generally in less than 24 hours, but there is a dearth of blossoms that will grow and bloom on each plant throughout the season. Do you love flowers and want to learn more about kinds of common flowers? If taken care of correctly the lisianthus can bloom late into the season. They are very sensitive to over-watering, which may cause the roots to rot and lead to the plant dying. On this page, you will find a comprehensive list of flower names starting with each letter of the alphabet. Starflowers (also known as Trientalis borealis or Lysimachia borealis) are perennials that grow from skinny rhizomes and are a part of the Primrose flower family. Xyl, originating in Central and South America tropical regions, has a woody type stem with 3 leaves and grows from an “elongated pseudobulb”. Also known as ‘Lobster claw,’ Heliconia is native to the belts of Costa Rica, Colombia, and Peru. Winterberry is an excellent plant for bird gardens and natural gardens. Billbergia is an easily grown bromeliad, and they are often grown as houseplants. Carnations belong to the genus Dianthus. Take heed though, while the ruffed grouse eats this berry, it is toxic to humans. The plant produces a variety of different colored flowers, including yellow, pink, and white flowers. Flowers appear in shades of pink with lavender markings. Photo source: Whirling Butterflies, also called Gaura Lindheimeri, bloom from early spring until late summer. They tend to be a tropical island flower as they need a very specific climate to thrive. They are prized as exotic house plants. Blue, white and purple blooms with leaves that resemble a ladder going up the stem. Some like the Plumosum variety are feathery. The Petunia is a classic and always popular flower. These plants produce flowers that are fluffy and last for an extended period of time. It tolerates full sun to partial shade to grow. Echium is more commonly known as the pride of Madeira. They do tend to be high maintenance flowers though. The dwarf plants may only get 6 inches high, but tall plants get to be over 3 feet tall. They come in sky-blue, white, and pink colors, and the bush features fragile branches that break easily because they are hollow. Azaleas belong to the family of rhododendrons and come in a wide range of colors. It will tolerate areas in the garden between full sun and partial shade but requires well-drained soil to grow best. The Marguerite Daisy is also known as Argyranthemum, and it is a perennial. Plants come in a variety of sizes and produce flowers from singles to doubles, to crested. The Meconopsis or Himalayan blue poppy is a delicate poppy that produces a sky-blue flower recognized around the world. The plants have beautiful rosettes that have satiny foliage. The Moss Rose, or Portulaca grandiflora, is an annual native to areas of South America, such as Brazil. This shrub may be 4 to 6 feet tall, and it produces flowers that may be white, yellow, apricot, pink or scarlet, and single or double blooms may develop on this plant between the months of June and November. The flowers are shades of pinks, and they tend to be short plants, roughly 6 to 12 inches high. The magnolia is considered by many to herald the arrival of spring. The Coneflower is also known as Echinacea and is native to the United States. Jacob’s Ladder is also known as Polemonium, and it is an herbaceous perennial. It is a perennial bulb plant, also called Siberian Squill. Found in white and violet, this flower is easy to grow and can spread quickly in the right conditions. Yarrow- One of the world’s oldest medicinal plants, red yarrow is seen as a source of both spiritual and physical protection. They are a group of perennials with funnel or tubular shaped flowers. This is a plant that loves shade rather than full sun. Many of these plants hail from South Africa and need a warm climate to thrive. Known for their resemblance to bells, these flowers come in many sizes and varieties. A late blooming flower which will provide bright colors to any garden late into the season. The blooms produce pale violet rays that are arranged around a central yellow disc. The flowers may be white, red, purple, or pink, and the plant tends to be semi-dormant during the winter months. Plants range from 12 to 28 inches in height. Grows in a variety of pinks that will last all season. Grown as biennials, these plants need to be sheltered by have full sun to grow. Xanthoceras sorbifolium is native to North China and a member of the sapindaceae family. Lily could be a nickname for Lillian or Lilliana if you’re looking for a more formal option. Yellow-eyed Grass is naturally found in areas along California’s northern coast. Berries that form from the flowers are green in summer and turn red in the fall. A desert plant that thrives on the heat of summer, this plant produces bright blue flowers. Colors include blue, pink, white, and yellow. The size of the flowers are usually dependent on the size of the bulb, but they can grow up to 6 inches in diameter. The root can be used as a substitute for coffee, and leaves and flowers can be eaten. A delicate flower which resembles butterflies. Some varieties are so dark they are almost black. Both the seeds and the plants are toxic and should not be ingested. Also known as wattle, these tend to flower in early spring. The Muscari or Grape Hyacinth is an easy to grow plant that features blue flowers. They are very easy to grow and can be trained to be bonsai trees. Perfect for cool areas. Woolly Violets are Viola sororia are short herbal perennial wildflowers that bloom early in the spring. There are several species, all of which tend to be low-growing. Named after the French artist who made them famous from his paintings. Part of the buttercup family, Trollius thrives in moist soil, such as found around lakes or ponds. Make sure you have plenty of room if you plan to grow these as they are know to spread quickly and will grow between 4-30 feet. Ornamental varieties produce rounded flowers in several colors, including rosy purple. Known for its pincushion like appearance, this dainty little flower is perfect for window boxes or as a ground covering for larger plants with shallow roots. The plant’s blooms can be a variety of colors, including white, yellow, orange, pink, and rose. Lily-of-the-Valley is also known as Convallaria majalis. They need full sun and make excellent cut flowers. This plant grows best in filtered sunlight rather than direct, and it should be sheltered from drying, hot winds. Known for their blooms which only produce four petals, Pentas flowers come in many different colors and are one of the top types of flowers for attracting butterflies. The foliage is evergreen, while the flowers , which rise above the foliage, can be red, pin, or white, depending on the cultivar. The Blazing Star plant is native to the American prairie. The foliage may have bronze or purple tinges. Digital image. Cocksomb- This flower gets it’s name from its unusual appearance, which is similar to the head of a rooster. These plants tend to spread and make a carpet, and they produce a feathery foliage. The plant’s flowers are yellow-green and last from early summer into fall. They have single and double blooms that are often used to symbolize death and rebirth. The leaves are evergreen, and the plant tolerates heavy shade. The flowers are flat and yellow, and the plant has a fleshy taproot. Blooms typically come in shades of yellow and brown. Also know as summer snapdragon, it is a fairly new plant that has only been around since the late 1990s. The plant has green leaves and flowers in either black or tones of gold and yellow. These plants are known for hybridizing readily, which can produce interesting variations. It blooms between June and July with delicate pink blooms. The Albizia julibrissin or silk tree is also commonly referred to as the Mimosa tree. They are seasonal bloomers that do well when planted in full sun to partial shade. An older flower known for their beautiful colors, a very common flower found in England. The Epimedium plant is also known as the barrenwort, and it is a low-growing perennial. They need full sunlight to grow well, and their flowers can be 3 inches across. They sit on stems between 18 and 24 inches that are marked with few leaves. Only varieties with purple leaves do well in heat. Scilla is a member of the Asparagaceae family originating in Eurasia, Africa, and the Middle-East. The plant known as the Bachelor’s Button also goes by other names such as cornflower and Centaurea. Lilies are a highly recognized flower which have bright colors and a strong scent. Hyacinths make great plants in container gardens or flower beds. Perfect for hot, dry areas that comes in many colors and will attract butterflies and hummingbirds. The Watsonia plant is a flowering herbaceous perennial that stems from southern Africa. The lotus is considered a highly sacred flower in both Hinduism and Buddhism and carries several meanings including: harmony, enlightenment, and … The Heliotrope plant also goes by the name of cherry pie. The flower blooms make excellent cut flowers, and they can also be easily dried for arrangements. A well-known flower that is often representative of spring. Daffodils come in many colors with one to 5 flowers per stem. Alstroemeria is also called the Peruvian lily and is often grown commercially because the cut flowers last a long time. Some flowers are streaked in or mottled with color. Some species even flower during winter. Also known as pigsqueak, due to the sound their leaves make when rubbed together. Laelia purpurata, also known as the queen of laelias, is the national flower of Brazil. The plant’s starry flowers occur in an array of colors, including white, red, orange, and magenta. Photo source: Flowers are tiny, feathery looking florets that come in shades from dark purple, pink, greenish white to blue. The Olearia plant hails from New Zealand, and it is a bushy, flowering shrub. The plant does well in full sun to partial shade, and while they do well in some zones, you should dig up the rhizomes in cold climates to overwinter them. These plants grow up to 3 feet tall, and the spikes have flowers that range in color from red to blue to white, and they have single or double flowers. Because of its spiky seed pods that develop, the plant is also referred to as the devil in a bush. The Star of Bethlehem or Ornithogalum plant belongs to a group of around 100 species of plants that are native to Africa, Europe, and Asia. The Osteospermum (also known as daisy bushes or African daisies) may be grown from seed or purchased as a young plant. The fruit of the sunflower is an edible seed called achene. They come in a range of sizes, with colors also ranging between single shades, picotee, and striped varieties, to name a few. Some are evergreen, but others die during the winter. The plant is often only three inches off of the ground but may spread to two feet. They grow well with plants like tulips in sunny and warm locations in your garden. A hard to grow, rare flower that is usually found growing in the woods. Blossoms resemble fireworks and come in many colors. These plants are often hybridized, which has produced a bounty of different cultivars. Comes in a variety of colors, which will sometimes bloom both in the beginning of spring and then again in late summer. The flowers are found in many shapes, sizes, and colors, including yellow, scarlet-red edged with yellow-green. It is a perennial that has a native range that extends from Europe to southern Russia. Feel free to explore our blog for more specific flower plants and how to care for them. With careful cutting, these can make good cut flowers. Plants may grow as tall as 20 feet, with a circumference of 10 feet. Butterflies and bees are attracted to the flowers which bloom during May and June. I sat down and started listing out my favorite yellow flowers and couldn't stop. A native wildflower, these flowers can add a pop of color to dry, hot areas. Cornus or the Flowering Dogwood is a tree that heralds spring in well. Broom or Cytisus is a deciduous plant that develops whippy stems. It also attracts pollinators such as hummingbirds and butterflies. Some flowers have a notch in the petals. Allium is a family of plants that includes onions, chives, and garlic. They can be grown in pots and come in a range of colors, including cream, orange, and red, oftentimes with spots of other colors. Blossoms are purple or white. The flowers of this plant feature a checker box pattern, and they bloom from bulbs. Although it has not been a traditional garden flower in the past, with its recent trending use in wedding bouquets more people are seeking it out. Popular flowers that have 42 different species which grow in a variety of bright colors. A Peruvian shrub, the plant has soft stems and often needs to be protected during the winter by overwintering it in a greenhouse. The Bouvardia plants are a genus of plants that belong to the Rubiaceae family. They come in many colors, such as red and purple. Numerous species exist, but the most commonly grown is the Aster novi-belgii, with blue, violet, pink, or white flowers, to mention a few colors it comes in. Other species have a waterfall of shoots with purple flowers or feature small clusters of orange balls on the evergreen plant. Marigolds are typically grown for cuttings, pots, borders, and as garden combination plants. These tall blooms grow on spike like stalks that are sure to draw attention. Flower names Lily, Violet, Daisy, and Rose rank among the top names for girls in the US and are popular internationally as well.. The plant comes in dwarf varieties as well as tall plants that get up to two feet tall and wide. The blooms are usually yellow, red, or orange, with some species having bicolor flowers or ones streaked or spotted with colors. The leaves are green but may be cream-flushed. The flowers produced are starry, sky blue flowers that it produces between the middle of summer and fall. Under natural circumstances, yellow ones may also be found. The plant grows best in moist but well-drained soil. Some even have pale blue flowers at the top of the spike and dark blue at the bottom, providing a lovely contrast in your garden. The Dianthus or Pinks flowers are often referred to by other names, such as the Dianthus caryophyllus being called the clove carnations. They come in a variety of sizes, from small flowers with fibrous roots to trailing flowers that do well in hanging baskets. When grown in the correct environment they are very easy to care for. These have scarlet flowers with a red and gold venation. Asters bloom in late summer to early fall, when many other perennials have faded. The Ixora plant is commonly referred to as the flame of the woods. The Crocosmia is also known as the montbretia. Native to Asia, the flower grows abundantly from India to China. A tropical plant with clumping, heart-shaped leaves that are available in a variety of colors. They tend to be easily grown plants, found in bright colors such as orange, red and yellow. Grown both indoors and outdoors, the blooms are unique because of their yellow tips. The plant will tolerate some shade, but it prefers sunlight, which also allows the plant to be presented in the best light. The flowers are powderpuff blooms in white to sulfur yellow that brighten up the tree limbs. Black-eyed Susan is a popular variety and may stand 6 inches high to 4 feet high. Snowflakes are bulbous perennials and part of the Leucojun family. The flower grows on a long stalk that is approximately 2 to 3 feet long and has blooms that usually grow in clusters of four. The flowers are prized because they are fragrant and showy, and when cut, they make an excellent cut flower for your display. Luckily big blooms like Hydrangea offer light, sky-blue petals and Irises can blossom in classic, royal-blue. A commonly grown plant, hostas are great to grow because of their love of shade and their variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. A tall, bright yellow flower perfect for growing in hot areas with poor soil. Large fragrant blooms which after a few years, will develop into large bushes. There is only one species of Disa plant commonly cultivated. This plant can reach several feet tall and comes in perennial and annual varieties. Photo source: The blooms are yellow and delicate with a potent scent. Flowering occurs beginning in July and continuing into September. Trillium thrive in deep shade and produce flowers during both springtime and summer months. Regardless, this “weed” has some important usages, with the roots being used for herbal medicine for centuries to treat issues such as anxiety. These plants may self-seed, so you might get more than you expected the following years. They prefer full sun, and these beautiful plants will attract pollinators like butterflies. These plants are annuals that produce a blue to purple flower. This is your ultimate guide to yellow flowers. An easy to grow bloom, you’ll find this colorful flower in blue, white, pink and red. It should be grown in a shady area that is protected from cold winds for best results. Some of the varieties grown spread runners and flowers include attractive florets that give the garden different shades of colors as they mature. They are very unique because their seeds are spread by ants. Circumstances, yellow flowers while growing of medium to dark violet or blue Muffin plant, there many. Berries are food for wildlife and edible by humans ornamental flowers in tones of rose exist along almost! A spreading evergreen ground cover for your fall garden bright yellow-orange flowers with a scent... Is recommended to wear gloves when growing this plant tends to bloom in clusters throughout the world in flower.... On this page, you ’ ll find the right plant for your.! 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