disease of coconut slideshare

It also helps determine the proper treatment of the disease. Lecture 4.Diseases of Grapes. Identification of Common Coconut Tree Disease. Lecture 8. B vitamin deficiency contributes to heart disease. Introduction Coconut (Cocosnucifera) plays a significant role in the agrarian economy of India.Apart from the importance of copra and coconut oil which is widely used in the manufacture of soaps, hair oil, Coconuts are the large seeds of coconut palms (Cocos nucifera), which grow in tropical climates.Their brown, fibrous husks conceal the … Are used for source of fat in malabsorption conditions such as Irritable bowel Syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and dysbiosis and in infant formulas. Coconut oil is high in saturated fat content, and because of it, it has a long self-life. Bud rot of coconut. Let us give you a brief on the diseases that infest the coconut tree and ways to protect it. COURSE OUTLINE: Disease of Horticultural Crops & Their Management. Health education and promotion HSC 122Lecturer :Nrs Afesha Marshall ... can be achieved by a good selection of fruits and vegetables especially bananas,tomatoes and oranges as well as coconut water. Lecture 7.Diseases of Apple . Diseases of Coffee 153-156 21. Disease symptoms. Increases diabetes risk because the rigid cell walls don’t allow insulin to pass glucose in and out of cells as easily or many other cellular compounds that are constantly passed in and out of cells. It can be made fresh at home or purchased as canned or bottled. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. The first symptom is wilting of the spear leaf and often leaf No.1. Coconut oil is very high in medium chain fatty acids with smaller percent of long chain saturated and very small percent of long chain unsaturated fats, while corn oil has mainly long chain unsaturated fats and smaller percent of long chain saturated and no medium chain fatty acids. Increases LDL Increases triglyceridesIncreases inflammation by synthesizing molecules in the cells that are inflammatoryReduces HDL. Cercospora sp. Pythium spp. Slideshow search results for alzheimers disease Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Botryosphaeria disrupta Drechslera halodes LSU AgCenter You replace vegetable oils (soy, corn, canola, olive) with coconut oil?Coconut oil has a high percent of saturated fatty acids, but because they are medium chain, not long chain, they are not necessarily bad for your heart. The root (wilt) affected palms are susceptible to diseases like leaf rot and pests like rhinoceros beetle and red palm weevil. Introduction • Coconut oil comes from the meat of matured coconuts harvested from the coconut palm. It is also used to increase the energy intake in cystic fibrosis patients. SlideShare Descubrir Buscar T ... Heart disease 1. In the body, medium chain fatty acids are metabolized very differently than long chain fatty acids. (Plate 1) Bud rot of coconut is a lethal disease. Pathophysiology of a disease involves studying the symptoms and progress of the disease. Cochliobolus lunatus Diseases of Mulberry 146-148 19. Animal sources are the main sources of saturated fatty acids in the diet: dairy and dairy products, meat and meat products, butter, margarine, hydrogenated vegetable oilsMakes blood vessels less pliable, more rigid when incorporated into cell walls.Increases heart disease risk due to decreasing the pliability of blood vessels. ii. toxic compounds that are naturally produced by certain types of moulds (fungi This article is a list of diseases of coconut palms (Cocos nucifera). Goat milk has other short chain fatty acids, hence the particular flavor of goat’s milk. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Long chain unsaturated fatty acids are obtained From plants and seafoodMost heart healthyReduces platelet stickiness by making cells walls more elastic and pliable.Dilates blood vessels by increasing pliability and thereby helpingReduces blood pressureReduces LDL cholesterolIncreases HDLReduces triglyceridesHas essential fatty acids for humans that are needed for a myriad of functions in the cell. We found a striking absence of ischemic heart disease, stroke, hypertension, type-2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. Periconiella cocoes The stem is smooth, light gray in color and has prominent leaf scars. Phytophthora nicotianae Background’on’Coconut’Oil:’! They don’t normally exist in foods other than milk and milk products due to fermentation and in coconut and palm kernel oil;. Coconut Process Information Asger Sommer Hansen 2. From vegetable oils (corn, soybean, safflower)Tend to promote inflammation due to production of short lived compounds in the cells that increase inflammation (reddening, swelling etc)Tend to promote chronic diseases (cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease)Lowers LDLVegetable oils contain Essential fatty acid for humans, linoleic acid, because we can’t synthesize it in the body. Increases blood pressure due to the rigidity of vessel walls. Molecular detection of 16Sr XI group Phytoplasma associated with Root (Wilt) Disease of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) in India. Hypokalemia is the term used to describe low potassium levels in the body. Drechslera gigantea BeriBeri and Heart Disease Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome. Chance of confusing the pests … Some of the more common coconut tree disease issues include fungal or bacterial problems. Rot Disease of Coconut Caused by Ganoderma lucidum R. Bhaskaran Coconut Research Station, TamilNaduAgricultural University, Veppankulam, TamilNadu, India Introduction Basal stem rot (BSR) disease of coconut, hitherto called Thanjavur wilt, was first … Heli J. Roy, PhD, MBA, RD This may be related both to regular physical activity and an ‘ancestral-like’ food pattern largely based on starchy root vegetables, fruit, fish and coconut. Diseases of Betelvine 149-152 20. Coconut is an important crop for poor people, supporting their livelihoods and the sustainability of their environment. This should include saturated fat from coconut oil until there are new reputable research findings. 2010. Medium chain fatty acids occur in nature and in plants. Book Detail: Language: English Pages: 172 Author: TNAU Price: Free . Other kinds of coconut tree problems include diseases. Fungal pathogens can cause bud rot, which is diagnosed by the appearance of black lesions on young fronds and leaves. It is a source of materials for food, drink and shelter. Fusarium verticillioides Introduction to Potato Diseases and Pests. Diseases of Chrysanthemum 165-167 24. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. It has probably been used by humans for centuries. The root (wilt) affected coconut are susceptible to diseases such as leaf rot and pests such as rhinoceros beetle and red palm weevil. These patches enlarge rapidly and girdle the stem, causing rotting of the tissues, which then turn dark brown or black. reducing heart disease risk) is obtained when combined with safflower, corn, or olive oil. It does not have a pleasant taste. Coconut oil contains antioxidants such as vitamin E, provitamin A, polyphenols and phytosterols.Because coconut oil has a lot of medium-chain fatty acids it can be useful for malabsorption conditions.May have some antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.May help support the immune system.Maintains coagulation factors and therefore does not increase heart disease risk.Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels.Best result (i.e. Coconut presentation 1. Lethal yellowing destroyed about 300,000 coconut palms in Miami (Florida, USA) in less than fi ve years (McCoy, 1976). Lecture 6.Diseases of Guava . Coconut root (wilt) is a non-lethal debilitating disease and the affected palms survive for a long period giving a reasonably good yield. The genotypes R- 2001-3 and R 8808 showed moderate resistance to Bud necrosis virus disease. Essential fatty acids that we need from the diet because we can’t synthesize them, are both long chain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Medium-chain fatty acids (8-12) are absorbed and transported directly to the liver where they are burned for energy. Think coconut trees and immediately warm trade winds, blues skies, and gorgeous sandy beaches come to mind, or at least to my mind. Glomerella cingulata (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, anamorph), Ceratocystis paradoxa (Chalara paradoxa, anamorph), Ceratocystis paradoxa (Chalara paradoxa, Thielaviopsis paradoxa, anamorphs), Fusarium solani Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Ceratocystis paradoxa (Chalara paradoxa, Thielaviopsis paradoxa, anamorphs) Thielaviopsis, Ceratobasidium noxium Diseases of Jasmine and Crossandra 168-169 25. IV Chapter IV COCONUT PRODUCTION 42-60 4.1 Cultivation of mixed crop 42 4.2 Cultivation of intercrop 43 4.3 Coconut trees 45 4.4 Coconut production 45 4.4.1 Particular of tender coconut 46 4.4.2 Particulars of dry coconut 49 4.4.3 Particulars of copra 50 4.4.4 Particulars of leaves 53 4.4.5 Particulars of trunk 53 4.5 Coconut total income 55 4.6 Cost of cultivation 56 You can change your ad preferences anytime. Linoleic acid us used for synthesizing many important compounds that are used for a variety of reactions in the body, that influence our mood, behavior, skin, hair, growth (in infants), overall inflammatory response and more. They are used for malabsorption syndromes, in enteral and tube feeding and in infant formulas. It primarily affects the end of the small intestine the ileum where it joins the large intestine (or colon). Mycosphaerella palmicola It is characterized by the appearance of water-soaked patches on the stem near the ground level. Rhizoctonia solani, Ceratocystis paradoxa (Thielaviopsis paradoxa, anamorph), Ganoderma orbiforme Coconut Research Institute. Coconuts are susceptible to the phytoplasma disease, lethal yellowing. Phytophthora palmivora, Botryosphaeria cocogena 1. Graphium sp. COCONUT OIL: HEALTH Potatoes grow well in cool and temperate region and this crop requires cool nights and well-drained soil with adequate moisture levels. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Phytophthora palmivora, Fusarium spp. – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on PowerShow.com - id: 85c55e-OWQzZ Lecture 2.Diseases of Mango. In nutrition, fatty acids are differentiated into three groups: Short-chain fatty acids (2-6 carbon atoms)Medium-chain fatty acids (8-12 carbon atoms)Long-chain fatty acids (14 or more carbon atoms)Long chain fatty acids are further divided into saturated and unsaturated, and the unsaturated into omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Replacing all healthful fats with coconut oil is not prudent since coconut oil does not provide any essential fatty acids.Will receive benefits from the other healthful components in coconut oil such as vitamin E, provitamin A, polyphenols and phytosterols.American Heart Association recommends that only 7% of total daily calories come from saturated fat. The host list of palm species attacked by lethal yellowing is large and includes Phoenix dactylifera L.; P. canariensis Hort. Lecture 1.Diseases of Citrus. 1.25-1.5 cup can be taken daily. It actually destroys the cell walls and enables them from reproducing. Pott’s disease is a type of tuberculosis which mainly manifests itself through certain complications in the vertebral bones. Are you growing potatoes on large scale? Nutrition information on coconut oil and its effect on health. The dissection of a palm at this stage reveals a … Although it is primarily a lung disease, some of the tissues present outside the lungs are also affected. Pott’s disease is also known as … The truth though, is that coconut trees will live anywhere the temperature does not dip below 18 degrees F. (-7 C.), although the chances of some or any fruit lessen in direct correlation to the chilliness of the region. The potato is the most popular common crop in India. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Mostly beneficial type of reactions. Common Names of Diseases, The American Phytopathological Society This page was last edited on 15 March 2020, at 17:03 (UTC). Can also increase the risk for stroke. It is used in food, medicine and in the industry. Graphium sp. Ramularia necator, Fusarium verticillioides Diseases of Rose 160-164 23. Primary"source"of"fatin"the"diets"of" Long chain fatty acids have to become part of protein particles and travel in the bloodstream to be take up by cells and the liver and are used for energy or stored in the fatty deposits. Coconut meat is the white flesh inside a coconut. Few of them are very harmful, and few slowly affect the tree by gradually reducing overall yield. Ganoderma tornatum COCONUT OIL: HEALTH EFFECTS Heli J. Roy, PhD, MBA, RD LSU AgCenter Pennington Biomedical Research Center 2. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. Pennington Biomedical Research Center. If use virgin coconut oil, it has small percent of unsaturated fats as well. Corticium penicillatum One of the many causes of heart disease is a deficiency of B vitamins. Phytophthora katsurae EFFECTS It is also added to recipes of Southeast Asian and Thai cuisines. Hot extraction of coconut oil actually includes more beneficial phytochemicals than cold extracted oil (if mentioned in the label).Vegetables oils contain more of the healthful fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated) that help prevent heart disease and they have essential fatty acids. Today, it is a common visual of dreamy relaxation and increasingly, a symbol of health. Coconut trees are prone to some diseases. If future crop geneticists need to breed wheat resistance to an emerging disease or lettuce optimized to grow in … Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Pseudoepicoccum cocos Molecular detection of 16Sr XI group Phytoplasma associated with Root (Wilt) Disease of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) in India. Diseases of Tea 157-159 22. Lecture 3.Diseases of Banana. Tilting of the spear leaves while all other leaves stay green and healthy is the most typical symptom. Such affected plants withstand strong wind and topple over and die. The coconut palm, Cocos nucifera, is an erect palm in the family Arecaceae which is grown its fruits, used primarily for the extraction of coconut oil for use in cooking.The coconut palm has an erect or slightly curved stem which grows from a swollen base. Plant disease 94:636; References. As a fundamental element in the food system it provides essential nutrition to people in coconut-growing communities. Phytophthora spp. Mean percent disease incidence of coconut from 2008 –2013 S. No District Number of villages surveyed Mean percent disease incidence from 2008 to 2013 Basal stem rot Stem bleeding Bud rot Grey leaf spot 1 East Godavari 57 13.82 3.49 1.93 Traces 2 West Godavari 15 11.42 4.94 2.12 Traces Model Profile for 1.0 ha Coconut Cultivation 1. Bile from the gallbladder is needed to digest long chain fatty acids. Helminthosporium sp. Phytophthora nicotianae Diseases of Crossandra 170-171 Previously, the disease killed more than 15,000 coconut palms in Florida, (USA). We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. the read the following. Macrophoma sp. Phytophthora katsurae Yellowing diseases affect plantations in Africa, India, Mexico, the Caribbean and the Pacific Region. The coconut market is booming. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Cylindrocladium pteridis Diseases of Coconut and Oil palm 138-145 18. Fat is an important component of the diet:It is used for making many hormonesIt protects our nerves and internal organs as a thermal coveringIt is essential for growthSome fatty acids are essential, we must get them from the diet, and they are used to make important compounds that are used for growth and in metabolismIt is used for energy. Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestine which affects gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) from the mouth to the anus. It has been effective in herpes, the measles, influenza, hepatitis C and HIV.Reduces LDL Reduces abdominal fat because it promotes fat burning not storage.Increases fat burning because it cannot be stored.Not stored in adipose tissueReduces cholesterol synthesis by the liverDoes not provide essential fatty acids. Phomopsis sp. Last Updated on Friday, 02 October 2020 04:00 Recommendations: Research Divisions: CRI Plans & Reports for 2015-2020 Capitorostrum cocoes Plant disease 94:636, This page was last edited on 15 March 2020, at 17:03. Phyllosticta palmetto Epicoccum nigrum Pellicularia filamentosa, Common Names of Diseases, The American Phytopathological Society, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_coconut_palm_diseases&oldid=945701358, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Manimekalai, R. Soumya, V.P., Sathish Kumar, R., Selvarajan, R., Krishna Reddy, M., Sasikala, George V Thomas., Rajeev M and Baranwal, V.K. Ganoderma zonatum, Alternaria sp. Macrosporium cocos The coconut is a source of food, oil, coconut water, coconut milk, and medicine. would like to know about Potato Diseases and Pests, Symptoms, Control Methods? Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Affects hormone release from intestines differently than LCFA’sA certain from this group fatty acid has been identified to Inhibit fungal, bacterial and virus growth and has been used in test to inhibit many viruses. Coconut milk can be used as a milk substitute for beverages, drinks and smoothies. Medium chain fatty acids are absorbed directly and used for energy by the liver and the cells. Coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera).It’s used for its water, milk, oil, and tasty meat. I am using coconut oil and corn oil to represent other vegetable oils. Short-chain fatty acids (2-6) are formed in the intestines by friendly bacteria and are rapidly metabolized by the intestinal cells. This in turn helps diagnose the disease. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. They are not stored in the body. Melanconium sp. Assumed Coconut Composition Ripe Mawar Variety - Average Size and Composition Dehusked Coconut Gram % Shell: 175 25 Paring: 49 7 (Testa) *Kernel: 252 36 Coconut water: 224 32 Total: 700 100 * ( 52% solids & 48% moisture)AHA_coco_99/LU Lecture 5.Diseases of Pomegranate and Papaya. Long-chain fatty acids (>14) are turned into triglycerides and then are taken up by cells and used for energy or are stored. Edible"oil"extracted"from"matured" coconuts"harvested"from"the"coconut palm"(Cocos"nucifera).! What is the difference between coconut oil and other vegetable oils? Vitamin B1, also called thiamine or thiamine, is one of eight B vitamins.. All B vitamins help the body convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which the body uses to produce energy. 17. One recently selected cultivar, the 'Maypan', has been bred for resistance to this disease. 7 Reasons Coconut Oil is a Toiletry Essential, No public clipboards found for this slide. Is smooth, light gray in color and has prominent leaf scars tissues present outside the lungs are also.! Wilt ) is obtained when combined with safflower, corn, or olive oil, medicine and in plants metabolized... Nucifera ) and enables them from reproducing and performance, and to show you relevant. Ganoderma zonatum, Alternaria sp smooth, light gray in color and has leaf! '' fatin '' the '' diets '' of '' fatin '' the '' diets '' of '' 17 browsing site. Palms in Florida, ( USA ) as a fundamental element in the cells intake... And Thai cuisines and R 8808 showed moderate resistance to this disease certain complications in industry. 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