how to stop dowry system

Yes, it is totally a waste of money. While the dowry system still exists in India today, its function has changed somewhat, becoming an unspoken mandate and being viewed these days as something of a bargaining chip when arranging marriages. Section 304B of Indian Penal Code: To stop the Dowry death, according to Section 304B if there is unnatural death of girl within 7-years of her marriage. Another cause of dowry system, lack of education (Illiteracy) in a society. Amit. This is not fair and encourages gender discrimination. To ensure removal of dowry system from the nerves of our system, gender equality is the second step. As a consequence, a girl child is viewed a possible source of drain on the family’s finances, ultimately an onus. They take their daughter as a formality and wish to get rid of her as soon as possible. You may have to go to jail or fill a big fine for it. I am a boy and I personally think that if we guys and girls take a pledge that we will never get married with dowry included in it, dowry system will completely get eliminated. Dowry deaths are found predominantly in Pakistan, India, Iran, Bangladesh, and a few more countries in the world. Awareness program campaign: This is also the one of best solution of dowry systems to avoid the prevailing. Benjamin Franklin has rightly said,” An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”. Dowry System is known as “Dahej Pratha” in Hindi Dowry System is known as “Jahaz" in Pakistan Money, property and other things that the bride brings from her parents’ house is known as a Dowry. They can also influence people against the unethical dowry system. Still Govt. Media like TV, movies, social media, newspapers, etc., can launch various anti-dowry programs. In India, the dowry system puts great financial strain on the bride's family. The dowry system is still common in many parts of the world, especially in South Asia and several Middle Eastern and North African countries. It has become a major problem. In this we want your help and support, so anyone who wants to join us in ending this social evil can take part to take the concern at the next level. 1 decade ago. making women more conscious of their own worth. In the past, Hindu parents gave a dowry to their daughters because women didn’t always have rights. Dowry Prohibition Act is ineffective or people don’t care about this law because it is not implemented effectively. Don’t sell yourself, have self confidence. It is also another type of dowry. ways to instill anti dowry ideas in pupils. Dowry can be explained as the name for money taken in the form of property/cash/materials of daily usage or any other form of money transfer to marry a girl. It is very nice we can eliminate Dowary system by these methods. Condemn dowry deaths, by not demanding dowry. Drugs affect more than just you To make matters worse, the system also casts them as a burden, rather than an asset, to be passed along — a bride’s family pays the groom’s family for the cost of taking care of the bride. Educating children about the drawbacks of dowry system, and making sure that they inculcate the spirit to boycott it, is the long-term solution to the issue. So if grooms family tortures their daughter-in-law to meet the dowry demands, then lifetime imprisonment is there. a. Injustice towards girls – dowry bears a huge financial obligation for the bride’s family. The old thinking people or illiterate persons are more interested in receiving dowry. #alltyvideo# Then strict punishment is there like lifetime imprisonment. In some cases, either bride got divorced or got suicides due to daily teasing in groom house. The need of hour is thus to seek ways to stop this system of dowry which can be done adopting the following ways in your life:-How Can We Stop Dowry System 1. We should also teach this to our children as well. Dowry is one of them. Law and orders to stop dowry-related violence. To fill this gap the bride’s family doesn’t hesitate from giving dowry. When one stops to think how this system must have caught such strong roots in Indian society, one can find it to be born out of convenience. But unless the people desire not to give and take dowry, this cannot be eliminated from society. To eradicate this evil, we need to learn and educate others about the ill-effects of it and it can be achieved by providing equal rights to both genders. This dowry system has affected our society very badly and seriously. Drugs affect more than just you. The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 was enacted to help the women who are victim of Dowry System. The girl’s parents (bride family) gives the goods, cash, gifts, and real or movable property to the groom, his parents, or his relatives as a condition of the marriage, and engagement. whether it was dowry problem or any family problem it was women who is behind every problem Dowry the mask of flowers hides a terrorist’s face. People compare themselves to each other. The first thing that we can do in this direction is to take a pledge that we won’t ever give or take dowry. A groom’s family asks to bride parents what things will you give before or on marriage? This act states that the one who gives or takes dowry is punishable under Indian law. We at Muskan an NGO are trying our best to help you out from this tough phase of life. Most of the people take it as a traditional custom, but there are also a number of people affected by it as well. and people are neglecting it. The educated man has to show the courage to stop this evil system of our society. Why always bride parents have to give dowry, groom why family not? However, all these matters are discussed before their engagement or initially. This System has created various problems in the communities. 5 Answers. While dowry is practiced in many different of the world, dowry-related violence is most prevalent in South Asia, in the nations of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. We should also teach this to our children as well. A Strategy to End Dowry Practice: Intertwining Property Rights, Dowry System and Civic Responsibility Act Seema Pandey* Dowry system is not an uncommon or unheard issue globally given that all the religions and cultures around the world had practiced it at some point of their history. Every parent wants their girl to go to a rich family. Here are some treatments to eliminate this problem: Lack of schooling is likely one of the predominant contributors to social practices like dowry, caste system, and labor. There should be more strict rules to end the dowry system. The system was put in place due to a reason in India and that was that until a few decades back the girl child did not have any right over the parental property and other fixed assets and was given liquid assets such as cash, jewellery and other goods to give her a fair share. Lv 7. Our society gives more preference to the boy child. The more people get aware in this direction, the more will they be encouraged to stop giving and taking it. Remove the dark side of your mind with the light of knowledge. Several explanations are given for the prevalence of the dowry system. Some ways, tips, methods and steps of removing and eradicating dowry system problems are as follows: How to Remove, Eradicate Dowry system Problems – Tips, Ways, Methods 1. There is a problem with the Indian society. Please share your opinion on the dowry system – is it good or bad? Dowry, the money, goods, or estate that a woman brings to her husband or his family in marriage. Because their boy is doing a good job, they have good property, their boy is doing a good business, they have a nice reputation in the society or more reason for demanding it. It is acting upon our social life and has degraded womanhood in our country. If we satisfy in whatever we have and focus on sheer hard work rather than getting these gifts for free from the bride’s side, dowry system will automatically get stopped. Is he a fool or mad? Take a Pledge That we won’t give it and we won’t take it:-The first thing that we can do in this direction is to take a pledge that we won’t ever give or take dowry. A dowry was… As a consequence, a girl child is viewed a possible source of drain on the family’s finances, ultimately an onus. An average middle class spent 20 lakhs (2 million) on girl marriage. Most common in cultures that are strongly patrilineal and that expect women to reside with or near their husband’s family, dowries have a long history in Europe, South Asia, Africa, and other parts of the world. Moreover, one who abets to give or take dowry is also guilty under this act. Don’t degrade yourself by demanding dowry. Some trace it to the custom followed by many kings of the past and princely chieftains when they gave away their daughters in marriage. Dowries are not just about money, household items such as linens and furniture, and even animals, may be included too. There is, however, one custom that stubbornly resists change: the dowry system. Short Term Effects of Dowry System – these effects of the dowry system are immediate and are a permanent fixture in the daily news. Relevance. There is law in india preventing dowry. Answer Save. Both the bride and groom’s family think if they will give dowry on marriage it will increase their reputation and people will talk good about them. Our desires are never going to fulfill with other money and things. Do not be greedy, stop DOWRY! The dowry tradition still continues and increasing day by day. Stop dowry system drawing/ how to draw stop dowry poster/ violence against women drawing Crazy art & crafts. 0 0. There are many people who declined to take dowry.If one declines to take dowry, the bride and her relatives start suspecting the capacity of the groom. Don’t make any daughter’s father poor or borrower. The most common forms of dowry-related violence are physical violence, marital rape, acid attacks, and wife burning (where a woman is covered in kerosene or some other accelerant and deliberately set on fire). The growing epidemic of violent, dowry-related incidents in India is a problem that must be eliminated, by evolving the society to treat girls as equal members of society. a. Injustice towards girls – dowry bears a huge financial obligation for the bride’s family. If a girl or woman will be well educated and working then why anybody need to give dowry? It has affected all the society. This has created a great problem in society and has caused the marriage of girls in many families difficult. If her parents are agreed then the bride and groom get married, otherwise no relation is made. The dowry problem is more in undeveloped or developing countries compared with developed countries. Don’t sell yourself, have self confidence. We can’t imagine a marriage without dowry in some places in the world. 3. Dahej per jaga Dene Wale Kavita. Despite anti-dowry laws in India, it is still a common illegal practice. The wealth and pr… Don’t degrade yourself by demanding dowry. There are a lot of causes of dowry system in our society but the main reasons are: Yes, dowry is a marital tradition that is coming for the last centuries when the bride’s parents give needful things at her daughter’s marriage so she can survive well. The dowry system as a whole is a violation of women's rights in India, and must be put to an end. Media’s role in stopping dowry demands Media has a huge role to play in getting rid of the dowry system. Even in poor families sometimes the father of an young bride had to take loan from the bank to pay the demand of a groom. The other party which is of Groom’s side thus becomes greedy and makes inappropriate demands. They take it as a way of ensuring their daughter’s future and rather take it as a gift of marriage in which they purchase everything related to after married life for their daughter say a television, refrigerator, microwave, sofa set, car, scooter etc. Dowry culture also encourages female foeticide due to gender inequality and most families can’t afford wedding expenses. marriage is not everything in life if bought by money The dowry system dehumanizes women by treating them as property — goods that can be exchanged. The dowry system in India refers to the durable goods, cash, and real or movable property that the bride's family gives to the bridegroom, his parents and his relatives as a condition of the marriage. Society anyhow has to consider this fact that dowry is not benefiting for us. In some cases, married women commit to suicide due to continuous harassment, some are burned or injured badly by in-laws family. Dowry stemmed from India's skewed inheritance laws, and the Hindu Succession Act needed to be amended to stop the routine disinheritance of daughters. We can say that the bride’s parents find a boy who is in their level (economically and socially) or even up. 1. Propaganda and publicity against dowry: Modern media like T.V Radio, movies news papers and internet should make propaganda against dowry practice by launching various anti dowry practice by launching various anti dowry programs to convince people that the practice of dowry is not only illegal but also unethical. By not accepting or demanding dowry and avoid such happenings in the neighborhood. Despite the legislation being applied by the federal government, the dowry system, however, has a robust maintain in society. Important steps to eradicate dowry. Boys need to convince their parents that they will not take or give dowry. Dowry is not a one time process. Along with the caste system dowry system is widely practised but still criticized in India. So look at the effects of the dowry system on our women’s life. The need of hour is thus to seek ways to stop this system of dowry which can be done adopting the following ways in your life:-. However, it has turned into an evil social system over the years. We can save this money to the bank or use it for their education. In many cases, her parents have to take borrow money from relatives and friends, a loan from the bank, and even sell their property for doing just her marriage. The father has to purchase a motor bike, gold ring and furniture to decorate the house of a groom. Payment of dowry is now prohibited under the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 in Indian civil law and subsequently by Sections 304B and 498a of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). Don’t search for a shareholder,select a life-partner. Join your hands, like dis page Condemn dowry deaths, by not demanding dowry. In most of the cases, dowry demands get so high that the bridal party has to sell off all their property in order to fulfill the dowry demands of groom’s side which is an offense. In the end, the dowry is a social stigma that can be removed with all our contributions and awareness. Many anti-dowry legislation has also been made to tackle the dowry system. The dowry system in India refers to the durable goods, cash, and real or movable property that the bride's family gives to the bridegroom, his parents and his relatives as a condition of the marriage. It is thought that a son will bring forward the family name while a daughter is just meant to reach someone else’s house to be pride of their home and family. The main dowry items are money, car, motorcycle, gold, home furniture and appliance, electronic gadgets, clothes, and many other items. The following are some important steps to eradicate dowry which we and our Government will need to take together. Dowry system in India, causes of dowry system in India, causes for dowry system,steps to stop dowry system,Indian law for dowry system,effects of dowry system in India. 10 Important Life Lessons to Learn from COVID-19 Pandemic, Coronavirus Impact On Social Life Of People In New York, Positive Parenting during Social Isolation, 10 Problems Girls Have To Face After Marriage, Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media on Youth. It keeps continuing after marriage as well. People don’t spend money as much money on their child’s education and career as they spend on dowry and marriage expenses. Don’t search for a shareholder,select a life-partner. In India, the dowry system puts great financial strain on the bride's family. Dowry is a payment of cash or gifts from the bride's family to the bridegroom's family upon marriage. It is mandatory in some countries. ( Public Domain ) It may include cash, jewelry, electrical appliances, furniture, bedding, crockery, utensils, car and other household items that help the newlyweds set up their home. Social consciousness about the ill effects of dowry system needs to be aroused. Light The Minds updates posts on random topics to educate, elevate and entertain the reader. You should never take your daughter as a formality if you wish to stop dowry system. An average gathering of 300 to 1000 guests in normal Indian marriage and bride family take care of all these meals, sitting and comforts. Dowry system is very common in the Terai region but is spreading to other parts of the country as well. When everyone takes … The following are problems pertaining to marriage and family dowry which are effecting our society seriously. It is in our blood so it will take more time to clean. Nice to see you are spreading awareness about dowry system. If they can give dowry then why not us? Favourite answer . Dowry system entails giving huge amount of cash, jewellery and other gifts to the groom’s family by the bride’s parents as a condition at the time of marriage. Share this on your social media as well. We are living in the 21st century but still many social evils are existing in our society. 7 years ago. Awareness program can be accomplished by several ways for effecting and making understand the people mostly … They find a guy who has a good job, business, or good income sources. Love marriage definitely eliminates dowry and not only dowry but it also stops female feticide upto great extent as if the dowry get eliminated from the society than no one thinks that girl child are burden on them and slowly the female feticide starts declining. Every girl should go to her in-law’s house with pride. Every day many women harassment cases are registered due to dowry. They are ready to pay any amount of dowry as show off, which brings about a change of temperament in the groom’s family and they wish to demand more. Cancel Unsubscribe. But now we have become mandatory for everyone. A dowry is meant to be a type of financial security in widowhoodor against a neglectful husband, and can also ensure economic independence for children. This System has created various problems in the communities. How can we stop the dowry system? The dowry can be in any role. Dowry Greed Leads To Heinous Deeds. A girl’s parents get separated from her precious child forever but still, we need dowry along with her. 7 years ago. Our society role is most vital. Some people take dowry as a custom. Dowry System is very bad for the Humanity. In a simple world, dowry is given for show-off as well. Stop dowry system Kavita.#stopdowrysystemkavita#. In India, every 5 out of 10 families face the dowry … The following are some important steps to eradicate dowry which we and our Government will need to take together. Evil effects of Dowry System In modern age, still in different cities, towns and in villages, the dowry system is going to be practiced. 1 0. khayum p. Lv 6. So to stop the dowry system we required willingness rather than law. Dowry system is a tradition that does not belong to a single country, it is in all over the world. Dowry Greed Leads To Heinous Deeds. People are spending a lot of money at marriages. Anonymous. WAYS TO STOP DOWRY SYSTEM: All the groom needs to take a step up and say, “no to dowry.’ Education to the daughter; Say ‘no’ too greedy, grooms; Social awareness activities; A dowry system is a social stigma that needs an end. The more educated a groom is, the more money his family can demand as a dowry. We can try making people aware about the drawbacks of taking and giving dowry. Guys can rather plan to purchase all these things themselves, for their wife by first focusing on their career and financial condition so that their wives may feel proud of them. As a result, the in-laws family does fight with her, beat her hard, or even they kill her. i think boys should show morality and strictness and should say no dowry in my wedding . Stop "Dowry" system. Asking or giving of dowry can be punished by imprisonment of up to six months or a fine of up to Rs.5000. Loading... Unsubscribe from Crazy art & crafts? Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961: The first-ever law made by Indian legislation against the dowry-related cases was the Dowry Protection Act, 1961 initially which is passed in some states. It is a kind of payment from the bride’s family to the groom in order to take care of her. by educating women on dowry system it is their greediness leads to this any case it was the mother-in-law who is very keen on dowry.In most case it was the women who is the problem maker in our society. In India, it has its roots in medieval times when a gift in cash or kind was given to a bride by her family to maintain her independence after marriage. Even maybe people don’t know about the dowry act which is enacted to prevent the giving or taking of a dowry. Dowry stemmed from India's skewed inheritance laws, and the Hindu Succession Act needed to be amended to stop the routine disinheritance of daughters. Short Term Effects of Dowry System – these effects of the dowry system are immediate and are a permanent fixture in the daily news. The bride’s family starts collecting goods and saving money for dowry on her marriage from the day she takes birth. Either you have money or not but you will have to give dowry on her girl marriage. If I create a dowry checklist hundred-plus items will be in it. ways to make it a taboo among young people. Effects of Dowry System. 7 years ago. Have privilege of not marrying money. Short Kavita on dowry system. 0 0. sarayu. When every groom is demanding the dowry why this man is not demanding? Dowry System is very bad for the Humanity. When everyone takes this pledge on an individual level, dowry will get eliminated in a very easy way from society. 665 likes. Whether, it is her relatives, guardian or husband. Dowry the mask of flowers hides a terrorist’s face . Do not be greedy, stop DOWRY! Our wrong thoughts are also boosting the dowry. In modern age, still in different cities, towns and in villages, the dowry system is going to be practiced. Dowries continue to be expected - and demanded - as a condition to accepting a marriage proposal in some areas. by educating women on dowry system … All Groom need to take step up and “say no to dowry”. Educate your daughters; Encourage them to have their own career; Teach them to be independent and responsible; Treat them (your daughter) equally without any discrimination; Do not encourage the practice of giving or taking dowry; Effect on the public of the Dowry Prohibition initiative Here daughters are taken as a formality and son’s are taken as a responsibility. The Dowry Prohibition Act, passed in 1961, prohibits the request, payment or acceptance of dowry, where “dowry” is defined as a gift demanded or given as a precondition for a marriage. A reproduction of the painting ‘Choosing a Dowry’ (1910) by Nikolay Bekryashev, published in the magazine Niva in 1911. During the colonial period, it became the only legal way to get married, with the British making the practice of dowry mandatory. It has affected all the society. They should have the confidence to earn their living. The best way to stop dowry in Indian society is to encourage love marriage. It is a big financial burden on our society. Well, … A few greedy families harass married women to bring more dowry or in case of failure to meet dowry demands. Girl child is viewed a possible source of drain on the bride ’ s parents get separated her... Of groom ’ s father poor or borrower by many kings of the dowry is a social that. Found predominantly in Pakistan, India, the in-laws family turned into an evil system. To decorate the house of a dowry was… the dowry is a big fine for it even animals may. The house of a dowry was… the dowry act which is of groom s... Are given for the prevalence of the country as well we need dowry along with the caste system system... 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