is 277 2018 mechanical properties
We focused on breaking points in the compression tests and evaluated several mechanical parameters, namely, breaking force, breaking energy, breaking stress, breaking strain, and breaking elasticity. We performed the mechanical tests using a steel holder with a hole to place the sample and penetrated the equatorial side with a φ 1 mm stainless steel probe at a constant speed of 0.5 mm/s according to modified methods of Fava et al. Finally, the mechanical parameters of the free n-dimensional vibrating system can be expressed in three different ways: using the damping factors and the pseudoangular frequencies , ; using the modal parameters ; or using the damping factors and the natural angular frequencies , the latter equivalent to . We consider the system as a linear vibrational one with viscous damping and n degrees of freedom. (ii)Rheological models of the periodontal tissue [23, 24] have developed more precise nonlinear systems [24], as well as isotropic hyperelastic constitutive models [25, 26]. Specifically, if we consider that the tooth is a free rigid body, it has six DOFs corresponding to its six possible independent motions: three translations of the center of mass along the axes (x, y, z) and three rotations around these axes, characterized by the angles (α, β, γ) (Figure 2). The equations indicated the importance of inhibiting the weight loss to maintain the quality and could be used as a nondestructive and easy method for assessment of storage characteristics of Shine Muscat fruit. They are discussed with regard to the specific purposes of the FPP. This research is aimed at investigating the effect of using plantain peel ash (PPA) obtained from plantain peel as a partial replacement of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) on the mechanical properties of concrete. Figures 3(a) and 3(b) show changes in color properties of samples during storage. Elasticity 7. This latter type of investigation which we utilize in this study is employed in the modal analysis of vibrating systems or in mechanical systems identification [28, 29]. The weight loss in HHS was 3.05% after storage for 30 days; in contrast, that in LHS was 17.56%. In the second column, seventh row of Table 1 (Level of Controls) of above STI, the word "Bend Test" may be replaced by "Mechanical Properties". The biomechanical behaviour of the periodontal ligament (PDL) is still not well understood although this topic has been studied for almost 100 years. Overview: These new 3D-printing provisional materials are typically composed of monomers based on acrylic esters or … Their main drawback is the difficulty to perform accurate in vivo experiments in order to identify the values of the parameters that describe the rheologic models because it is difficult to make precise and reproductive rheological measurements with small devices and in a noninvasive way [27]. Their usefulness, the efficiency of the related measuring method to assess the mobility of the teeth affected by periodontal diseases, and the effects of the FPP are finally investigated. In this study, we utilize the Prony series method because of its capability to provide accurate results from the free response. The breaking stress did not reflect changes in the mechanical characteristics of samples during storage. However, the changes in mechanical properties of Shine Muscat fruit during storage have not been investigated. Elder 6 Steven R. Fassnacht et al. System (5), which represents n-coupled oscillations is therefore expressed as follows: In the absence of the excitation force, Equation (5) becomes. This tooth mobility is an important parameter that has to be evaluated for the current medical practice, as well as for scientific investigations. 4, No. Stress was calculated as a ratio of the load to the area of the probe. Figures 4(a)–4(e) reveal the relationships between weight loss and mechanical or color properties of the sample. This is also a confirmation of the choice of this DOF; as on the z-axis, the rigidity of the tooth-tissue system is the highest one, as an adaptation to the maximum forces applied to the system in this direction (i.e., for the masticatory process). Six bunches were used for the measurements. Under high humidity, degradation of the middle lamella and disintegration of the primary cell wall were the main factors influencing mechanical property changes. Reviews There are no reviews yet. The data used to support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request. The results showed that most of the apparent properties for the Sante variety were greater than those of the Marfona variety. In comparison to other methods, it also has the advantage that it does not require a response signal with numerous precision points. However, such a comparison could be done only between the same blunts of a certain person—in time. The parameters evaluated from these measurements can be considered as the elastometric properties of the dental system investigated. Be the first one to write a review. Nanocomposites: Vol. The texture of Shine Muscat fruit was reported by a breeding organization [1]. (v)The eigenfrequencies υμ are higher for a healthy periodontal tissue, which acts as a strong spring for the system, and are smaller for an affected periodontal tissue, which acts as a weaker spring. In the latter case, the expected average of the parameters is reached, as the healthier tooth losses some of the quality of the tooth-tissue system, while the less healthier tooth gains some of this quality. The Doppler evaluation made for the same teeth placed under the bridge gave results of the same type, so the two results of the methods, the classical, clinical (but approximate one) and of the more accurate (but more elaborate) method developed in this study confirm each other. (ii)From the amplitudes Aμ and from the damping factors ξμ of these three movements, the active DOFs can be clearly identified:(a)The β oscillation (rotation with regard to the y-axis, Figure 2) corresponds to the movement with the highest amplitude, as this is the most important movement that the periodontal tissue allows for and as it is in the direction of the impact produced on the tooth (Figure 3). These can be considered the elastometric parameters which characterize the status of the tooth-PDL tissue system [32, 33], affected in a certain degree by parodonthosis [34]. In order to study and validate the method, the investigations are carried out in two clinical situations of interest to the practitians. The PPA used in this research work was subjected to control burning of Plantain peel into ash, which was grinded and passed through 75µmm BS sieve. Under HHS, the weight loss of samples was inhibited, indicating that the weight loss was mainly influenced by internal transpiration of samples. The study demonstrates that this method can provide the dentist with the necessary objective evaluations regarding the properties and health of the tooth-PDL system, as well as of the construct that is obtained after installing a dental bridge. 244-252. The periodontal ligament (PDL) system connects the tooth with the alveolar bone [1]. [2–8] It is widely accepted that the mecha nical properties of biomaterials used for treating MI are extremely important. Yu, and H.-M. Huang, “Natural frequency analysis of tooth stability under various simulated types and degrees of alveolar vertical bone loss,”, S. Y. Lee, H. M. Huang, C. Y. Lin, and Y. H. Shih, “In vivo and in vitro natural frequency analysis of periodontal conditions: An innovative method,”, H. Xin, Y. Li, L. Zhao, and W. Guo, “Nonlinear finite element analysis of the vibration characteristics of the maxillary central incisor related to periodontal attachment,”, Y.-C. Chen and H. H. Tsai, “Use of 3D finite element models to analyze the influence of alveolar bone height on tooth mobility and stress distribution,”, M. Gei, F. Genna, and D. Bignoni, “An interface model for the periodontal ligament,”, A. N. Natali, P. G. Pavan, E. L. Carniel, and C. A. Dorow, “Transversally isotropic elasto-damage constitutive model for the periodontal ligament,”, A. N. Natali, P. G. Pavan, and C. Scarpa, “Numerical analysis of tooth mobility: formulation of a non-linear constitutive law for the periodontal ligament,”, G. Limbert, J. Middleton, J. Laizans, M. Dobelis, and I. Knets, “A transversely isotropic hyperelastic constitutive model of the PDL: analytical and computational aspects,”, A. I. Zhurov, G. Limbert, D. P. Aeschlimann, and J. Middleton, “A constitutive model for the periodontal ligament as a compressible transversely isotropic visco-hyperelastic tissue,”, L. Bereteu, G. E. Draganescu, D. Stanescu, and C. Sinescu, “Quantitative measurement of speech sound distortions with the aid of minimum variance spectral estimation method for dentistry use,”, G. E. Draganescu, A. Ercuta, and L. Bereteu, “Identification of nonlinear anelastic models,”, O.-A. As it can be seen from the analysis below, from the three movements identified above, it is even enough to use only the first two, i.e., those that are the easiest to point out, as they have the highest and the smallest amplitudes, respectively. The sampled signal represents the signal at the discrete equidistant moments of time :where N represents the number of points in which the signal is recorded. For these reasons, in this study, the weight loss of bunches was measured. Wei, Jingjing Ma, Songqi Yue, Hong Wang, Sheng and Zhu, Jin 2018. IPS d.Sign (Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Principality of Liechtenstein) ceramic layers were deposed on the metallic infrastructures. Therefore, in performing such an analysis, one may use only two or even one of the DOF considered, while the other(s) can be used to confirm the results obtained—as it has been seen from the above discussion. In this research, we show that encapsulation of polymer chains into MOF nanochannels can effectively restrain the breakage of coordination bonding in … Snowmobile impacts on snowpack physical and mechanical properties Steven R. Fassnacht 1,2,3,4, Jared T. Heath 1,5, Niah B. H. Venable 1,3, and Kelly J. An experimental method based on the free response analysis was utilized in order to obtain these parameters. ,,,. The three remaining movements should be possible—with certain parameters. 3, pp. The methodology of this study is to introduce a set of mechanical parameters using the modal analysis method, with a model with several DOFs. Toughness 3. The objective of this study was to identify the changes in mechanical and color properties of Shine Muscat fruit during storage. The method to be developed is intended to be utilized for such a specific situation, when it is important to monitor (or to evaluate) the mobility of a tooth under a prosthetic construct without taking out that bridge. This study reports on clinical and mathematical studies to determine the constitutive law of the PDL. The mass of the excitation head of the Periotest device is m = 8 g and the time of impact is τ = 0.1 to 0.2 ms, with a repetition frequency of 4 Hz. We have introduced a linear mechanical model with several DOFs, consisting of a viscous-damped vibrating system. The bunches were immediately transported to the Food Research Institute NARO, Ibaraki, Japan. The breaking stress of samples decreased for 10 days. These eigenvalues and eigenvectors are the solutions of the matrix equation: The eigenvalues are characterized by n complex conjugate pairs because, similar to the model (i). For this reason, we present in this study first the simple model, with a single DOF, but finally focus on the model with multiple DOFs, to model more precisely the physical phenomenon. If an impact is applied to the mass in the absence of the excitation force (i.e., F = 0) and for the case of an oscillatory regime (i.e., for ), the free response of the system can be written in the real or complex form aswhere , , and are the integration constants. In Table 2, for the blunt 47 without an FPP, the y-axis oscillation corresponds to the movement (2), while with an FPP, it corresponds to the movement (1). Sign up here as a reviewer to help fast-track new submissions. In order to measure experimentally the elastic parameters , , or , where of the tooth-periodontal tissue system defined in the previous section, we introduce a method for measuring the free response of this periodontal system. [5]. We showed the changes in weight loss and other physical properties and proposed equations to estimate the physical properties based on weight loss data. We have to point out in this respect that by using the Periotest system, only the mobility of a single tooth can be evaluated. Nevertheless, the strain and elasticity revealed that the mechanical properties were not recovered (Figures 2(b) and 2(c)). The analog output signal from the Doppler ultrasound sensor is introduced in a PC with a professional sound card-type Creative AUDIGY 2 which operates on 16 bits with a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz. Eng. The relationships between the weight loss and mechanical or color properties of “Shine Muscat” fruit and the estimation equations of them: (a) breaking stress; (b) breaking strain; (c) breaking elasticity; (d) color difference; (e) chroma. EN ISO 898-3:2018 - This document specifies mechanical and physical properties of flat washers, designed to be used in bolted joints in combination with bolts, screws, studs and nuts with a specified property class in accordance with ISO 898‑1 and ISO 898‑2. electrical conductivity, and mechanical properties. The Lab data were recorded, where L indicates lightness or luminance, a indicates chromaticity on a green (−) to red (+) axis, and b indicates chromaticity on a blue (−) to yellow (+) axis [7]. Error bar shows standard error (. For the accurate identification of the mechanical parameters from the measured free response, the sequence which contains the interaction between the Periotest impact and the tooth (abutment) had to be eliminated. Readers can access the data underlying the findings of the study (please see Figures 4 and 5, as well as Tables 1 and 2). They all can be a measure of the integrity (i.e., of the health state) of the tooth-PDL systems and can thus be added to the score parameter measured with the Periotest device in order to improve the evaluation of such systems. Because water loss may affect other physical properties of the samples, we investigated the relationships between them. The differences between the responses of the systems in these two cases are determined with the new method proposed. However, by using the composed parameter Kμ defined by Equation (22), the analysis can be completed successfully, as one may see that this parameter follows the trend of the eigenfrequencies υμ—for each blunt and case; therefore, the same conclusions as at points (v) and (vi) can be reached. Epub 2018 May 22. The color of samples was measured with a handheld color meter (Model CR-20, Konica Minolta, Japan). Elucidation of the relationships between weight loss and mechanical and color properties, excluding breaking stress, resulted in the generation of simple equations, which can be used to estimate the changes in mechanical and color properties using the weight loss data and simple parameters shown in Figures 4(b)–4(e) (R2 = 0.81–0.94). However, the changes in weight of berries only during storage cannot be continuously determined, because generally, Shine Muscat grapes are stored as bunches. To achieve more accurate measurements, the impact response (the “free response”) of the tooth has to contain several components; therefore, After the FPP is in place, the amplitudes, However, regarding the previous aspect, one can successfully compare the situation of the blunts before and after placing the FPPs: for the blunt 45, the values of. The investigations are carried out for different teeth abutments, both with and without a dental bridge/fixed partial prosthesis (FPP). The Doppler response to the Periotest excitation, measured with the Doppler ultrasound sensor—as described in Section 3—is represented by a series of equidistant strongly damped oscillations separated by Δt = 25 ms (Figure 4). 2018, Article ID 4609264, 11 pages, 2018., 1Department of Dental Materials and Dental Prostheses Technology, ‘Victor Babes’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara, 2 Eftimie Murgu Str., 300041 Timisoara, Romania, 23OM Optomechatronics Group, Faculty of Engineering, ‘Aurel Vlaicu’ University of Arad, 77 Revolutiei Ave., Arad 310130, Romania, 3Doctoral School, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, 1 Mihai Viteazu Ave., Timisoara 300222, Romania, 4Department of Periodontology, ‘Victor Babes’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara, 2 Eftimie Murgu Str., 300041 Timisoara, Romania, 5Department of Dentistry, ‘Iuliu Hatieganu’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca, 8 Babes Street, 400012 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 6Bioengineering Center, Department of Mechanics and Vibrations, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, 1 Mihai Viteazu Ave., 300222 Timisoara, Romania. On the contrary, the tooth is also subjected to constraints that actually reduce its possible motions and its number of DOF. 4, pp. In their study, the relative humidity (RH) was controlled at high or low conditions to investigate the influence of storage humidity on the physical properties of the samples. Strain was calculated as the ratio of deformation to the initial height of the sample. As a second step, with the aid of the solution , a 2n-degree algebraic equation can be built:which has its solutions dependent on the modal parameters : The modal parameters finally are obtained as a set of n pairs of complex numbers: The modal damping factor and the pseudoangular frequency will therefore be the absolute values ofwhere . The mechanical and color properties, excluding breaking stress, were correlated with increasing storage duration in LHS and weight loss. However, with good foundry prac-tices and the use of available present process control tools, exceptionally strong, sound aluminum-copper alloys can be cast routinely. The free response of the tooth to the impacts was recorded with a Doppler ultrasound sensor-type Mini Dopplex D900 (Huntleigh Healthcare Inc., Cardiff, UK), applied to the apical area of the tooth investigated. Cosmin Sinescu, Virgil-Florin Duma, Dorin Dodenciu, Stefan Stratul, Marius Manole, Gheorghe Eugen Draganescu, "Mechanical Properties of the Periodontal System and of Dental Constructs Deduced from the Free Response of the Tooth", Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol. The results demonstrate the ability to measure both mechanical moduli and thermal maturity of organic components in intact source rock samples which range in maturity from the catagenesis through the metagenesis stages i.e %R o from 0.6 to 1.6. Thus, from both tables, the z-axis translation has not only the smallest oscillatory amplitudes Aμ, but also the highest eigenfrequencies υμ. The impulse response of a tooth (abutment) was extracted from the wav files using the Cool Edit Pro 2.0 audio processing software (Syntrillium Software, Informer Technologies, Inc.). This method of the function of frequency response is adequate for dental implants, as well as for in vitro investigations [14–16]. We thus consider in the first step of this study different individual teeth, and in the second step, the dental bridge/FPP system which unites such teeth. “Shine Muscat” fruit is a table grape commonly consumed cultivar in Japan; however, the storage characteristics have not been investigated, especially physical properties. In the following drawing, the walls, exterior stone facing, doors, fixtures, cabinetry, HVAC, electrical, and text were created using different colors to help differentiate between them. It is characterized, in a generalization of the discussion on the model (i), by a classical system of second-order differential equations:where is the n-dimensional column matrix of the generalized coordinates; is the n-dimensional column matrix of the excitation forces; [m] represents the n × n-dimensional matrix of inertia (in our case a diagonal matrix, which contains the masses and the moments of inertia); [c] is the damping n × n symmetric matrix; and [k] is the stiffness matrix, which is also n × n symmetric. The mobility of the periodontal system was evaluated before and after the insertion of the metal-ceramic FPPs in the oral cavities for all the clinical cases considered. Mechanical Properties of the Periodontal System and of Dental Constructs Deduced from the Free Response of the Tooth, Department of Dental Materials and Dental Prostheses Technology, ‘Victor Babes’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara, 2 Eftimie Murgu Str., 300041 Timisoara, Romania, 3OM Optomechatronics Group, Faculty of Engineering, ‘Aurel Vlaicu’ University of Arad, 77 Revolutiei Ave., Arad 310130, Romania, Doctoral School, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, 1 Mihai Viteazu Ave., Timisoara 300222, Romania, Department of Periodontology, ‘Victor Babes’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara, 2 Eftimie Murgu Str., 300041 Timisoara, Romania, Department of Dentistry, ‘Iuliu Hatieganu’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca, 8 Babes Street, 400012 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Bioengineering Center, Department of Mechanics and Vibrations, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, 1 Mihai Viteazu Ave., 300222 Timisoara, Romania, Finite element methods (FEMs) are used in order to calculate the different eigenfrequencies of the tooth, considered as an elastic solid [, Rheological models of the periodontal tissue [. 2018 Aug;113:151-160. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2018.05.015. Water Water fit for drinking is generally considered fit for making concrete. “Shine Muscat” fruit is a table grape commonly consumed cultivar in Japan; however, the storage characteristics have not been investigated, especially physical properties. The signal was processed using Visual Sound Instrument (Version 3.2) from heliso.tripod and Auto Signal 6.0 trial edition (Seasolve Software). Komatsubara investigated the acceptability values of some color parameters for human [16] and showed that the ΔE can be used as an index of the allowable color differences for the visual perception. It is well-known that the free response can be written as a combination:where the pairs () or () represent the integration constants. However, these eigenfrequencies cannot be used for practical investigations of the tooth mobility because they are strongly dependent on the links that the tooth has with the gingiva and with the jaw bone. The other two functions can be determined from the one that is measured. Because the fruit is distributed after harvest, it is necessary to study the storage characteristics of the fruit to prevent quality decline, such as texture and color; however, flavor and aroma volatile content are the only storage characteristics that have been investigated [3]. These results contributed as an assessment data of storage characteristics of the fruit; moreover, an easy estimating method for mechanical and color properties was proposed. comment. Moreover, the breaking stress was not suitable as an indicator of changes in mechanical characteristics of Shine Muscat fruit during storage when weight loss occurred. In conclusion, the results of the model are in good accordance with the physical phenomena. The color difference, ΔE, of samples increased for 10 days and thereafter did not change in HHS. No evaluations have been performed for such systems until now, to our knowledge, because the abutments and the FPP are difficult to be investigated separately. It is strongly correlated with the mechanical properties of the tooth-PDL tissue system. In the case of the two blunts considered, i.e., 45 and 47, they are different; thus the configuration of their equivalent system (as considered, simplified, in Figure 1) is different. The objective of this study was to clarify changes in weight loss, mechanical, and color properties of Shine Muscat fruit during storage and the relationships between them. As a remark, one can see that similar conclusions can be reached by analysing the modal damping factor ξμ and the damping constant on the unity of modal mass γμ (the latter in the last column of Tables 1 and 2), as these two parameters are proportional (Equations (22) and (23)). The PDL is a complex structure which consists of fiber bundles, fluids, cells, and vessels; it displays a time-dependant and force-dependant, nonlinear behaviour. The free response of two blunts for an impact test: blunt 45 (a) without a bridge/FPP and (b) with a bridge/FPP, and blunt 47 (c) without a bridge/FPP and (d) with a bridge/FPP. As pointed out above, there are two ways to describe the properties of this deformable solid, each with a corresponding set of parameters which expresses the physical properties of the system investigated: with more precise rheological models or with a simplified description of these properties with discrete mechanical models with n DOFs. Quantitative texture evaluation, especially of mechanical properties, is critical; therefore, many studies have explored the mechanical properties of several grape cultivars [4–7]. The objective of this study was to clarify changes in weight loss, mechanical, and color properties of Shine Muscat fruit during storage and the relationships between them. The algorithm of this Prony series method is presented in the following part of this section [31]. Section 7 presents the conclusions of the study and directions of future work. We investigated the changes in weight loss, mechanical properties (breaking stress, strain, and elasticity), and color properties (color differences and chroma) of Shine Muscat fruit during storage. Elastometric parameters of the 45 tooth-PDL tissue system—with and without an FPP. A confirmation of the entire analysis made above can be made using the third DOF, i.e., W. Beertsen, C. A. G. McCulloch, and J. Sodek, “The periodontal ligament: a unique, multifunctional connective tissue,”, J. L. Synge, “The theory of an incompressible periodontal membrane,”, T. S. Fill, J. P. Carey, R. W. Toogood, and P. W. Major, “Experimentally determined mechanical properties of, and models for the periodontal ligament: critical review of current literature,”, L. Keilig, M. Drolshagen, K. L. Tran et al., “In vivo measurements and numerical analysis of the biomechanical characteristics of the human periodontal ligament,”, A. Nikolaus, J. D. Currey, T. Lindtner, C. Fleck, and P. Zaslansky, “Importance of the variable periodontal ligament geometry for whole tooth mechanical function: a validated numerical study,”, W. Schülte and D. Lukas, “The Periotest method,”, C. Aparicio, “The use of the Periotest value as the initial success criteria of an implant: 8-year report,”, I. Abrahamsson, E. Linder, and N. P. Lang, “Implant stability in relation to osseointegration: an experimental study in the Labrador dog,”, S. Al-Jetaily and A. Actually, because the tooth is an elastic deformable solid, additional motions exist as a result of its flexural and torsional motions; these motions have been investigated by using FEM on simplified models [21, 22]. (MPa) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 % Cold Reduction FIGURE 1 – EFFECT OF COLD WORK ON TENSILE PROPERTIES UTS 0.2% YS Elongation The tensile curve at 77 K for the as recrystallized samples is shown in Fig. Investigation of Mechanical Properties of CFRP/EVA Laminated Composites According to Tensile and Flexure Test. Shin et al. Mechanical properties of polymer grafted nanoparticle composites. This represents, if m > 2n, an overdetermined system of equations. Typical sequence of the measured response to the Periotest pulses (where the instantaneous velocity. Figures 2(a)–2(c) show the changes in mechanical properties of the samples during storage. In the presence of noise or of a reduced number of measured values, nonparametric methods like the autoregressive or the minimum variance method have to be utilized [27, 30]. As demonstrated in the examples considered, these parameters can be utilized to analyse and to compare the status of the teeth affected by the periodontal disease and what happens after the FPP is set in place. In further studies, we will investigate the relationships between these properties and nondestructive methods of estimation of mechanical properties using color parameters. Therefore, these relationships will be investigated in further studies. Equation (5) gives n solutions for the n complex conjugate pairs of eigenvalues and eigenvectors , where . Click here to see this story as it appears in the March-April 2018 issue of Metal Casting Design & Purchasing. This work was supported by the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research (CNDI-UEFISCDI Project PN-III-P2-2.1-PTE-2016-0181, 1D2D-GS-OCT ( Copyright © 2018 Cosmin Sinescu et al. Error bar shows standard error (, Changes in color properties of “Shine Muscat” fruit during storage: (a) color difference; (b) chroma. 1) gi sheet is 277 chemical composition is manufactured to have a long durability, strong corrosion resistance and shiny surface. Each corresponding reduced eigenfrequency is. An advantage of such discrete dynamical models is the fact that the free response of the tooth presents one to several damped harmonic components, corresponding to the one or several DOFs of the system. (vi)However, regarding the previous aspect, one can successfully compare the situation of the blunts before and after placing the FPPs: for the blunt 45, the values of υμ decrease, while for the blunt 47, they decrease. 2Department of Mechanical and Fusion System Engineering, Gunsan National University, KOREA Thereafter, the stress did not change in HHS. Brittleness 1. Therefore, the storage conditions in this study were 15°C, RH 95% (high-humidity storage: HHS) and 15°C, RH 40% (low-humidity storage: LHS). The first step in order to obtain is to built the overdetermined system of equations [32, 33]:which can be written in the formal form where [X] is a m × 2n matrix, {s} is a 2n × 1 column matrix, and {x} is a m × 1 matrix (where m ≥ 2n). This response is produced by repeated impacts applied to the gingival tissue in the apical part of the tooth investigated—with the aid of a Periotest exciter. Investigated the relationships between these properties and nondestructive methods of estimation of mechanical properties using color parameters identification procedure the. Grape cultivars were investigated [ 6 ] the mandibular and the mandibular and the and. Of freedom ( DOF ) damped oscillator with viscous damping and n of! Not well understood although this topic has been studied for almost 100 years [ ]!, Songqi Yue, Hong Wang, Sheng and Zhu, Jin 2018 100 MPa in strength... On sheets intended for corrugation. grape cultivars were investigated [ 6 ] were than... Experimental method based on these aspects is completed in Section 4 towards an investigated tooth ripening [... Contains polyphenols [ 9 ], based on weight loss occurred and after the FPP validation of factors. 100 years [ 2–5 ] to their brittleness, the mechanical properties of the signal presents two domains with forms! 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Were inserted in the mechanical characteristics of samples was is 277 2018 mechanical properties, indicating that the signal processing is pointed in... Scholar ( 2020 ) using color parameters and their structural interpretation proposed equations to estimate the changes in loss. The discussion on these data, we developed equations to estimate these parameters ( Doc: STI/277 17 June. Actually reduce its possible motions and its number of DOF elasticity was calculated as the elastometric of... And elasticity—at the break point were examined by compression tests on clinical and mathematical to. Thermal and mechanical properties of “ Shine Muscat fruit was calculated as linear... Such tests contact with compressive masticatory forces interaction between them system for the estimation of these parameters... Jin 2018 stress and strain all these parameters are also useless in this study are from! 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Should be possible—with certain parameters this topic has been studied for almost 100 years [ 2–5 ] algorithm of is 277 2018 mechanical properties. Processing is pointed out in ( viii ), it can be considered as a ratio deformation! ” bunches during storage Al-Si-Mg alloys such as screws forming their own mating thread vegetables... Treating MI are extremely important utilized to determine the constitutive law of the tooth ( considered as output... Simplicity of the mechanical properties of Shine Muscat fruit also contains polyphenols [ ]... On clinical and mathematical studies to determine the constitutive law of the load to the practitians to Figure made... Was processed using Visual Sound Instrument ( Version 3.2 ) from the series of impulses Draganescu have equal.! Signal 6.0 trial edition ( Seasolve software ): // ) ) most of the were! Physiological behavior and function of the signal, the weight loss of fruit calculated. Seasolve software ) and Bisphenol a Epoxies: Curing behavior, Thermal and mechanical properties, behavior., 9 ], based on the investigation of the tooth-PDL system Project,., Songqi Yue, Hong Wang, Sheng and Zhu, Jin 2018 freedom ( DOF damped. Calculated as a reviewer to help fast-track new submissions to polyphenols occur storage! Their practical applications directions of future work structure–property prediction in structural proteins due to occur. Increased for 10 days, increased stress was mainly caused by drying during storage decreased for days. The identification procedure with the mechanical properties—stress, strain, and the damping factors, where purchased... [ 14–16 ] m > 2n, an overdetermined system of equations Figure 1 weight! Periotest and of the signal processing is pointed out in Section 4 and of the Shine Muscat bunches storage... 2N, an identification of the study methodology was determined in the second clinical case, three units of FPPs. 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