mixed pronouns exercises pdf

Download this lesson in PDF … 1. 2nd person you your yourself When you look in your mirror, you see yourself. Students begin by reading sentences containing demonstrative pronouns and writing them in … Reflexive Pronouns Reflexive pronouns are clear and easy. possessive pronouns and contractions worksheet pdf, Pronouns And Contractions. The noun to be replaced can be the name of a person, place, animal or thing. 9. Subject Pronouns Exercise 1 / 2 Who vs Which Exercise 1 / 2 / 3 Which or Where One or Ones Exercise 1 / 2 Another vs Other Exercise 2 / 3 Pronouns Multiple Choice Quizzes Drag and Drop Exercises: Pronouns Mixed 1 / 2 (Advanced) Object and Subject Pronouns 1 / 2 (Beginners) Indefinite Pronouns 1 / 2 (Intermediate) Other Drag & Drop Grammar … 5. Vpiši manjkajoče besede, potem preveri z gumbom PREVERI. 2. Reflexive Pronouns Exercise myself I cut myself ourselves We did it ourselves yourself Help yourself yourselves Help yourselves. Let me in ! B1-B2 English grammar … Pronouns, Possessive Pronouns, and Contractions (grades 4-7) Using my, mine, I, and me Using you, your, yours, and you're Using her, hers, and she Using his and he Using it, its, and it's Using our, ours, and we Using their, theirs, they, and there's Using whose, who, and who's Mixed … The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how pronouns work. Personal, indefinite, possessive, relative pronouns. These worksheets can be used by high school students, ESL students and all adults wishing to improve their English. The horse and carriage is waiting at the door. Email Address . GRAMMAR WORKSHEET ALL Things Grammar Grammar Focus Possessive Pronouns Level Intermediate ANSWER KEY My Notes 1. ours 2. theirs 3. his 4. mine 5. ours 6. yours 7. hers 8. mine 9. ours 10. theirs … Grammar Practice Quiz 10. Grammar Revision Online 2. 2. Latest Exercises. I Me 2. It is also important to learn possessive adjectives when learning these forms. Tenses . She wants to live _____ by the sea (in a certain place). You are here: >> Home >> Grammar Quizzes >> Pronouns Tests >> Mixed Quiz 3 Print exercises and lessons: Hint: For exercises, you can reveal the answers first ("Submit Worksheet") and print the page to have the exercise … Object pronouns exercise - English grammar - fill in with me, you, him, her, it, us and them. To make sure that you understand the correct answers, our answer keys offer simple explanations as well as handy tips and tricks. Subject Pronouns Exercise 1 / 2 Who vs Which Exercise 1 / 2 / 3 Which or Where One or Ones Exercise 1 / 2 Another vs Other Exercise 2 / 3 Pronouns Multiple Choice Quizzes Drag and Drop Exercises: Pronouns Mixed 1 / 2 (Advanced) Object and Subject Pronouns 1 / 2 (Beginners) Indefinite Pronouns 1 / 2 (Intermediate) Other Drag & Drop Grammar … “I am angry with myself for failing this exam,” my friend said. He bought himself a book to read. Facebook; Get the latest posts. pronoun - a pronoun that takes the action of the verb 'is'. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. They’ll help you to put into practice all the key notions of the English grammar previously shown in the grammar lessons part of the website, and if you are a beginner you can use them to familiarize yourself with the main rules of English grammar. Subject Pronouns Exercise 1 / 2 Who vs Which Exercise 1 / 2 / 3 Which or Where One or Ones Exercise 1 / 2 Another vs Other Exercise 2 / 3 Pronouns Multiple Choice Quizzes Drag and Drop Exercises: Pronouns Mixed 1 / 2 (Advanced) Object and Subject Pronouns 1 / 2 (Beginners) Indefinite Pronouns 1 / 2 (Intermediate) Other Drag & Drop Grammar … Excessive consumption of beverages such as tea and coffee has adverse effects on health. Online exercises to improve your English. Levels of Difficulty: Elementary Intermediate Advanced Christmas is the time of year when / where there are many parties. We can have a second conditional in the 'if' clause and a third conditional in the main clause or vice versa. Grammar Revision Exercise 4. ESL Mixed Grammar Quiz 7. Grammar Exercises Here are all the English grammar exercises on the site so far. What’s the name of the film who / which you saw? (I / go / to the library today) _____ 2. ONLINE ENGLISH GRAMMAR QUIZ topic: RELATIVE CLAUSES/RELATIVE PRONOUNS Mixed relative pronouns 1 | level: Advanced Choose the correct response to complete each relative clauses: 1. 2. Ŷ�������lT��c��6���) İ�:�T�{V�X6�)�e���1������hlU\�L�04D�ͳ����Z�~�b(>�Q�e��$[&�%���6��K,��na��gu;�g(>�Q�Fe?�ZhU\���0F��E-�5�Ԛ;����( �}n����7{�m��$�/]|J5��O�*v>���^����* I�t6;e��C6Z]����`lyYp����Sjʪg�UI0�ʮj�糮JC�_�C��Y�gu�e��2X� �Ϡ(A٪�*��VŅ�t@D�,sص�j��*�Q��F1�TWӋ�J��Uqa2�ð��Y�g�=Ca��F1��3� JPaTvU��VŅ�h�b�\�2|�mג��ڦ�Dk��G%!Ŏ����9�_���6�h�ڦFIZ��8�Ƕ�.����Hk� %_|mS���F>�b��=�i |�CZۄ\�W[��!&W�BLZ�Ԉ�Ƕ�+��ܪGk��I̗\�i�ö+�;0���Q�H���V,�;50���l�R���[�[���|+�$柰K�gu�ek`x����V,M]JPg+�Bc���|+�������Z����V�N|g[� G��[�[�[�lF�`m�Vj�϶bY�b �w�p�: �K�Ъ�8ߊe3J �ۊ�D &�m��i�`�S���mۺg�cw¯V?�Q鞴R��3�� �l��B���y����/ ����������R�S] ��dߗz�R������*���}_ ��w��,�������qbD�_�ǽ�(��յ��:ҳ�c���v��H ��ShlU���1a��3* Download this lesson in PDF here. Use the personal pronoun in brackets in its subject or object form or as a possessive determiner or a possessive pronoun. Personal Pronoun (Chart & Cases) Pronoun Examples and Rules (20 Sentences) Indefinite Pronouns (List, Examples and Exercise… Email Address . x��}[��ȑ�;E�iَ�� 6. Relative pronouns | Exercises with answers Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF.Answers are at the bottom of the page. Give each student a copy of the two-page worksheet. Mixed exercises for pronouns - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Where should I put these cups? Hers It me That These This Those yours yourself I'm in bed, because I'm … Read the lesson about these words here. Mixed pronouns exercises. They can also be used by teachers who need ressources for their classes and school activities. Menu. Use the chart below and then study the example sentences chart. Online exercises to improve your English. One fine day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother said, “ grandma is ill. Welcome to English Grammar Exercises . 3131 Possessive pronouns or Possessive determiners – Exercise 2; 3119 Possessive pronouns or Possessive determiners – Exercise 3; 3167 Pronouns in English – Mixed Exercise; 3153 Reflexive pronouns, self-pronouns – Exercise; 3155 Reflexive pronoun – yes or no? Pronouns are used to refer to nouns. Possessive pronouns (mine, yours, their…), Relative pronouns (that, who, which, whose), Demonstrative Pronouns (This / That / These…), Write passive sentences using the Present perfect, Write passive sentences using the Past Simple tense. They can be the subject or object of a verb. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive new posts by email. Indefinite Pronouns Exercise 1 This exercise is about somebody / something / somewhere / anybody / anything / anywhere / nobody / nothing / nowhere / everybody / everything / everywhere. 3167. His knowledge of Indian languages is commendable. herself My boss loves herself themselves They made the decision themselves himself My boss loves himself itself The train drives itself A Fill the gaps with reflexive pronouns. 3. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate relative pronoun. %PDF-1.4 So vs. 3. Indefinite Pronouns Exercise 1 This exercise is about somebody / something / somewhere / anybody / anything / anywhere / nobody / nothing / nowhere / everybody / everything / everywhere. Mixed exercises for pronouns - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. ESL Grammar Test 10 More Mixed … a. personal pronoun b. relative pronoun c. indefinite pronoun d. interrogative pronoun e. reflexive pronoun f. demonstrative pronoun. www.perfect-english-grammar.com Present Perfect Mixed Exercise 1 Make the present perfect - choose positive, negative or question: 1. 4. ESL Practice for Adults 9. Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Red Riding Hood. This demonstrative pronouns exercises PDF helps students learn and practice how to use this, that, these and those as pronouns. "who" of the sentence Note:The subjective case is often called the nominative case. All downloads are in PDF Format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. Object pronouns São os pronomes usados na posição de complemento: Me, you, him, her, it (singular), us, you, them (plural). Search Search herself My boss loves herself themselves They made the decision themselves himself My boss loves himself itself The train drives itself A Fill the gaps with reflexive pronouns. Explanations and examples along with tests and exercises online to practise English prepositions. SUBJECT & OBJECT PRONOUNS Complete the sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of PERSONAL PRONOUNS. English tenses: worksheets, printable exercises pdf, handouts to print. On this page you will find various free grammar worksheets of increasing difficulty that can be completed directly online, or at home. ��������{�����p���m�����6��|��t?��4��>�����鶄�[H�8���������a���6n/�w��������� ���-ҰN/�P��yy�c{��1%�2�\�z�/��m��>�@c������h�gu[����9]ß���:�����bT�o����T��'i0�}�k�xOѻa���P&���S��2[��oy�Ky��u__���2X�o��M�~��9��W�)n3,!��L�?�(�i���~� �>'9'��m:��O�!�>T�������������՛���}�ݼ��%0ղ��Wj�Ca�!P;o��o�1ԥ�����c*8r돍�cej�ӡ�%B=�)����I�]��/-ҏ�r���]�#X������sǚ��~I�gO ��!K�UAr�c ���� S�r.w�Z����p�2�x%�i{��PmR�j��N��oz�v9�I��=���&��_�jm̷-m�5�$���5��!a�����ci��w e��BO�V�����R۾��¡����P�'�D~"zZ���>xd�-Kò�G7��z��؂hՍ;�z �|��/9籉����o�~� 7���| J�}�9�����Q>��_4����"g����j�ZMfc��v�19�����,���h���f�7��,���}�AM�U��a)|���@�ܢ�N줩�+��a��Op��:x�V�4���5��B�-Z�}]�� Relative Pronouns - Exercises. Pronoun Exercises for Class 5 CBSE With Answers PDF. You’ll be able to train independently, without the need for assistance, in order to refresh your knowledge of the English language or to go further in your learning. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate pronoun. Reflexive Pronouns Exercise myself I cut myself ourselves We did it ourselves yourself Help yourself yourselves Help yourselves. e.g., He and I saw Laura yesterday. ENGLISH GRAMMAR EXERCISES ONLINE WITH ANSWERS (PDF) On this page you will find various free grammar worksheets of increasing difficulty that can be completed directly online, or at home.. They’ll help you to put into practice all the key notions of the English grammar previously shown in the grammar … Our online exercises for English help you to learn and practice grammar rules in an interactive manner. ��R��ߔ�ې����t%�_��8�����k�ť�е��4���T�@�҄��1V5��#e�oYmz]]��Ɨ��ش�[��X?��>Պ�C8�|�e�0kc���2)����͹�b7�Õ�f���V�������{����WZس�Zt;xt��uZԩ��Z3>؟�J&�Q�k����-&����X��D[����)|H��#�Tr43��^��7ux�]�v{� Ks�<4Y����&d�L����c�#���6;�Z�\�2�m�8�����OR��q�����`��.�4�F7��N>S=n�¾���bK$�Mm˙���'�J�O���CU{�z�=��7�^��Ň���e]\h���o]}|̏�2����߾�׻�$��Զq�u�nk��R������2޸�}m�Qh_����S2weQ&�(�_�(��-����yfEA��(�¢��~��(�i�bÊ�����Y%�H��gLϱ6& �@O�Ǝ� Personal pronouns, possessive pronouns and adjectives, free English online grammar exercise on mixed pronouns. Is editable. Multiple Choice Mixed Quizzes: 1. They didn’t give themselves a chance to think before beginning the competition. – Exercise; 3157 Relative pronouns – who, which, whose – Exercise Online exercises to improve your English. 1. Such December 19, 2020; Tenses Exercise December 16, 2020; Verbs Exercise December 14, 2020; Question Tags Exercise December 12, 2020; Gap Filling Exercise (Intermediate Level) December 12, 2020; General Grammar Exercise December 10, 2020; Conjunctions Exercise … Indefinite Pronouns Exercise 1 Put in the correct indefinite pronoun (somebody / something / somewhere / anybody / anything / anywhere / nobody / nothing / nowhere / everybody / everything / everywhere). (Click here to jump to the PDFs of grammar explanations) Exercises: INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive new posts by email. PRONOUNS Manjkajoče besede. 2. You may find a. personal pronoun b. relative pronoun c. indefinite pronoun d. interrogative pronoun e. reflexive pronoun f. demonstrative pronoun To make sure that you understand the correct answers, our answer keys offer simple explanations as well as handy tips and tricks. Mixed conditionals are a combination of two types of conditional patterns, usually second and third conditionals. The village where I was born is a few hundred miles from here. Relative Pronouns – mixed exercise Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Complete rewiew on Indefinite Pronouns Five different exercises + key 3,045 Downloads . 5 0 obj They are doing the job themselves, without anyone’s help. My name is Samuel. The man _____ was speaking to us was very tall. 2,887 Downloads . 3. Reflexive Pronouns Level Intermediate ANSWER KEY My Notes 1. himself 2. himself 3. ourselves 4. myself 5. yourself 6. themselves 7. myself 8. himself 9. himself 10. yourself 11. herself 12. itself 13. yourselves 14. yourself 15. myself Grades as percentages 15 / 15 = 100% 14 / 15 = 93 13 / 15 = 87 12 / 15 = 80 11 / 15 = 73 10 / 15 = 67 Reflexive Pronouns – mixed exercise �������f[�k��jua���ŀ��b�]�Bc���f4�a1JͶ�a�{�¨х�b@��bR�*���-�J.lFs����-�%]ز��I�l>��~�m�/�˲��)��}����������uE�C뜀��Լ���y��j�g�MS�0�O��-���! Here's a complete grammar explanation and three online exercises. Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to fill the blank, remembering that demonstratives include the … ���T�QSҵ�j�z޳�f��ζ�Rc�:��[U�{���.�t~(�t~C��oX��gM]��5�0��;۠X� �lP�M����|��]�DP�D�b�'bPW��. English Grammar Exercises . they them … �-A�j9�Uqa2�ð���O��o�_C��1~w�0�y�è� 5q�0���.��>L5� %�_�m���*�C�V��•�����d7���0��HRj��,� iL� �^I�N�J0����+��)5٨z% �V�+��v�+iHb>�N{%���5��^�`(>�f�e��$[&�% �-��a����F1��3� JP��^I��Uqa2Z�0�-��aϚ:�̨�+�b �g0���¨�T�������(5��e�@m��M��q�O��4�k��Ed}�Y�E����R���~�9���0�����w��E�f�b+�%��G� =V,X�,�/�t���ّ�ϊ3̯�.�FT>&7-�z��B>�V\�����}�"n&�����^�q�{F=V&|!1Euz1u�xTx>��yXnӌi��̏50Ԑ4$���PMYsf �����6��Wǁ�|��L��A��U��v^+?% I�O��Ϳ��d�{V�X���@�4c %([��P��Uqa2]��1�9�Z[�a F1��3ŀҎ�Q$�������( �d{V�8[C�Q��F1�t 2A�j9�Uqa2Z�0����F��=�Ή��9.���5~���c��X$�c��L��k��խ7��U1��j��JC���6�}Hc��huV�w������7;+�>�&Ug%��*;��Ng*��$想��2�=�k,[���2P|�@ �V�YI4�*.L�s "h�î�W��Y�b �g0���lU��Dc���d4�a1�h�Þ5� �Q��2� ��`(A�Q�Y��Z&�9�QjpQ�pMg5�~"�c�ߏ�VZ3�œ�{ To make sure that you understand the correct answers, our answer keys offer simple explanations as well as handy tips and tricks. There are 3 types of exercise: Tick the box , Fill in the word , Select from a Drop Down . 1. There are 3 levels of exercise: Elementary Intermediate Advanced 2. Possessive Pronouns Nessa frase temos “I”, subject pronound, o São os pronomes possessivos. Relative Pronouns - Exercises. … will graduate next year. %�쏢 Task No. 4. Demonstrative Pronoun Exercises . (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); CONTACT • ABOUT • PRIVACY POLICY • COPYRIGHT. 3. This is a worksheet for reviewing objects pronouns. We visit..... often. 2. 'Him' or 'her' would also have worked, but not 'he', 'she' or 'they'. DOWNLOAD ALL THE GRAMMAR LESSONS IN ONE CLICK! 1. He is a friend of … Pronouns And Contractions - Displaying top 8 worksheets found for this concept.. They cover all the grammatical bases such as: tenses, verbs, modals, adjectives…  with many fun quizzes and tests. Exercise 1 Combine the two sentences using who, whose, which et where. pronoun - a pronoun that takes the action of the verb 'is'. ENGLISH GRAMMAR EXERCISES ONLINE WITH ANSWERS (PDF), Present continuous/progressive (I am doing), Present Perfect tense (I have been, he has played…), Verb To Be  – Present Simple (am, is or are), Past Simple tense (I did, I was, I went, I worked…), Past Perfect Continuous (I had been playing…), Future Progressive (=continuous) (I will be playing), Future Perfect Continuous (I will have been playing), Present simple or Present perfect continuous, Irregular verbs: put the missing form of the verb, Complete the sentences with the verb in the appropriate form. These are used to replace nouns in sentences. Pronouns … My brother is a college student. The quality of the apples was not very good. The subjects and the pronouns must match: subject pronoun possessive adjective reflexive pronoun examples: 1st person I my myself When I look in my mirror, I see myself. This is the only possible option as it is the only object pronoun - a pronoun that takes the action of … I’m sorry but these seats are my / their / ours. Sandy and I / me / her are going to the café. Answers. Grammar worksheets esl, printable exercises pdf, handouts, free resources to print and use in your classroom Pronouns include subject pronouns, object pronouns and possessive pronouns. Relative Pronouns – mixed exercise Related Posts. Fill the gaps with the correct pronouns. 4. This website provides you with practice material and online grammar and vocabulary exercises for students and teachers . ~f��7���Z~��8]`}ؾ@q�m8�ɯ\���g���+�yWVr�X�������[�I�9����7/f��DŁ��8݅���^|��ۖ��2Ͼ�7z��g�ݴ���C���0�n�@u}��F�ƵE����n���qQ.9Q��PRDH���4��\1n�+f�8���Rl˼�_�\��)5��RC1H0�J������N�4$�����sM�"rݳ��r��:�q�M�1��3h� JP��Q$�������.��a��5��A���l�� ��`(A��D�H4�*.LFs�.uW9�z��QK0�#p�C� ��(P� The correct answer is: A. you. Personal, Reflexive, Emphasising, Demonstrative, Interrogative, Possessive are the different types of pronouns. / Pronouns Exercise (Beginner Level) Pronouns Exercise (Beginner Level) May 18, 2017 - Pronouns are words like he, him, his, she, her, I, me, we, us, they, them and it. ESL Grammar Review Test 5. Grammar Self Assessment 6. He ordered himself a hamburger. Choose the correct relative pronoun: 1. Pronoun Exercises . Read the lesson about these words here. Facebook; Get the latest posts. Those are Tom’s. Exemplo: I love you. English Grammar – Reflective Pronouns Worksheets Beginner Level Worksheet-1 Underline the reflexive pronouns in the sentences below. Mixed tenses. Irregular Verbs: Irregular Past Simple, Part 1; Irregular Past Simple, Part 2 Ali and Marcus would like to invite _____ to the party too. By islandgirl Great for an introductory lesson or revision. This is the room which / where I keep my computer. A pronoun is a word that can be used to take the place of a noun. English language PDFs Here's a list of all the PDFs on the site, for easy downloading! Latest Exercises. 4. 5. Includes B/W version. 1. 'Him' or 'her' would also have worked, but not 'he', 'she' or 'they'. Finally, practice by doing the exercises. 5. @�k�dk�+�tllh��!575�"53���*����fb����T���.��8� ���7�^w�=��͋/����K/��o����W/����w�ݫ�_�}��ɧw������m����ջ|9�?��}������������q� s��[˯��:߹������W߇�lw�x��0~��rW����! Ali and Marcus would like to invite _____ to the party too. 1. Downloads are available for free and are in PDF … Some of the worksheets for this concept are Contractions versus possessive pronouns, Contractions, Contractions work 5, Contractions with be subject pronouns, Pronouns contractions and homophones 1, Using pronouns and … Could you / her / your take a message, please? My grandparents live in Berlin. Such December 19, 2020; Tenses Exercise December 16, 2020; Verbs Exercise December 14, 2020; Question Tags Exercise December 12, 2020; Gap Filling Exercise (Intermediate Level) December 12, 2020; General Grammar Exercise December 10, 2020; Conjunctions Exercise … English worksheets & lessons for beginners. Our online exercises for English help you to learn and practice grammar rules in an interactive manner. All the answers are included at the end of the exercises. Should I put … on the table? a) Him a) him b) He b) them c) She c) … Ex: The actor received an award. 5. This is the only possible option as it is the only object pronoun - a pronoun … Indefinite Pronouns. Objective Case Pronouns in the objective case are the objects (receivers of action) of the verb. The correct answer is: A. you. Happy new week. 1. Our online exercises for English help you to learn and practice grammar rules in an interactive manner. 2. stream Advanced Exercise on English tenses - mixed online exercise. Related Posts. 1. Preparing for grammar is a major step for learning English. 3131 Possessive pronouns or Possessive determiners – Exercise 2; 3119 Possessive pronouns or Possessive determiners – Exercise 3; 3167 Pronouns in English – Mixed Exercise; 3153 Reflexive pronouns, self-pronouns – Exercise; 3155 Reflexive pronoun – yes or no? – Exercise; 3157 Relative pronouns – who, which, whose – Exercise Answers 1. All verbal tenses in English. Let me in ! ��x\�)�S�3��n����2�-B|˦pO�†m9��4$5��|�T�1v�hua�w�C�ͻ��.L���)Fم)0��.l޷�������i&sݳ�ƲՅ,c@�ϢR��Uva 2. Reflexive Pronouns - Exercises. Test your understanding with this grammar exercise. Mixed pronouns in English: worksheets pdf, handouts to print, printable exercises esl. Exercises on Pronouns in English. I’m sure that’s the man who / whose picture was in the paper. Together with mum, lived in a big forest. So vs. Pronouns … No nook or corner was left unexplored. 1. She put _____ in … Infinitive, past simple or past participle? e.g., Laura saw him and me yesterday. They showed us all they / their / ours holiday photos last night. Please go and take this cake and a bottle of wine to . ..... am a German. ESL Mixed Test 8. Englisch-hilfen.de/ Pronouns in English – Mixed Exercise . English Grammar Assessment 3. English pronouns: personal, possessive, relative, indefinite, reflexive, demonstrative 5. Exercises can be done on browser, tablets and smartphones. exercises to improve your english writing skills (advanced) Whether you're a native speaker of English or an advanced ESL student, these practice tests will help … The Subject and Object Pronoun Exercise Object Pronouns Singular Plural She loves me She loves us She loves you She loves you She loves him She loves them She loves her She loves them She loves it She loves them Replace all the nouns with pronouns . 66 Pronouns=Review Possessive Possessive Subieetive Objective Adiective Pronoun 1stperson I me my mine 2ndperson you you your yours 3rdperson he, she, it him, her, it his, her, its his, hers, its lstperson we us our ours 2nd person you you your yours 3rdperson they them their theirs Interrogative/ who whom whose whose Relative Subjective case pronouns … <> Fill-in Exercise on Pronouns in English with Online Check and detailed explanations. Também verbo “love” e “you”, o subject pronoun. Subjective Case Pronouns in the subjective case are subjects (the "who" or "what") of the verb. It contains an activity in which the language learners are asked to underline the best word (possessives or object pronouns). Happy downloading. Check your grammar: multiple choice – personal pronouns and possessives Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. Pronouns(mixed) This Pronouns worksheets consists of exercises based on various kinds of pronouns ID: 1163733 Language: English ... Other contents: KINDS OF PRONOUNS Add to my workbooks (1) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom Add to Microsoft Teams Share through Whatsapp: Link to this worksheet: Copy: Pronoun Exercises . Each worksheet is printable, with a free copy in PDF included. Of increasing difficulty that can be used by teachers who need ressources their! English grammar exercises English language PDFs here 's a List of all the grammatical such! 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