personal protection while camping

They teach a lot of what was mentioned in your post as far as survival goes in the wilderness. Don’t overlook you and your family/friends safety and I’m sure you will all have a great camping trip. One of the most difficult things to manage while on a trip in the outdoors is personal hygiene. Safety Tip: When hiking or camping anywhere with bear activity, make plenty of noise to alert the animals to your presence — chances are, if they hear you, they’ll stay away. Park out of view, or in view if you prefer, of a roadway depending on the … Do you think you’re ready to go camping alone, then you need to check out this article. But then that’s a different story. It’s not that common actually, but it definitely is in Bear Country. Luckily they came out alive. There will be NO rescue team coming to save you since you didn’t tell anyone. This includes when you are going to the bathroom or laundry facilities. That’s not good to hear Patricia but at least you managed to get to your cellphone and call for help. While you are away know you site is protected from hungry animals, thieves, or any other unwanted guests. No actually, I haven’t seen that movie yet. I’m here to provide you with all the dangers of camping alone, how to prevent them from happening to you and what you can do if you actually get hurt when you are out on your own solo journey. There’s so many risks involved when going on a solo camping trip. While camping, alertness, and awareness are your best friends. Made with Logo Maker. Basically, if you can avoid using a big-ass hatchet, then do it! And those are some good tips, thanks for sharing. This is also perfect for women to carry … Sale. Thanks for reading. $62.45. All it will give you is a bad camping experience – one you won’t want to take ever again. Even worse, you run the risk of breaking an arm leg, or even a leg arm if you’re really unlucky. Even if you THINK you know what plants you are eating, it is best to avoid doing it at all costs, unless you’re a professional of course. Such an interesting read here, never did think of the many dangers we could have encountered on camping trips, and also thanks for the tips on how to handle each of them, these are so useful! You won’t get scratched up as much if you do happen to fall, and an animal will have a much harder time piercing your skin if it tries to bite you. If you grab a stick to wave around, that would be very useful. Even just a quick rinse will be better than just sitting there with all those germs on you. I am currently planning on going camping with some friends soon. For individuals choosing to live part-time and even full-time on the road, there are many steps that can increase the level of personal safety while camping solo. They all work. Bear Repellent Pepper Spray - Guard Alaska. My cellphone was in the RV and it was then that I realized I couldn’t even make it in to call for help. In reality, how common are grizzly encounters when camping? Of course just for help in being found when we venture off the beaten path!!! If you want the best protection, keep your clothes layered. I want to warn him of the potential dangers and your post will give him some great pointers on how to combat those dangers. There’s no uniform look for personal safety gear, but all the best tools feel a bit James Bond. Well in this case, always stay safe while you’re out camping alone. I’ve done it a few times…This was a good list of points to consider ahead of time and like you said, further trouble can be avoided if you’re prepared. Whenever you are not in the camper or RV make sure it is locked. Whether it’s a baseball bat, a bottle of mace, your mad tae-kwon-do skills, a mag light or a gun, some form of protection can help bring an added sense of security when camping. If you lose what you already have, you are left with nothing. Definitely not something that I would want to see by myself in the bush! Of course, you know you should always get permission when camping off the beaten path, whether it be a Wal-Mart parking lot or on a deserted beach. Personal safety alarms are uniquely designed to work with specific components, so trying to create your own replacement part could cause the alarm to malfunction when you need it most. Your email address will not be published. I’m always happy to help people become a better camper. But of course, there’s always one wild animal that doesn’t want to follow the rules, and that’s when you have to scare it away the best that you can. One very simple and almost always legal device to keep at the ready is a Flare Gun.Yes, a Flare Gun! Leave a close family member or friend with the details of your trip – where you’re going and how long you’ll be going for. 🙂 with thick gloves! As long as you’re taking precautions every second of the day (and night) that you’re out there, then your chances of getting hurt will be MUCH lower, and the chances of having a successful solo mission will dramatically increase 🙂. As you might imagine, the .22 LR cartridge, in revolver or auto, got quite a few votes. yes, A freak accident does happen. We love it and you couldn't get either of us back into a ~real house~ if you tried :)That said, we do take some levels of personal precaution regarding our personal safety. In more cases than not, an injury with a hatchet almost always ends in needing medical care. You need to store your food, the right way! Thanks for the post. Don’t be another statistic, and do the “grown up” thing 🙂 Take a saw instead. 😉 I am an avid camper and really enjoyed this article. But no matter what your preferred method of protection… You don’t know if you’re about step into a fire ants nest unless you look, correct? Thank you for visiting the Love the Outdoors - Camping & Campground website. :~))))), Join in and write your own page! My idea of camping is finding a nice lodge in the woods… ha ha ha ha. As I am from Australia we don’t see bears but they do sound very scary. This is a must! Personal hygiene is a biggie here, as there is SO many illnesses we can catch. Rolling an ankle can literally happen anywhere. Arm the CAMPSAFE when you leave and it will blanket the … Insulated Classic Review. No worries. If you don’t like it, then you can just leave in the morning anyway. It … You provided some really useful tips on camping alone, but most of these tips are general information that any camper should follow to stay safe and to have a good camping experience. But if you roll your ankle while you’re out camping by yourself, you have to know how to handle the situation in a calm and relaxing manner. You don’t know if an animal or creature is holding a disease, and you don’t know if they are poisonous or even deadly. Hi Brandon, another detailed and rich post from you. BUT it ALSO is a powerful deterrent to any human or wildlife that seeks out you to be their target! It all depends on how much you can take (mentally). This website is the result of our passion for camping, outdoor recreation and our overall interest in nature. Thank you for the share, Grace. Punches work well, otherwise a stab to the nose or eye with your knife works wonders, too. Thanks for sharing this Brandon. Do not shout, stress out, and/or get angry, because that won’t help you one bit. Yes, let them know you are in the area so you to don’t surprise them. This post reminds me of the movie Back Country. Simply click here to return to Boondocking Safety Stories. Not only that, but there are a wide range of other injuries that can happen to you as well, which is all the more reason to be prepared for the unknown! This is why you should definitely consider taking extra food and water. Even the most experienced hikers can get lost under the right circumstances. You’re lucky you don’t have bears, but I know Australia has MANY other wild animals that you should fear. Just be careful with every step you take. That said, we do take some levels of personal precaution regarding our personal safety. by Pamela K. If you read the story in the link, you’ll soon realize that it’s VERY possible to break your leg, which is why you need to always be careful when you’re camping by yourself. Exactly my point Steven. But what you should be doing is taking precautions every time you do embark on your own spiritual journey into the wilderness. Running into a wild animal is what makes me worry when I camp alone or even with my friends. • … One very simple and almost always legal device to keep at the ready is a Flare Gun. I may try singing in other nervous situations to calm myself down too! So basically, don’t startle a grizzly bear! Wear thick clothing to help protect yourself in the event that you do injure yourself, fall down a cliff, or get bitten by a wild animal. Whether you’re out exploring the surrounding areas of your campsite, or just getting dinner ready, you need to have a first aid kit close at hand. What do you know about the use of flare guns in Canada??? Camping (Gear & Tips) 17 Proven Self Defense Weapons For Insanely Strong Protection. Haha, well that’s more for public campgrounds, as some provide them. I have always done camping in a group and never dared to go camping alone. I love camping, but I have never been camping for more than one night. Remember, nobodies there to save you if anything does happen. All tips and advice on this web site are purely the personal opinion of the author who assumes no responsibility or liability for any consequences resulting from following said advice. If you did, leave a comment below. When you do that, your chances of having an injury or catching an illness will be much lower, since you’ll be more experienced. Wow, after reading this post im scared to go camping altogether now lol. If you suddenly burn yourself as you’re preparing dinner, it should be easy to grab so you can put some ointment on the affected area. Thanks so much. All rights reserved. There is an extremely low chance for this to happen, but it is 100% possible, which is why I decided to include it in this list. Here’s are my eight personal safety … Patty. Know where you are and what is around you all the time. I'm licensed to carry concealed, and I train regularly, so it is always with me when I am out in the woods to protect against 4 and 2 legged threats. We have a higher chance than animals of catching a disease, simply because our immune system isn’t as strong as theirs. But that doesn’t mean you should avoid doing it at all costs. If you share a house, you can share a tent. Not sure I want to go camping alone after reading about animals smelling my food from China…being a city girl and all. You covered all aspects. Scope out your campsite and place a bucket or marker wherever a hazard may be. If something DOES attack you, always go for the sensitive areas, such as the eyes and nose! While a personal … Where Can You See Beautiful Fall Foliage While Hiking On The East Coast? Not only for your personal safety, but in general, it is always a good idea to be able to make an emergency phone call if needed. I fear them quite a bit as well since you can’t see them a lot of the time. 1. By singing in a calm manner, talk fairly loudly to yourself, or even whistle. We found super loud sirens, necklaces that text your friends, and even a pen that can break … Thanks once again. Enroll in self-defense classes. But don’t grab one really fast, that might cause the animal to charge. Personally, I carry a firearm for protection in the woods. That completely sucks for you, but I hope you learned your lesson. ok, good to know…ha So if you have any type of food or fragrance in your tent, you run the risk of a hungry bear, or even wolf, coming into your tent and helping itself. Appreciate your detailed post! participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Simply click here to return to. The federal law that you need to be aware of any time you cross state lines with a firearm is the Gun Control Act of 1968 (also known as the GCA or GCA68). The pain finally subsided enough (I broke the ninth rib on that side) that I eventually made it inside to apply ice and call for help. However, you have some really good tips about camping. Thanks for sharing, it is much appreciated. ... It’s lethal, it’s personal and comes in just about every … Although unlikely, it is still possible. That’s why I don’t recommend camping alone unless you realize what you’re getting yourself into first. Fire ants are not what you want to mess with. You need to have a backup plan in the event that you do break your leg when you are out and alone. $49.95. I live in Canada and we have a lot of outdoor wilderness tours around my area. All tips and advice on this web site are purely the personal opinion of the author who assumes no responsibility or liability for any consequences resulting from following said advice. That is the last thing that I want to experience when I am out there. Great information! This is a great post! The tip about singing in a calm manner but loud enough manner is fantastic, I was reading down the page thinking my goodness, bears, wolves, and thought what the heck, and then go to the part about singing…also makes you feel a bit better having a song and takes your mind of other things. If you do get injured while you’re out there, you’ll be left to suffer. This annual guide contains information about the firearm laws of all 50 U.S. states, Canada, and Mexico, and how to prepare, carry and transport your weapons during local, intrastate and interstate travel.

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