scaevola aemula pink

Be first to Write a Review. No other series comes close to the performance of Scalora scaevola. Whirlwind ® Starlight ™ Fan Flower Scaevola aemula. Florel in finished production can significantly delay flowering. Fan Flower. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Find locations near you that offer Proven Winners products. Fan Flower. APNI* Description: Ascending to decumbent perennial herb to 50 cm high, with coarse yellowish hairs on stems. Danziger has much experience in breeding and producing a wide variety of annuals Scaevola… Series: Scaevola aemula Scampi™ Production Seasons: Spring / Summer Customer Use: Landscape / Containers / Mixed Combinations Garden Height: 6 to 10 inches (15 to 25 cm) . Garden Width: 12 to 18 inches (26 to 45 cm) USDA Hardiness Zone: tropical or tender annual. How to Propagate Scaevola Aemula. Danziger has much experience in breeding and producing a wide variety of annuals Scaevola. Scaevola, occasionally called fan flower, is a sun-loving annual that grows 8 to 12 inches tall and produces a non stop show of blue, pink, or white flowers. Scaevola, Topaz Pink Short Description. Die Aussaat ist mehr als nur ein Geduldsspiel und klappt nur in seltenen Fällen. Some of these are invasive weeds, but the Australian species aemula … Scaevola Scaevola . The genus is found right across Southern Australia. Scaevola; aemula; Deep Pink ; Surdiva® Deep Pink. Recent Reviews. Depending on the cultivar, scaevola can range from 8 to 12 inches in height and 2 or more feet long. Details . We guarantee your complete satisfaction or your money back. Create beautiful … More Details. Find out where you fall in the USDA Hardiness Zones database. Versand. Surdiva ist eine der hitzetolerantesten Beetpflanzen am Markt! Please supply a street address for delivery. Botanical name: Scaevola aemula. Add to cart. These are mostly herb and shrub plants native to Australia and New Guinea. Scaevola aemula 'Bombay Pink Imp' Scaevola is a great plant to add to any floral environment. We ship these perennials and annuals in 1 pint pots, except as noted. Scaevola aemula 'Bombay Pink' Scaevola . There are no reviews yet. Year to year we apply the most advanced innovative cultivation techniques to deliver outstanding quality assortments to our customers, from nurseries to greenhouses and all growers. Scaevola aemula. Prefers full sun. Danziger Scaevola aemula Pink Blessing™ is known for it’s early flowering and semi trailing habit. Because scaevola is an Australian native the plants are heat tolerant and have almost no insect or disease problems. This is a hardy easy to grow plant, excellent in containers as well as in the garden. Whirlwind ® Pink Scaevola aemula 'DSCAVPIBLS' USPPAF, Can PBRAF. Botanical classification: Scaevola aemula cultivar Improved Pink Fanfare. Fan Flower. Angelonia angustifolia Angelface® Wedgwood Blue, Ornamental Grass: Pennisetum setaceum 'Sky Rocket'. We ship bulbs as dormant, bare bulbs, sometimes with some wood shavings or moss. Die Fächerblume 'Pink Blessing™' bevorzugt durchlässigen und humosen Boden. Self-cleaning, deadheading not necessary. Add to cart. Thumbnail: Product Flower Feature - Pollinator Friendly. 'Purple Fanfare' … Kindly contact us with two weeks notice, if you'll be away at expected time of delivery. Scaevola … Scaevola aemula Mauve Clusters: Common Names: Fairy Fan Flower, Scaevola Mauve Clusters: Foliage Type: Evergreen: Native: Yes: Plant Type: Perennial: Plant Habit: Mat-forming, Prostrate: Description: Pretty mauve/pink flowering groundcover with green toothed, wedge shaped foliage. Blue. 1. Masses of deep pink flowers on a vigorous ground covering plant are the key features of this relatively long lived fan flower. Scaevola saligna 'Saphira'(s) hat einen polsterbildenden Wuchs und eignet sich damit auch gut für Ampeln. Die Fächerblume 'Pink Blessing™' (Scaevola saligna) präsentiert die ganze Saison über ihre rosafarbenen Blüten. Propagation: Type cutting.—Terminal or stem cuttings. Eine sonnige bis halbschattige Lage ist optimal. Scaevola hybrid Scalora® Suntastic Improved. Even if you’re a seasoned gardener, you may have never heard of fan flower (Scaevola aemula). Scaevola hybrid Scalora® Pearl. Scaevola Fan Flower Info. Scaevola aemula, the fairy fan-flower or common fan-flower, is a small shrub in the family Goodeniaceae, native to southern Australia.It grows to 50 cm in height and produces white or blue flowers in spikes … Scaevola aemula R.Br. It was fabulous and easy to raise. It has spoon-shaped leaves and fan-shaped bluish flowers. Scaevola aemula ‘Aussie Crawl’ – Fan Flower A wonderful hardy ground covering plant to add colour to garden beds and containers for many months of the year. Click here for details. In our ANNUALS catalog, you can find a wide collection of Scaevola aemula. Buy Online. Strong trailing habits are the ideal choice for summer baskets and combos. Contact Pleasant View Gardens today: 603-435-8361 Top Pot Pink was the result of a cross between Scaevola aemula '05P11' (seed parent) with Scaevola aemula '05P61' and was selected in 2006. Home; Plants; Fan Flower, Scaevola; About the Fan Flower, Scaevola. Subscribe to enjoy gardening advice, email offers & more, Keep up with White Flower Farm on Social Media. Whirlwind ® White Fan Flower Scaevola aemula. Common Name: Pink Fan Flower, Pink Fanfare, Pink Fanflower. Too low of temperatures, especially early on, can lead to root rot and dark purple … Scaevola aemula Pink Fanfare. Danziger Scaevola aemula Pink Blessing™ is known for it’s early flowering and semi trailing habit. Strong trailing habits are the ideal choice for summer baskets and combos. White. 2 products Scaevola, Fancy Short Description. 5. Das Must-have der Saison 2020! The Scaevola Bombay Pink produces green foliage and adorns itself with pretty pink fan shaped blooms. Scaevola aemula Whirlwind® Pink. Dark Blue Bombay Scaevola Plant (Fan Flower) Unavailable for 2021 . It … A tough native groundcover plant Scaevola aemula are often called the ‘Purple Fan Flower’ and Fairy Fan Flower. Be sure to use a ge I raised this plant for the first time last year. MwSt. 3,68 € * Felicia amelloides - Kapaster blaue Margerite. Surdiva® Fashion Pink Scaevola Plant (Fan Flower) Price: 7.95 Shipping Spring 2021 - view dates here. The low-spreading or tumbling habit allows their use as a groundcover or planted in containers and window boxes. Growing Scaevola Blue Ribbon. Buy Online. × What State Are You Shipping To? Great in both containers and landscapes and wonderful in combination planters of all kinds. Lots of blooms pouring over the side of the pot. Variety or Cultivar 'Topaz Pink' _ 'Topaz Pink' is a tender, trailing, evergreen perennial, often grown as an annual, with spoon-shaped, toothed, dark green leaves and fan-shaped, pink flowers from summer into autumn. Die Fächerblume bevorzugt durchlässigen und humosen Boden. Scaevola, Fan Flowers, Half Flowers, Fairy Fan Flower Scaevola aemula skee-VO-luh EM-yoo-luh. Scaevola aemula 'Bombay Pink' Scaevola . Fan Flower, Scaevola About the Fan Flower, Scaevola Petite, fan-shaped flowers in periwinkle blue, pale pink and white with a yellow eye that are prolific bloomers in summer heat over a well branched, … $24.95. Thumbnail: Product Flower Feature - Heat Lover. Whirlwind ® Pink Fan Flower Scaevola aemula. Truly breakthrough breeding has not only the best blues that growers expect, but remarkable pink, white, yellow and bicolor varieties too. Scaevola makes an excellent container plant and serves equally well for bedding or along the edge of a mixed border. Masses of flowers from Spring through Summer. Time to initiate roots.—About nine days at 21° C. Sepals basally fused, triangular, to 0.5 mm long, ciliate. Fairy fan flower 'Topaz Pink', Scaevola 'Scalora Topaz Pink', Scaevola aemula 'Topaz Pink', Scaevola 'Wesscaetopi' Genus. A large-flowered pink form of the popular purple fan flower, something a little different for your garden. Add your review. "Angel Wings" container recipe includes Angelface® Cascade Blue angeloina, Supertunia® Really Red petunia, Whirlwind® Blue and Whirlwind® White fan flower. The name comes from the arrangement of the petals in the form of a ‘Fan’, and flowers can be the usual purple, pink or sometimes white. Plants; Know Your Zones. Pink. Native to Australia, this gorgeous sun-lover is a relative newcomer to gardens in the U.S., but it’s catching on … © 2020 Proven Winners North America LLC. Diamond Scaevola Plant (Fan Flower) Unavailable for 2021 . 1 Review. Sign Up! Scaevola aemula ist eine kleine Diva, wenn es um das Thema „Vermehrung“ geht. Blaue Fächerblume, Scaevola aemula – Pflege und Überwintern. We ship our bulbs and plants at the right time for planting in your area, except as noted, with orders dispatched on a first-come, first-served basis by climate zone. Others cannot travel bareroot or transplant best if grown in containers. Since 1950 we have been providing a wide range of perennials, annuals, bulbs, shrubs, vines, amaryllis, gardening tools & supplies, and gifts for gardeners. Late B-Nine sprays will reduce flower size. Garden origin . Suntastic Scaevola Plant (Fan Flower) Price: 7.95 Shipping Spring 2021 - view dates here. Flowers in spikes to 24 cm long; bracts leaf-like but smaller; bracteoles lanceolate, 4.5–7 mm long. Shrubs, Roses, vines, and other woody plants may be shipped bareroot or in pots. Scaevola aemula Whirlwind® Pink. This species grows to about 80cm high and it suckers. The 'Whirlwind' series is a vigorous grower, and will spread to fill in gaps in your containers or borders. Because scaevola is an Australian native the … Shipping Details Shipment begins in late March 2021, depending on your zone. Scaevola aemula Scampi® by gfbadmin; May 22, 2016; Pink. Box 50, Route 63 ~ Litchfield, Connecticut 06759 ~ 1-800-503-9624 Scaevola hybrid Scalora® Mix. Scaevola Grower Tips: Bombay Scaevola likes high light and warm temperatures. Known botanically as Scaevola aemula, fan flower is in the Goodeniaceae family. Details . is the correct and accepted name for this species of Fan Flower. I raised this plant for the first time last year. Scaevola aemula R.Br. $23.99. Perennial in Zones 9-10. Scaevola Blue Ribbon provides terrific spring and summer colour as a mixed container item or in a hanging basket. 2. Fairy Fan-flower. Scaevola aemula ‘Aussie Crawl’ A wonderful hardy ground covering plant to add colour to garden beds and containers for many months of the year. The 1 inch wide fan-shaped flowers appear in mass from spring through summer with pink petal lobes and yellow throats. Plants make a pretty floral carpet alongside a sunny walkway, too. It is a sprawling evergreen perennial with ascending and/or procumbent stems. Scaevola (skee-VO-luh) Species: aemula (EM-yoo-luh) Cultivar: Topaz Pink: Additional cultivar information: (PP19729, Westflowers® Series, aka Wesscaetopi) Hybridized : by Heinrich-Westhoff: … Description: A down under wonder that thrives through extreme heat. The size of the plants we ship has been selected to reduce the shock of transplanting. We also offer gardening advice and how-to information to gardeners throughout the United States. No matter what color you choose, the fans or petals sport a bright yellow-and-white center in asymmetrical blooms that cover the plant throughout the growing season. Grow in full sun or partial shade and plant in average garden soil or in a well-drained potting mix in containers. Mit ihren raffiniert gefächerten Blüten in angesagtem Lilablau kommt Blauröckchen diese Saison ganz groß raus! Whirlwind ® Pink Fan Flower Scaevola aemula. Leider ist sie absolut nicht winterhart. Its high versatility makes it a wise choice for potted combinations or garden ground coverage. Large spreading plants, constantly covered with hundreds of dainty, fan-shaped flowers. Peak flowering times are spring and again in summer and autumn, with spot flowers at other times, with a profusion of blue-mauve fan shaped flowers. Find out where you fall in the USDA Hardiness Zones database. They also bloom tirelessly through summer heat, even in the humidity of the Deep South. Vigorous, well-branched plants are loaded with color that is simply impervious to the heat that summer can bring. No matter what color you choose, the fans or petals sport a bright yellow-and-white center in asymmetrical … The leaves are 10 to 50 mm long, oval or wedge shaped and sometimes toothed. The widely known common name is Fairy Fan-flower, which pertains to the small size of the S. aemula … Whirlwind® Pink Fan Flower is a fine choice for the garden, but it is also a good selection for planting in outdoor containers and hanging baskets. The widely known common name is Fairy Fan-flower, which pertains to the small size of the S. aemula plants. Scaevola aemula, commonly called fan flower or fairy fan flower, is native to Australia. Even if you’re a seasoned gardener, you may have never heard of fan flower (Scaevola aemula). Blue. Ideal for containers with plenty of large, deep-pink flowers. Scaevola aemula fan flower, scaevola. White Flower Farm is a family-owned mail-order nursery located in northwestern Connecticut. Der kompakte, gut verzweigte Aufbau ist in kleinen Töpfen als auch in Ampeln gut zu steuern. Scaevola hybrid ToppoT Blue. Scaevola Seeds. Scaevola aemula R.Br.. Scaevola aemula is a member of the family Goodenaceae. Ihre Blätter sind eiförmig. Scaevola, occasionally called fan flower, is a sun-loving annual that grows 8 to 12 inches tall and produces a non stop show of blue, pink, or white flowers. For more information on growing Scaevola, click on Growing Guide. Male parent.—Scaevola aemula cultivar Pink Perfection, not patented. White Bombay Scaevola … We invite you to browse our website, and to join our email list for special offers and useful gardening tips. Grows 15-20cm high. Whorls of mid-pink blooms on heat and drought resistant plants. A stunning pink-flowered cultivar ‘Pink Perfection’ is now grown with great success. P.O. Whirlwind® Pink produces whorls of soft pink flowers accented by darker pink rays that add sparkle to containers and borders. Sort By: Go. Scaevola aemula skay-VO-lah EYE-mew-lah Audio This heat and drought tolerant plant is an evergreen perennial, often grown as an annual. Scaevola Grower Tips: Bombay Scaevola likes high light and warm temperatures. Is no exception flowering and semi trailing habit ( Fan Flower elongated and! And regular fertilization of plants in pots will help ensure the best possible performance what color you,. In our annuals catalog, you may have never heard of Fan Flower freely branching growth habit and flowers! Scaevola Grower Tips: Bombay Scaevola likes high light and warm temperatures mid-pink blooms on heat and drought plants! Guarantee your complete satisfaction or your money back the 'Whirlwind ' series is a good solution for a area... Farm is a member of the S. aemula plants Carl von Linnaeus in the Hardiness. 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