Thanks for the suggestion. Comment ajouter resizer pour textarea dans IE?

inherit: the element inherits the resize value of its parent.

You could use the matTextareaAutosize property inside of your textarea element. copy lib/* or npm install --save resize-polyfill; apply Reverse engineering to demo.html :-) React integration. Getting rid of the padding seems to fix the issue on FF but not IE 10. How to use it. link to CanIUse.

Note: The resize property does not apply to inline elements or to block elements where overflow="visible". I still can't resize the textarea in IE10. Note that Firefox does not dispatch events on disabled elements.

$('textarea').each(function { autosize(this); }).on('autosize:resized', function { console.log('textarea height updated'); }); autosize:update: Dispatch this event on a textarea element as an alternative to using the autosize.update method. The transition of the box also not working inside of FF22. CSS Resize Polyfill. The resize property controls if and how an element can be resized by the user by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner of the element. The