I’m adding a disk to an ubuntu machine and creating a new partition which uses the whole disk. (parted) print Error: /dev/sdb: unrecognised disk label. that is "not properly aligned for best performance". Type 'help' to view a list of commands. Like this: (parted) mkpart LVM ext4 0 -1. so that parted automatically moved the actual logical partition start. 解决parted分区时The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance报警 12-15 106 只是个警告,但是事关性能的问题,还是仔细看一下吧。从网上查到的信息是,由于在分区时起始扇区设置不合理,导致了出现这样的警告。 如何设定这个起始扇区的位置呢,可以看以下几个文件的值: Regardless what's on the drive already (in my case, its completely empty), Parted syntax allows an approach, where you create a partition using the maximum allowed capacity from start 0, to end -1. Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance. Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance. Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance. GNU Parted 2.2 Using /dev/sdb Welcome to GNU Parted!

of the extended partition cannot be used by the logical partition. While creating a partition using parted utility, it reports that new partition is misaligned and this may result in very poor performance: (parted) mkpart primary 128 1048575 Warning: You requested a partition from 128s to 1048575s. Found this post again, did the maths and had to go all the way up to 65535s to get optimal alignment on my Samsung T5 SSD. (The unit s part is critical; without that part, parted will show you partition start and end points rounded to MiB, GiB, or some other value, which is not precise enough for determining proper alignment.) by only 512 bytes which results an actual logical partition start point. Today I was lazy and tried out a number of obvious values (1024s, 2048s, … up to 8 MiB) and kept getting “Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance.” from parted. That is 32MiB! The closest location we can manage is 128s to 1048542s.