The tar command can extract the resulting archives, too.

In that case, the CF-Auto-Root for download here may no longer work - flashing or booting might fail.

The first step to interacting with a Cloud Foundry instance, also called a target, is to log in. The tar command on Linux is often used to create .tar.gz or .tgz archive files, also called “tarballs.” This command has a large number of options, but you just need to remember a few letters to quickly create archives with tar. Nach dem Einlegen der CF-Karte sollten dann neue Meldungen wie diese hier erscheinen: Nov 25 06:36:10 transpoldo kernel: [58904.010195] sd 2:0:0:1: [sdc] 7847280 512-byte hardware sectors (4018 MB) Nov 25 06:36:10 transpoldo kernel: [58904.016240] sd 2:0:0:1: [sdc] Write Protect is off Nov 25 06:36:10 transpoldo kernel: [58904.026204] sd 2:0:0:1: [sdc] 7847280 512-byte hardware sectors …

You are logging into an API endpoint, using this syntax: cf login api.cloudfoundry.system.domain. Ubuntu 20.04 bringt auch immer aktualisierte Software mit, vom Kernel bis zu Firefox oder LibreOffice In unserer ausführlichen CHIP-News zu Ubuntu 20.04 erfahren Sie alle Änderungen und Neuerungen.

It is too much work for me to keep track of all these firmwares, so if you encounter this issue, it is up to you to submit the recovery.img file from the latest firmware for your device to the CF-Auto-Root thread on cf --help displays the main help menu, and you can get help on specific commands with cf [command name] --help, for example: $ cf login --help Logging In.