jQuery 2.0 was released, and is a major release, more than previous ones. It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for.

With jQuery there is a better way to do this: let the WordPress jQuery load first, then load your desired version in the footer or right before it's needed, load jQuery UI or any other plugins you want to use with the different version and do: This is where you can … Ich hätte wohl erwähnen sollen, dass ich gerade dabei bin, WordPress etwas zu beschnuppern, damit herumzuspielen um festzustellen, ob ich damit was brauchbares z’sammbring (priv.Website). If you have questions or problems, feel free to write an entry at the jQuery Colorbox WordPress.org forum. Welcome to the official home of the WordPress documentation team. Perhaps searching can help. jQuery(document).ready( function($){ //Some event will trigger the ajax call, you can push whatever data to the server, simply passing it to the "data" object in ajax call The jQuery Validation Plugin lets you implement form validation instantly with many customization options. Arabic (ar) by Modar Soos; Belorussian (be_BY) Marcis G. 記事: ループ - WordPress ループ内でのクエリの使い方に関する基本的な概要。 記事: クエリ概要 - どのクエリが WordPress を生成するのかが決定される方法についての説明。 WP Responsive Jquery Slider one of the best ways to display lots of information in a relatively small space while adding cool functionality to a web page. Personally, I think it'd be best to add it alongside jQuery … the 2.0 branch removes support for IE8 and down.

This team is responsible for coordinating all documentation initiatives around WordPress, including the Codex (moving to HelpHub and DevHub), handbooks, parts of developer. For more information visit the FAQ. × Ich kann weder php noch css und bei htm reichts grad für rudimentäre Anpassungen.

Localization. You can found many ways to perform client-side validation in HTML form, but jQuery Validation Plugin is the easiest way to validate a form. The jQuery plugin is completely free and totally open source, and there is literally no better way to make your website look … WordPress custom loop; An In-Depth Guide to Conquering WP_Query; 関連項目 記事. Go to the plugin page for demo pages. wordpress.org WordPress.org The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. jQuery Colorbox can also open linked content (external as well as inline) in a Lightbox/Colorbox.