use really in a sentence

That time which we really improve, or which is improvable, is neither past, present, nor future. You really think Fitzgerald chased Billy down the mountain, huh? She trusted him without question and yet, there was more to him than she really knew. She is really cute. asked Pierre. I really like the look of wood - especially when it looks this graceful. Sometimes it really seems as if the task which we have set ourselves were more than we can accomplish; but at other times I enjoy my work more than I can say. Basic Definition of Adjectives. I, uh, did something really awful Saturday night, and the whole world has gone insane. It's really hot there. This was a decision she had already made once - but not really. It seemed to Prince Andrew that the officer's remark was just and that really no answer could be made to it. Tom bought a really expensive, well-made pair of shoes. I really am intelligent. Children come a-berrying, railroad men taking a Sunday morning walk in clean shirts, fishermen and hunters, poets and philosophers; in short, all honest pilgrims, who came out to the woods for freedom's sake, and really left the village behind, I was ready to greet with--"Welcome, Englishmen! Many of the sentences have audio, too. "You really aren't supposed to be here," Gabriel chided, knowing it was useless. Someone once remarked that feelings are real and legitimate, and that children behave and misbehave for a reason even if adults cannot figure it out. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words. Do you really believe in ghosts? "Yes, yes, that is really true," Pierre hastily interrupted her. I really don't know what sort of girl she is; I can't analyze her at all. "You really have no idea how special you are, do you?" It was only yesterday that I realized what she really meant. Only first 15 results shown. CM 1 1324400 Get real. Let’s put that another way. said Nicholas with some unintentional superciliousness, as if ashamed to confess that the sounds pleased him very much. But is energy really scarce—or is it like air? 3. Princess Mary really was disconcerted and red patches came on her face when they went in. "I really believe they are all here," said one. I made a really bad mistake and I don't know what to do. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Am I going to tell the world Lizzie Borden really did it? The soldiers returned home to a tumultuous welcome from their friends and family. Sentence with the word Really. Its warm touch seemed so like a human caress, I really thought it was a sentient being, capable of loving and protecting me. You will find that you probably really did want a pogo stick. She sipped her drink, surprised to find it really was her favorite, a pumpkin spice latte. That's just what I said to him, put in Nicholas, who fancied he really had said it. It was really interesting. But it really is no different than me thinking it is my birthright to be able to have freedom of speech. Absent one of those gizmos to see around corners or a newspaper with a hole in it to held high like all the really cool spies do, Dean tried the direct approach. "Not that I doubt you, but um, I really don't think so," she said. : Considering the opportunities we have all been given, are we really putting our lives to best use? It's really hard to deal with all the bad stuff sometimes. Over time, Amazon has achieved such scale and thus has collected so much data that their suggestions are really useful. I can't believe this is really happening. This man seemed to me to lean over the cornice, and timidly whisper his half truth to the rude occupants who really knew it better than he. Opinions vary widely; no one really knows. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples "Is he really to be my husband, this stranger who is so kind--yes, kind, that is the chief thing," thought Princess Mary; and fear, which she had seldom experienced, came upon her. He looked asleep, but he was really dead. " This was a really good day. " I really think it will. Please continue with your story. What really affects the federal and state governments is the issue of inheritance, money, property, and any other legalities involved. He adored Sofia, that much was obvious, even if he wasn't really sure where—or who—he was most of the time. Only the really heartless, the stupid ones of that household, and the little children failed to understand this and avoided her. Life got real weird, real fast. What I really want to know is why Jule is of any interest to you at all. If you didn't take care of everything, I couldn't do anything. "Oh, it is really too late," said Count Orlov, looking at the camp. That's how I found out you really did love Gabe, even though you um …" "Crushed his will to live," Toby finished. Something was really wrong in Europe, and he needed to figure out what, before the European front was overrun by vamps. "I really don't have anything to do but pack," the words spilled out excitedly, "and call Connie so she'll know where I am.". He had access to his part much earlier than I did, so he was able to make some investments that really paid off. I suppose that, by analogy with the common use of 'very full' to mean 'very nearly full', one could argue that 'really ready' means 'ready in every way'. If you listen really hard to what his body tells you, you can save him. We were really good together, he and I... not just that way; I could talk to him. Oh, I really did not mean to hurt her feelings. He really was in love with the Tsar and the glory of the Russian arms and the hope of future triumph. I realized booze wasn't the recommended wash-down with my pain medication but I wasn't driving any farm equipment and I really needed a stiff drink. But all that adventure can really make a person tired. He was always hearing such words as: "With your remarkable kindness," or, "With your excellent heart," "You are yourself so honorable Count," or, "Were he as clever as you," and so on, till he began sincerely to believe in his own exceptional kindness and extraordinary intelligence, the more so as in the depth of his heart it had always seemed to him that he really was very kind and intelligent. only, as you can't be 'really ready', just 'ready' (or not). Then he called his wisest men together and asked them, "Is it really true that the first people in the world were Egyptians?". I'm not telling it right; no, you don't understand, though he encouraged her by saying that he did understand, and he really had understood all she wanted to say. Pronunciations. And if he was invis'ble, and the bears invis'ble, who knows that they really ate him up? Here are 13 fantastic examples of sentences with "is this really". And that she doesn't really want either of us? Non-count (or uncountable nouns) are nouns that do not have a plural form. And getting lost down here would be really stupid. After a few minutes more, you decide this really isn't the suit for you. "Do you really kill five people a day to feed?" "It's getting light, it's really getting light!" "Brandon seemed really close to his brother Ralph," she said as she snapped the fresh green beans. Served in a low-key atmosphere and by friendly staff, the cuisine really is superb. "Now who could decide whether he is really cleverer than all the others?" Examples of really in a sentence, how to use it. You cannot count non-count nouns. In the evening, when Prince Andrew went to him and, trying to rouse him, began to tell him of the young Count Kamensky's campaign, the old prince began unexpectedly to talk about Princess Mary, blaming her for her superstitions and her dislike of Mademoiselle Bourienne, who, he said, was the only person really attached to him. (impressed, amazed, delighted, thrilled) " This food is really delicious. " Is this situation really preferable from a business standpoint? There are many meanings of better. 2. (good, bad, awful, great) " She is a really remarkable teacher. " After his interview with Pierre in Moscow, Prince Andrew went to Petersburg, on business as he told his family, but really to meet Anatole Kuragin whom he felt it necessary to encounter. You've really got a case on him, haven't you? And yet really the anxiety is greater now than the joy. 100 examples: Moreover, the morphisms between such datatypes are really 'computed' by the… Tie your shoes, so you don't trip on your laces. " Now some really big names tell me to back off but it's my hen house where all you fox are playing. It kinda hurt getting killed, and it really sucks not being able to eat food. (delicious, disgusting, sweet, cold, hot) " I'm really okay. " You start to wonder why the author or speaker would even use these words in a sentence and whether or not it makes perfect sense. I'd really like to know why he did that sort of thing. Outsourcing a job to get it done more cheaply or building a machine to do it more cheaply is really the same. We had a really good time. Would he really accept her once she told him she sacrificed an innocent human to the Dark One? All I really wanted was the land in the first place, and they approached me about settling. I would say it was a rough lesson in history when the kings of my time learned that killing a woman with the intent to bring her back as your servant doesn't really work as they'd planned, he explained. It really did hurt to think that Darkyn outright tested others and they failed when it came to her. Or maybe, like he really had loved her through the millennia they were together. One can really say it's a wonderful voice! During this three-year period, conveniently named by the Chinese "The Three Years of Natural Disasters," no one really knows how many people died; estimates range from fifteen million to a high of more than forty-five million. It was really cheap. "I could really use some brandy right now," Deidre propped her forehead on her hand. One of the best ways to enhance your vocabulary is … You're really off on yourself, aren't you? Security found it difficult to … After the Emperor had left Moscow, life flowed on there in its usual course, and its course was so very usual that it was difficult to remember the recent days of patriotic elation and ardor, hard to believe that Russia was really in danger and that the members of the English Club were also sons of the Fatherland ready to sacrifice everything for it. The sentence is hopelessly clunky for two main reasons: first, "really" in this context means "in actual fact", but the similar-meaning "in fact" also appears earlier in the sentence, so there's a double dose of it; second, reference to the original speaker stuck in the middle of a comparative phrase sounds crummy. she asked herself, and passed in review all those whom Pierre most respected. Word Forms. Really definition is - in reality : actually. Use really in a sentence, really meaning?, really definition, how to use really in a sentence, use really in a sentence with examples It truly is a sad state of affairs when a word, doing perfectly fine on its own for the past few centuries, is spun by some “news event” or “social explosion” into a term that is, more often than not, unrelated to its original meaning. I don't really know, but I think I answered one of the first calls they made. He's normally really loud and stupid about what he's doing. "Are we really quite lost, your excellency?" Really!") Dessert is where the menu really shines, as you can choose among house specialty fondues such as bananas foster or cookies and cream dream. Should he go to headquarters next day and challenge that affected adjutant, or really let the matter drop, was the question that worried him all the way. If you have really worked up an appetite, an all-you-can-eat dinner buffet is available. Well, I guess it's alright but I really don't know much. I am feeling better after taking a nap. They don't really worry about whether playing polo or building orphanages or any other chosen pursuit can pay the bills, because they don't need it to pay the bills. Death … you used to take care of the really old angels, and Gabe visited the little ones all the time. (okay, serious) " We were all really thankful. " asked Princess Mary, looking into Pierre's kindly face and still thinking of her own sorrow. He asked, "Whose company?" They were really interested in my photographs Lesson by Tristan, teacher at ECMalta English school Choose between actually or really for the following: 1. Ripeness is All Jesse Roarke I really saw little of him as, whenever he called at the house, he came to see one or the other of my daughters, or both. Though cases like these are not really how the science will be used, they illustrate the principle. But only what was really good in him was reflected in his wife, all that was not quite good was rejected. You get really pissed off applying for jobs all the time. Somebody else—actually, a lot of somebody elses—worked really hard for a long time to build the United States and its freedoms. Definitions. And when saying this she herself fancied she had really seen what she described. Listing things; I really wanted cereal this morning, but I didn’t have any milk. He liked trying to get a rise out of her, and he really did want to know where they stood in her mind and whether or not he had to worry about her running off to make more deals with Darkyn. However, even if this problem were solved perfectly, it doesn't really end ignorance. Since rice is relied upon by so much of the world's poor, efforts here really can save lives. First, many things in the physical world that we think of as scarce are not really scarce, just presently beyond our ability to capture. No, Mary, really this dress does not suit you. The scents were real enough and made her real ize she hadn't eaten all day. What did you really think when you found out Alex was a Mexican? He really wasn't so bad, when compared to here. Examples of i really in a sentence: 1. Ever have like a secret you can't tell your best friend but you really, really want to? But was it really not possible for Kutuzov to state his views plainly to the Emperor? I'm just really proud to be a Dallas Maverick. Yes, it really is Bezukhov in a coachman's coat, with a queer-looking old boy. More emphatic They really weren’t interested in my photographs. "We don't really know how that will work out," Ileana said. "But joking apart," said Prince Andrew, "do you really think the campaign is over?". Perhaps I spoil her, but really that seems the best plan. Verb They weren’t really interested in my photographs. Their daughter is a real beauty who is always surrounded by boys. Given all this, do you really believe this disease still has a chance? "You may need them, some time," he said, "and there is really no use in my manufacturing these things unless somebody uses them. The sensations whipped through him, reminding him how human he really was. I worked with him for two years before I discovered who he really was. Deidre, I really am happy that you're okay. Don't get me wrong; I'm not condoning what we did but there were others who were much worse; sicko guys who really hurt their victims; sometimes killed them. I really must go home... business... said Pierre hurriedly. - Example Sentences for real use the word real in a sentence Instead, she was working hard to convince herself she really did want to walk away. When a person learns to do one job and specializes in that one job, she gets really good at it. but he really meant, "Are you frightened here?" Sentences. But now one answers from far woods in a strain made really melodious by distance--Hoo hoo hoo, hoorer hoo; and indeed for the most part it suggested only pleasing associations, whether heard by day or night, summer or winter. I tried to tell you what I did was really bad. But it must not be supposed that I could really talk in this short time. Soon he really shut his eyes and fell asleep. He really did feel affection for her, if he was jealous. At a Ramada Inn, only he wasn't really there; just the address he gave. Pierre, you can sleep with whomever you want, really. She feared seeing them happy again, knowing she really was nothing more than a disposable stand-in until they were able to be together again. He's apparently really interested in meeting you. "There really is nothing I can do this time," he said. Carmen, I don't think you really want in the middle of this. No, really, have you anything against me? For the better part of an hour, he was whining away his time. 2. Some said the report that the Emperor was wounded was correct, others that it was not, and explained the false rumor that had spread by the fact that the Emperor's carriage had really galloped from the field of battle with the pale and terrified Ober-Hofmarschal Count Tolstoy, who had ridden out to the battlefield with others in the Emperor's suite. There were too many things she'd wanted to do before dying; now that someone might kill her, she realized how unready she really was. Bear in mind, though, that they both literally mean broadly the same thing (ie in truth) though they are used as intensifiers. If you can really see the future, you could've prevented all of this! (experienced, witnessed, observed) " It did not actually happen that way. 1. in accordance with truth or fact or reality 2. in actual fact 3. in fact (used as intensifiers or sentence modifiers) 4. used as intensifiers; `real' is sometimes used informally for `really'; `rattling' is informal. "No really, my dear, this dress is not pretty," said Lise, looking sideways at Princess Mary from a little distance. "My dear, really... it's better not to wake him... he's asleep," said the princess in a tone of entreaty. I can't believe I am really going to meet the princess. Another way to put it is that an adjective is a word that describes a noun. How to use really in a sentence. Finally, Lydia said, "I told your wife I was going to ask you," then added, "I really underestimated that woman.". There aren't many of us, and we're all over the world, but we're really close-knit. "He really doesn't like being called Charlie," Sofi echoed. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Example sentences: " She was unhappy, so she left her husband. " If only I were to hand the letter direct to him and tell him all... could they really arrest me for my civilian clothes? "Now I'm really humiliated," she said, borrowing her head in the pillow. actually” can be used interchangeable with the word “really” in some cases "You really can read minds," she whispered, stricken. In hindsight, she really didn't know any of them. He really didn't want her to lose the spark of life he'd found as appealing as her body. How to use really in a sentence. "Sofia, I really think you should call this guy," he said, looking her in the eye. Find Words. "That's going to look really cute, Seymour," Dean said. You really want me to see Darkyn, don't you? she asked, a streak of raw fear going through her. 210. She found herself poking the new teeth with her tongue to confirm they really were there. Was he really worth her attention on what may be the last day of her life? "Maybe she was smart enough to give him false information," I said, not really believing it. Yes, in really ready, 'really' is probably exerting pragmatic influence ("I am ready to get married! I hate to ask, but it's really important. (Better part— greater than half) 2. For instance, if you have a Facebook friend Abigail in Albania whom you only met once at a rock-paper-scissors competition years ago, you will generally regard Abigail's first-hand account as authoritative, even though you don't really know Abigail all that well. Old man looks at Howie like puss on a pudding and Howie does need! Them less than anyone, and they approached me about settling who, 30 else—actually a. Was more than the man on the street was all true, Lori really! Really terrible jobs the shadow world green beans small woman gazing up at him not that I was really at... In all these activities can really try she said in disbelief n't take care of everything, 'm... Of wood - especially when it looks this graceful parents, with a ragged laugh queer-looking old.! With her tongue to confirm they really ate him up is that an is! 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