Description: This Blur Image script lets you easily blur an image by varying intensities, either instantly or gradually.It uses the excellent StackBoxBlur script to power the effect, and works in all major browsers that support HTML5`s canvas element. That sounds simple, but it isn’t. If you use the blur method for the active element, then it loses the active state (and of course the focus, too), and fires the onblur event. Actions that invoke the onblur event: In that case, the body element becomes the active element. Demonstrates how to handle the window's `focus` and `blur` events. Executes JavaScript whenever a user moves with the mouse the focus away from an element within a form. Use the focus events to determine when to prepare an object to receive or validate input from the user. In other words, whenever a person first clicks an element, and then clicks anywhere outside of it. - focus() method focuses on the element of a window. Note: the onbeforedeactivate, ondeactivate, onfocusout and DOMFocusOut events are also fired. The blur method has no effect on an element that is not the active element in the document. In other words, the blur event occurs when an element loses focus. focus() method in JavaScript is used to specify the element to be focused in current window. focus() In JavaScript. Hi! Javascript hi.. i am trying to Hide a DIV when it loses focus/blur using JavaScript.But gives reverse effect.i am calling function on onmouseover and also onmousemove events of div, set diaplay property to none.but on mouseover it hide.i want to hide a div on focus loss using javascript … I'm heaving problems with popup window blur, basically i want popup window to stay under main window for my users. focus() In JavaScript. focus Fires when a focusable element gains the focus blur Fires when a focusable element loses the focus focusin and focusout Fire at the same time as focus and blur, but bubble.

focus() method focuses on the element of a window. In this section we will read about how to specify the focusing location on a window. The jQuery blur() method lets you bind an event handler to the JavaScript blur event, or directly trigger the event on an element at your discretion. The focus and blur events keep track of the elements the user focuses on. The blur event is sent to a DOM (Document Object Model) element when it loses focus.